Is it the government's
responsibility to reduce differences in income?
NIPRIOR1: Northern Ireland's highest priority.
NIPRIOR2: Northern Ireland's next highest priority.
SCIEBELF: Do we believe too often in science and not in feelings
and faith?
SCIEHARM: Does science do more harm than good?
SCIESOLV: Will science solve environment problems with little
change to our way of life?
FUTENVIR: Do we worry too much about the future of the environment
and not enough about prices and jobs?
HARMEVIR: Does almost everything we do in modern life harm the
HARMVIRW: Do people worry too much about human progress harming
the environment?
ENVIRECG: Does Northern Ireland need economic growth in order
to protect the environment?
MEDTEST2: Is it right to use animals for medical testing if it
might save human lives?
GROWHARM: Does economic growth always harm the environment?
POPGROW: Can the earth continue to support population growth at
its present rate?
NATVIEW: Is nature sacred and spiritual?
PRENVIR: How willing are you to pay much higher prices in order
to protect the environment?
TAXENVIR: How willing would you be to pay much higher taxes in
order to protect the environment?
CUTENVIR: How willing would you be to accept cuts in your standard
of living in order to protect the environment?
ENVIRDIF: Is it too difficult for someone like you to do much
about the environment?
ENVIRRGT: Do you do what is right for the environment, even when
it costs more money or takes more time?
MORIMPEN: Are there more important things to do in life than protect
the environment?
NOPTENV: Is there point in doing what you can for the environment
unless others do the same?
EXAGENV: Are many of the claims about environmental threats exaggerated?
ANTIBIOT: Can antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses?
ORIGMAN: Did human beings develop from earlier species of animals?
CHEMMEAT: Can all man-made chemicals cause cancer if you eat enough
of them?
RADIODIE: If someone is exposed to any amount of radioactivity,
are they certain to die?
GRHSEFF: Is the greenhouse effect caused by a hole in the earth's
GRHSEFF1: Do we contribute to the greenhouse effect every time
we use coal or oil or gas?
CARSPOL1: Is air pollution caused by cars dangerous for the environment?
CARSPOL2: Is air pollution caused by cars dangerous for you and
your family?
INDPOL1: Is air pollution caused by industry dangerous for the
PESTCHE1: Are pesticides and chemicals used in farming dangerous
for the environment?
WATRPOL1: Is pollution of Northern Ireland's rivers, lakes and
streams dangerous for the environment?
GRHSEFF2: Is a rise in the world's temperature caused by the 'greenhouse
effect' dangerous for the environment?
GMCROPS: Is modifying the genes of certain crops dangerous for
the environment?
PROTENVP: Should government let people decide for themselves how
to protect the environment?
PROTENVB: Should government let businesses decide for themselves
how to protect the environment?
CTRYEFEN: Is Northern Ireland doing enough for the environment?
ENVEFF1: Who does more for the environment - business and industry,
or people in general?
ENVEFF2: Who does more for the environment - government or business
and industry?
ENVEFF3: Who does more for the environment - people in general
or government?
INTAGENV: Should there be international agreements for environmental
POORLESS: Should poorer countries be expected to make less effort
to protect the environment?
ECPSLOW: Will economic progress slow down unless we look after
the environment?
NUCACCID: How likely is a nuclear accident causing environmental
POLLINF1: Do business and industry give correct information on
causes of pollution?
POLLINF2: Do environmental groups give correct information on
causes of pollution?
POLLINF3: Do government departments give correct information on
causes of pollution?
POLLINF4: Do newspapers give correct information on causes of
POLLINF5: Do radio or TV programmes give correct information on
causes of pollution?
POLLINF6: Do university research centres give correct information
on causes of pollution?
RECYCLE: How often do you sort glass, tins, plastic or newspapers
for recycling?
LESSDRIV: How often do you cut back on driving a car for environmental
MEMBENV: Are you a member of a group whose main aim is to preserve
or protect the environment?
PETITENV: In the last five years, have you signed a petition about
an environmental issue?
MONEYENV: In the last five years, given money to an environmental
DEMOENV: In the last five years, taken part in a protest or demonstration
about an environmental issue?
GODBELF1: What do you believe about God?
NUCPOWST: How dangerous are nuclear power stations for the environment?
REDISTRB: Should government redistribute income from the better-off
to the less well-off?
FATALIST: Is there little that people can do to change the course
of their lives?
CHALAUTH: Do people challenge authority too often?
ENJMONEY: Should people with money be left to enjoy it?
WRONGLAW: Are there are times when people should follow their
consciences even if it means breaking the law?
CONTPREN: Does private enterprise need to be controlled to protect
everyone's needs?
INEQUAL: Do all societies have inequalities which it is better
not to interfere with?
WORLDBET: Is the world getting better?