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    Module: Shared Education
    Year: 2024

      SEDUC: Have you taken part in Shared Education?

      SEFUT: Would you like to be involved in Shared Education?

      SEDONE: What things did you do iin Shared Education?

      SEDIS1: How much did you like or dislike sharing classes?

      SEDIS2: How much did you like or dislike doing projects together?

      SEDIS3: How much did you like or dislike sharing sports facilities and computers or equipment?

      SEDIS4: How much did you like or dislike being taught by different teachers?

      SEDIS5: How much did you like or dislike travelling to a different school?

      SEDIS6: How much did you like or dislike learning new things with pupils from another school?

      SEDIS7: How much did you like or dislike doing classes we normally don't get to do at our school?

      SEDIS8: How much did you like or dislike making new friends?

      SEDIS9: How much did you like or dislike being with children who are a different religion to you?

      SEDIS10: How much did you like or dislike being with children who have a different skin colour or who speak a different language than you?

      SEDIS11: How much did you like or dislike being with children who are richer or poorer than you?

      SERESP: Are you better able to respect the views of others since taking part in Shared Education?

      SEFNDS: How many close friends have you made with children who are a different religion to you in the other school(s)?

      SEPDMU: Did you have lessons on Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) as part of Shared Education?

      SEFEEL: How did you feel about sharing classes, projects or equipment with other schools?

      SHPRIM: Would you mind doing a project with a primary school near this school?

      SHSNEEDS: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from a school for children with special educational needs or disabilities?

      SHSEC: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from a secondary school?

      SHDIFREL: Would you mind doing a project with a school where most of the children were a different religion to you?

      SHDIFSC: Would you mind doing a project with a school where most of the children are richer or poorer than you?

      SHDIFMEC: Would you mind doing a project with a school where most of the children have a different skin colour or speak a different language than you?

      SHLIKE1: Would you like your school to be part of a Shared Education Campus?

      SEFAC: If your school was on a Shared Education Campus, which of the following should it have?

      SHLIKE: If you were in a shared campus school would you like it or not?

      CREDREL: As a result of being involved in CRED activities has your attitude changed towards people with different religious beliefs?

      CREDMEC: As a result of being involved in CRED activities has your attitude changed towards people who have a different skin colour or speak a different language to you?

      CREDAGE: As a result of being involved in CRED activities has your attitude changed towards people of different ages (older and younger people/children)?

      CREDGEND: As a result of being involved in CRED activities has your attitude changed towards girls and boys?

      CREDDIS: As a result of being involved in CRED activities has your attitude changed towards people with a disability and those without a disability?

      CREDPOL: As a result of being involved in CRED activities has your attitude changed towards people with different political opinions?

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