How important is coming from a wealthy family?
AHEAD7: How important is knowing the right people?
GETON1: Do people get rewarded for their effort?
GETON2: Do people get rewarded for their intelligence and skills?
Do you have to be corrupt to get to the top?
INEQRICH: Does inequality continue because it benefits the rich
and powerful?
PAYSTUDY: Would no one study unless they expected to earn more
than ordinary workers?
DIFFSNEC: Are large differences in income necessary for Northern
Ireland's prosperity?
INEQJOIN: Does inequality continue because ordinary people don't
join together to get rid of it?
EARNDESV: Do you deserve the amount of money you earn?
JOBPAY6: How much do you think a skilled worker in a factory earns?
JOBPAY2: How much to you think a doctor in general practice earns?
JOBPAY5: How much to you think the chairman of a large national
corporation earns?
JOBPAY13: How much to you think a solicitor earns?
JOBPAY12B: How much to you think a shop assistant earns?
JOBPAY14: How much to you think the owner-manager of a large factory
JOBPAY15: How much to you think an Appeal Court judge earns?
JOBPAY10: How much to you think an unskilled worker in a factory
JOBPAY11: How much to you think a cabinet minister in the UK government
JOBPAYME: How much to you think someone in your occupation earns?
NEVWRK1: Have you never worked?
SHDPAY6: How much do you think a skilled worker in a factory should
SHDPAY2: How much do you think a doctor should earn?
SHDPAY5: How much do you think the chairman of a large national
corporation should earn?
SHDPAY13: How much do you think a solicitor should earn?
SHDPY12B: How much do you think a shop assistant should earn?
SHDPAY14: How much do you think the owner-manager of a large factory
should earn?
SHDPAY15: How much do you think an Appeal Court judge should earn?
SHDPAY10: How much do you think an unskilled worker in a factory?
should earn?
SHDPAY11: How much do you think a cabinet minister in the UK government
should earn?
SHDPAYME: How much do you think someone in your occupation should
INCDIFFS: Are differences in income too large?
INCDIFF: Is it the government's responsibility to reduce differences
in income?
HILOWTAX: Should people with high income pay a larger share of
their income in tax?
DRLDDIF: Are economic differences between rich and poor countries
too large?
HELPPOOR: Should people in wealthy countries make additional tax
contributions to help people in poor countries?
BUYHLTH: Is it right that richer people can buy better health
BUYEDUCN: Is it right that richer people can buy better education?
CONFLIC1: How much conflict is there between poor and rich people?
CONFLIC2: How much conflict is there between the working and middle
CONFLIC4: How much conflict is there between management and workers?
CONFLIC7: How much conflict is there between people at the top
and the bottom of society?
CONFLIC6: How much conflict is there between young and older people?
SOCSCALE: Where would you put yourself on scale?
SOCSCL10: Where did you fit in 10 years ago?
RJOBFJOB: Your job compared to father's job when you were 16.
DPAYRESP: How important in deciding pay is the amount of responsibility?
DPAYEDUC: How important in deciding pay is the time spent in education/training?
DPAYSUPR: How important in deciding pay is whether the job requires
supervising others?
DPAYFAM: How important in deciding pay is what is needed to support
a family?
DPAYCHLD: How important in deciding pay is whether the person
has children to support?
DPAYWELL: How important in deciding pay is how well s/he does
the job?
DPAYHARD: How important in deciding pay is how hard s/he works?
EARNFAIR: Is your pay fair?
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