Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 1999

Module: Social Inequality

This page lists the questions asked within the Social Inequality module in 1999. Clicking on the variable name before each question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Transport can be found on the Social Inequality Resources page. This module was asked as part of the International Social Survey Programme.

AHEAD1: How important is coming from a wealthy family?

AHEAD7: How important is knowing the right people?

GETON1: Do people get rewarded for their effort?

GETON2: Do people get rewarded for their intelligence and skills?

GETON3: Do you have to be corrupt to get to the top?

INEQRICH: Does inequality continue because it benefits the rich and powerful?

PAYSTUDY: Would no one study unless they expected to earn more than ordinary workers?

DIFFSNEC: Are large differences in income necessary for Northern Ireland's prosperity?

INEQJOIN: Does inequality continue because ordinary people don't join together to get rid of it?

EARNDESV: Do you deserve the amount of money you earn?

JOBPAY6: How much do you think a skilled worker in a factory earns?

JOBPAY2: How much to you think a doctor in general practice earns?

JOBPAY5: How much to you think the chairman of a large national corporation earns?

JOBPAY13: How much to you think a solicitor earns?

JOBPAY12B: How much to you think a shop assistant earns?

JOBPAY14: How much to you think the owner-manager of a large factory earns?

JOBPAY15: How much to you think an Appeal Court judge earns?

JOBPAY10: How much to you think an unskilled worker in a factory earns?

JOBPAY11: How much to you think a cabinet minister in the UK government earns?

JOBPAYME: How much to you think someone in your occupation earns?

NEVWRK1: Have you never worked?

SHDPAY6: How much do you think a skilled worker in a factory should earn?

SHDPAY2: How much do you think a doctor should earn?

SHDPAY5: How much do you think the chairman of a large national corporation should earn?

SHDPAY13: How much do you think a solicitor should earn?

SHDPY12B: How much do you think a shop assistant should earn?

SHDPAY14: How much do you think the owner-manager of a large factory should earn?

SHDPAY15: How much do you think an Appeal Court judge should earn?

SHDPAY10: How much do you think an unskilled worker in a factory? should earn?

SHDPAY11: How much do you think a cabinet minister in the UK government should earn?

SHDPAYME: How much do you think someone in your occupation should earn?

INCDIFFS: Are differences in income too large?

INCDIFF: Is it the government's responsibility to reduce differences in income?

HILOWTAX: Should people with high income pay a larger share of their income in tax?

DRLDDIF: Are economic differences between rich and poor countries too large?

HELPPOOR: Should people in wealthy countries make additional tax contributions to help people in poor countries?

BUYHLTH: Is it right that richer people can buy better health care?

BUYEDUCN: Is it right that richer people can buy better education?

CONFLIC1: How much conflict is there between poor and rich people?

CONFLIC2: How much conflict is there between the working and middle classes?

CONFLIC4: How much conflict is there between management and workers?

CONFLIC7: How much conflict is there between people at the top and the bottom of society?

CONFLIC6: How much conflict is there between young and older people?

SOCSCALE: Where would you put yourself on scale?

SOCSCL10: Where did you fit in 10 years ago?

RJOBFJOB: Your job compared to father's job when you were 16.

DPAYRESP: How important in deciding pay is the amount of responsibility?

DPAYEDUC: How important in deciding pay is the time spent in education/training?

DPAYSUPR: How important in deciding pay is whether the job requires supervising others?

DPAYFAM: How important in deciding pay is what is needed to support a family?

DPAYCHLD: How important in deciding pay is whether the person has children to support?

DPAYWELL: How important in deciding pay is how well s/he does the job?

DPAYHARD: How important in deciding pay is how hard s/he works?

EARNFAIR: Is your pay fair?

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