Is there anyone living with you whom you look after?
Do you provide regular service/help for someone not living with you?
NUMHOME: How many people living with you do you look after or
NUMSEP: How many people not living with you do you look after
or help?
CAREWHO: Who do you provide care for?
CARESEX: Gender of person that respondent cares for.
CAREAGE: Age of person that respondent cares for.
CARELIVE: Do you live with the person you provide care for?
CAREOAGE: Do you provide care to someone due to old age or frailty?
CAREPDIS: Do you provide care to someone with a physical disability?
CAREPILL: Do you provide care to someone with a physical illness?
CARELDIS: Do you provide care to someone with a learning disability?
CAREMILL: Do you provide care to someone with a mental illness?
CAREDEM: Do you provide care to someone with dementia?
CAREHOUR: How many hours per day do you provide care?
CAREDAYS: On how many days per week do you provide care?
DOCARE1: Do you help with personal care to the person you provide
care for?
DOCARE2: Do you give physical help to the person you provide care
DOCARE3: Do you give help up/down staires to the person you provide
care for?
DOCARE4: Do you give help with paperwork to the person you provide
care for?
DOCARE5: Do you give practical help to the person you provide
care for?
DOCARE6: Do you give other practical help to the person you provide
care for?
DOCARE7: Do you give companionship to the person you provide care
DOCARE8: Do you take the person you provide care for out?
DOCARE9: Do you give medicine to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE10: Do you give supervision to the person you provide care
DOCARE11: Do you give other help to the person you provide care
MAINHELP: Which one of these things takes up most of the time
you spend caring?
HELPMON: How long have you been caring for or helping?
CAREPRES: How often do you feel under pressure because of your
caring responsibilities?
CAREHAPP: How often does your caring role make you feel happy
that you are able to help someone?
CARERSNT: How often do you feel resentment because of your caring
CAREBACK: How often do you feel a sense that you are giving something
A module of
questions on social
care for older people was also included in 2010
NILT Homepage
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