Peer Reviewed Publications
A listing of peer reviewed publications by the ARK team.
(2017) Shared future – shared values? Taking stock of the peace process in Northern Ireland: teenagers’ perspectives, Cultural Trends, 26 (3), 216-232.
(2017) Review of Neoliberalising Old Age, Ageing and Society, 3 (4), 874-875.
(2017) Reciprocal Reading: A training programme for teachers aimed at improving reading skills of pupils, ISRCTN Trial Registry
(2017) Protocol: A feasibility study and a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of the PAX ‘Good Behaviour Game’ in disadvantaged schools, International Journal of Educational Research, 86 78-86.
(2017) Measuring children’s enjoyment of their participation rights in school and community: a rights-based approach, Children & Society, 31 (2), 120-133.
(2017) Lost in translation? The challenges of measuring informal care among children and young people, International Journal of Care and Caring, 3 (1), 388-406.
(2017) Living a fairy tale: the educational experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming youth in Northern Ireland, Child Care in Practice, 23 (3), 292-304.
(2017) Devolution: The Social, Political and Policy Implications of Brexit for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, Journal of Social Policy, 46 (4), 765-782.
(2017) Autism awareness in children and young people: surveys of two populations, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64 (8), 766–777.
(2017) (Re)examining the relationship between children’s subjective wellbeing and their perceptions of participation rights, Child Indicators Research, 10 591-608.