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    Module: Sport
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the question asked in the Sport module in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

      SPTIMES: How many times during a normal week would you spend at least 60 minutes a day playing sport or doing some physical activity?

      SPENJPE: How much do you enjoy PE classes in school?

      SPENJORG: How much do you enjoy sport outside school?

      SPENJOUT: How much do you enjoy outdoor adventure activities?

      SPFIT: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to be fit and healthy, how important is this to you?

      SPSKILLS: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to gain new skills, how important is this to you?

      SPFUN: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to have fun and meet friends, how important is this to you?

      SPCOMP: Some people take part in sports or physical activity to compete with others, how important is this to you?

      SPIDOL: Do you have any sports idols?

      SPTUIT: Have you ever received any tuition or coaching other than in PE lessons?

      SPPHLTH: How much do you think sport or physical activity help to improve your physical health?

      SPMHLTH: How much do you think sport or physical activity help to improve your mental and emotional health?

      SPORTDO1: In a normal week would you walk or cycle to school?

      SPORTDO2: In a normal week would you do PE in school?

      SPORTDO3: In a normal week would you take part in sports a sports club, organised activities in a gym or outdoor activities outside school?

      SPPREV1: What prevents you from taking part in sport? Not enough time.

      SPPREV2: What prevents you from taking part in sport? Poor health or a disability.

      SPPREV3: What prevents you from taking part in sport? I do not have anyone to go with.

      SPPREV4: What prevents you from taking part in sport? I do not know where I can do the activities I want to do.

      SPENCG1: Have your family ever encouraged or inspired you to take part in sports?

      SPENCG2: Has a teacher ever encouraged or inspired you to take part in sports?

      SPENCG3: Have your friends ever encouraged or inspired you to take part in sports?

      SPENCG4: Has a famous person ever encouraged or inspired you to take part in sports?

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