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    Module: Background
    Year: 2024

      RSEX: Sex of Respondent

      PLACELIV: How would you describe the place where you live?

      LONGILL: Do you have a long-term disability, illness or medical condition?

      LONGILL1: What disability or medical condition do you have?

      LIVEWITH: Which of your parents do you live with?

      OWNROOM: Do you have your own bedroom for yourself?

      NUMBATH: How many bathrooms are there in the home where you normally live?

      FAMCAR: Does your family own a car, van or truck?

      NUMCOMP: How many computers does your family own?

      ABROAD: How many times did you and your family go abroad on holiday last year?

      FAMDISH: Does your family have a dishwasher at home?

      FASSCALE: Family Affluence Scales

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