RACE2: To which of these groups do you consider you belong?
RACPREJ: Is there prejudice against minority ethnic communities in N Ireland?
RACPREJM: Is there more racial prejudice in N Ireland than 5 years ago?
RACPREJF: Do you think there will be more, less or about the same amount of racial prejudice in Northern Ireland in 5 years time compared with now?
RACOWNKD: In relation to colour and ethnicity, do you prefer to stick with people of your own kind?
TRAVRES2: Would you accept Irish Travellers living in a house as a resident in your local area?
TRAVCOLL: Would you accept an Irish Traveller as a colleague?
TRAVPAL: Would you accept an Irish Traveller as a close friend?
TRAVREL: Would you accept an Irish Traveller as a relative by marriage?
EETOUR: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a tourist visiting Northern Ireland?
EERNI: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a resident of Northern Ireland living and working here?
EERES: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a resident in your local area?
EECOLL: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a colleague?
EEPAL: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a close friend?
EEREL: Would you accept an Eastern European person as a relative by marriage?
MEGTOURA: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as tourists in N Ireland?
MEGRNIA: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a resident of Northern Ireland living and working here?
MEGRESA: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a resident in your local area?
MEGCOLLA: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a colleague?
MEGPALA: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a close friend?
MEGRELA: Would you accept someone from other ethnic groups as a relative by marriage?
MUSTOUR2: Would you accept a Muslim as a tourist visiting Northern Ireland?
MUSRNI2: Would you accept a Muslim as a resident of Northern Ireland living and working here?
MUSRES2: Would you accept a Muslim as a resident in your local area?
MUSCOLL2: Would you accept a Muslim as a colleague?
MUSPAL2: Would you accept a Muslim as a close friend?
MUSREL2: Would you accept a Muslim as a relative by marriage?
MEGPAL1: Do any of your friends come from the Black (African, Caribbean) community/background?
MEGPAL2: Do any of your friends come from the Chinese community/background?
MEGPAL3: Do any of your friends come from the South Asian (Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi) community/background?
MEGPAL4: Do any of your friends come from the Irish Traveller community/background?
MEGPAL5: Do any of your friends come from the Portuguese community/background?
MEGPAL11: Do any of your friends come from the Polish community/background?
MEGPAL13: Do any of your friends come from a Bulgarian community/background?
MEGPAL14: Do any of your friends come from the Romanian background?
MEGPAL15: Do any of your friends come from another Eastern European background?
MEGPAL7: Do any of your friends come from the Filipino community/background?
MEGPAL8: Do any of your friends come from other minority ethnic communities/backgrounds?
ITCONT: How often do you come into direct contact with Irish Travellers?
EECONT: How often do you come into direct contact with Eastern Europeans?
OMEGCONT: How often do you come into direct contact with other minority ethnic groups, for example, Chinese or Asian?
MUSCONT: How often do you come into direct contact with Muslims?
MEGCONT2: Type of contact with group you have most contact with.
UPREJMEG: Are you prejudiced against people of minority ethnic communities?
PREJACT2: Can you avoid displaying prejdiced behaviour towards minority ethnic people?
SYRIAREF: Should people from Syria be allowed to come to Northern Ireland?
NIMEC1: Are minority ethnic communities less respected in N Ireland than they once were?
NIMEC2: Do you know quite a bit about the culture of some minority ethnic communities living in N Ireland?
NIMEC3: Is the culture of Irish Travellers is more respected by people in N Ireland than it once was?
MECGOV: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as school governors?
MECPOL: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as politicians?
MECBUSNS: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as prominent business people?
MECFAITH: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as leaders within their churches or faith communities?
MECMEDIA: How much do minority ethnic communities participate as commentators in the media?
ORGMEC: Should organisations and leaders in public life encourage minority ethnic communities to participate in public life?
FACACCES: Should more be done to make sure that services and facilities like schools and libraries are accessible to people from minority ethnic communities?
RACNEEDS2: How important is it to you that public bodies take into account the needs of minority ethnic communities?
JOKECCOL: Did you ever make jokes about others because of their colour or ethnic origin when you were a child?
JOKEACOL: Did you ever make jokes about others because of their colour or ethnic origin as an adult?
FNAMECOL: Have any of your friends called someone names because of their colour or ethnic origin?
UNAMECOL: Have you ever called someone names to their face because of their colour or ethnic origin?
AVOIDMEG: Have you ever deliberately avoided contact with someone from a minority ethnic or different country to your own?
CLDAVOID: Have you ever made your child avoid contact with a child from a minority ethnic or different country to your own?
DROGIT: Have you ever used slang or derogatory names to refer to Irish Travellers?
TOLDOFF: Have you ever told somebody else off for saying or doing something racist?
NTSTOPPED: Have you ever seen or heard someone being racist and not done anything?