SEDUC: Have you got together with pupils from another school to share classes, facilities or do projects?
SEPROJ1: Have you ever had classes with pupils from other schools? [Results from previous years see SECLASS]
SEPROJ2: Have you ever done projects with pupils from other schools? [Results from previous years see SEPROJ]
SEPROJ3: Have you ever used or shared sports facilities or equipment, like computers with pupils from other schools? [Results from previous years see SEEQUIP]
SEPROJ4: Other than sharing classes, projects or facilities have you done anything else with pupils from other schools?
SETRAV1: When you shared classes, projects or facilities we went to the other school
SETRAV2: When we shared classes, projects or facilities the other pupils came to our school
SETRAV3: When we shared classes, projects or facilities we were not in school
SERELBG: Were the pupils from the other schools a different religion to you?
SEENCLSS: I enjoyed having classes with other schools
SEENPROJ: I enjoyed doing projects with other schools
SEENEQIP: I enjoyed sharing equipment and facilities with other schools
PROJFUT: I would enjoy doing projects with other schools
CLASSFUT: I would enjoy having classes with other schools
EQUIPFUT: I would enjoy sharing equipment and facilities with other schools
SELIK1: How much would you like or not like getting different teachers?
SELIK2: How much would you like or not like travelling to a different school?
SELIK3: How much would you like doing classes you do not normally do at your school?
SELIK4: How much would you like or not like sharing sports facilities and computers or equipment?
SELIK5: How much would you like or not like making new friends?
SELIK6: How much would you like or not like being with children who are a different religion?
SELIK7: How much would you like or not like being with children who have a different skin colour or speak a different language?
SHBOYS: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from an all-boys school?
SHGIRLS: Would you mind doing a project with pupils from an all-girls school?
SHPRIM: Would you mind doing a project with a primary school near you?
SHSNEEDS: Would you mind doing a project with a school for children with special needs or disabilities?
SHSEC: Would you mind doing a project with a secondary school for older children?
SHDIFREL: Would you mind doing a project with a school where most of the children are a different religion to you?
SHSCAMP1: If your school was part of a single building shared campus do you think there should be one school entrance?
SHSCAMP2: If your school was part of a single building shared campus do you think there should be shared sports hall/dining room?
SHSCAMP3: If your school was part of a single building shared campus do you think pupils should share the same bus to/from school?
SHSCAMP4: If your school was part of a single building shared campus do you think there should be one school uniform?
SHLIKE: If you were in a shared campus school do you think you would like it or not?
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