Thursday March 13, 2025

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2004

Module: Political Attitudes
This page lists the questions asked within the Political Attitudes module in 2004. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Political Attitudes can be found on the Political Attitudes Resources page.

NIPARTY: Which Northern Ireland political party would you support?

UNINATID: Do you think of yourself as a unionist, a nationalist or neither?

UNINATST: Are you a very strong unionist/nationalist?

NIRELAND: What do you think the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be?

FUTURE1: How would you feel if the majority of people in Northern Ireland ever voted to become part of a united Ireland?

FUTURE2: How would you feel if the majority of people in Northern Ireland never voted to become part of a united Ireland?

HRDTCOMM: Have you heard of any other Truth Commissions anywhere else in the world?

TCWHERE: In what countries have you heard about Truth Commissions?

IMPNITC: How important is it that Northern Ireland should have a Truth Commission?

TCOMM1: Would having a Truth Commission help clear the air about the past conflict?

TCOMM2: Would you get the truth from a Truth Commission?

TCOMM3: Would a Truth Commission help give a clean start to N Ireland's political future?

TCOMM4: Are there more important things to spend public money on than a Truth Commission?

TCOMM5: Would a Truth Commission help make N Ireland a more peaceful and less divided society in years to come?

TCOMM6: Are there better ways to deal with the past than with a Truth Commission?

TCOMM7: Would a Truth Commission be just an excuse to attack the government?

TCAIM1: If there was to be a Truth Commission, what should be its most important aim?

TCAIM2: And what should be a Truth Commission's next most important aim?

TCRUNBG: Should the British Government be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNNIA: Should the N Ireland Assembly be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNIG: Should the Irish Government be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNVG: Should be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNUN: Should international organisations like the United Nations be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNLO: Should loyalist organisations be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNRO: Should republican organisations be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNJUD: Should judges be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNCH: Should the churches be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNCG: Should community groups be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNOP: Should ordinary people be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

TCRUNNON: Should none of these be trusted to run a Truth Commission?

B4TCRO: Should republican organisations be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCLO: Should loyalist organisations be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCBG: Should the British Government be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCIG: Should the Irish government be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCARMY: Should the army be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCPSNI: Should the police be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCPOL: Should politicians from Northern Ireland be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCJUDG: Should judges be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCJOUR: Should journalists be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCCH: Should the churches be called before the Truth Commission?

B4TCALL: Should all of these groups be called before the Truth Commission?

TCAMNSTY: Should there be an amnesty for anyone who gives evidence to a Truth Commission?

TCQINJ: Should people injured in the conflict be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQREL: Should relatives of people killed or injured in the conflict be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQEXP: Should ex prisoners be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQPPO: Should police or prison officers be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQARMY: Should army personnel be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQLO: Should representatives of Loyalist organisations be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQRO: Should representatives of Republican organisations be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQHRO: Should Human Rights organisations be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQVG: Should victims' groups be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQANY: Should anyone with unanswered questions about the conflict be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCQALL: Should all of these groups be invited to bring questions to a Truth Commission?

TCHOPE1: Do you hope a Truth Commission would get apologies from those who did wrong?

TCHOPE2: Do you hope a Truth Commission would clean up any institutions shown to be corrup

TCHOPE3: Do you hope a Truth Commission would get criminal convictions for those who did wrong?

TCHOPE5: Do you hope a Truth Commission would uncover the truth?

TCHOPE4: Do you hope a Truth Commission would State institutions more accountable?

TCHOPE6: Do you hope a Truth Commission would get healing for victims?

TCHOPE7: Do you hope a Truth Commission would promote peace and reconciliation?

TCHOPEAL: Do you have all of these hopes about a Truth Commission?

TCHOPENO: Do you have no hopes about a Truth Commission?

TCFEAR1: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would allow the guilty to go free?

TCFEAR2: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would be one-sided?

TCFEAR3: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would cause more damage than good?

TCFEAR4: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would undermine faith in our existing institutions?

TCFEAR5: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would create greater tension?

TCFEAR6: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would start people fighting again?

TCFEAR7: Do you fear that a Truth Commission would be a waste of money?

TCFEARAL: Do you have all of these fears about a Truth Commission?

TCFEARNO: Do you have no fears about a Truth Commission?

TCPUBLIC: How necessary is it that the Truth Commission should be held in public?

TCTRAVEL: How necessary is it that members of the Truth Commission should travel around and talk to people in the community?

TCDECIDE: How necessary is it that ordinary people should get to decide who runs the Truth Commission?

TCAPPEAR: How necessary is it for the Truth Commission to have powers like a court so that people would have to appear before it?

TCIND: How necessary is it that the Truth Commission should be an outside body independent from anyone involved in the conflict?

MOREPUBI: How important are more Public Inquiries?

PUBAPOL: How important are public apologies from those who did wrong?

MOREPOLI: How important are more Police Investigations and prosecutions?

STORIES: How important is a process for people to tell their stories?

MEMVICT2: How important are memorials or centres of remembrance?

SUPPVICT: How important is support for victims?

MORECOMP: How important is more compensation?

TERMPAST: How important are initiatives within communities to help people come to terms with the past?

POLTEAM: Should there be a special team within the police to investigate all unsolved killings during the conflict?

RESPCONF: Who do you think was primarily responsible for the conflict?

VTROUBLE: Overall do you consider yourself to have been a victim of the troubles?

FAMINJ: Were any of your family or close relatives killed or injured because of the violence?

ELSEINJ: Did you know anyone (not family or relatives) who was killed or injured in the violence?

VVIOLENT: Were you a victim of any conflict-related violent incidents?

VALLKILL: Should all people who were killed or injured as a result of the conflict be seen as victims?

VABEREAV: Should all people who were bereaved as a result of the conflict should be treated equally?

WEALTH1: Do ordinary working people get their fair share of the nation's wealth?

RICHLAW: Is there one law for the rich and one for the poor?

TRADVALS: Is there a need for strong trade unions to protect employees' working conditions and wages?

PRENTBST: Is private enterprise the best way to solve Northern Ireland's economic problems?

PUBOWNST: Should major public services and industries be in state ownership?

GOVJOB: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a job for everyone who wants one?

NCDIFF: Should the government reduce differences in income?

GOVNOSAY: Do people have no say in what the government does?

GOVCOMP: Can politics and government seem so complicated that a person cannot understand what is going on?

PTYNTMT: Do things go on much the same whatever party is in power?

VOTEONLY: Is voting the only way people can have any say about how the government runs things?

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