Holidays - Days out - Activities
Because my mother is a single parent
Not sure
Nice things
School trips, treats, holidays
Prefer not to answer
Expensive birthdays sometimes
Going out with mates for takeaways. As many clothes. As many Showers at home, heating at home.
Outings, day trips, takeout meals
Going on trips, holidays, to the cinema, going out for meals etc
Food, clothes.
Holidays, days out
Things we don't need
Changing cars and going on a lot of holidays.
Stuff like getting electronics fixed
Pocket money
A window replacement - a nice holiday - new clothes
Holidays and trips
Food, transport, gas and electricity
A new phone
Family holidays abroad
Going on holidays and when Christmas comes up I barely see my parents due to them working
Going to the restaurants and entertainment places regularly!
Holidays and that sort of stuff that we don't necessarily need to have
Trips out, sporting events which I normally compete in.
i don't really know but like some things
Change of car, holiday, repairs to house
Luxury items
A new boiler
A lot of clothes, random things that we may want, being able to balance all costs for electricity and heating, for example, due to rising in price and we have to save more so we still have enough money to buy essentials, or to plan things for the future
Holidays, Trips away, Eating out in restaurants
New electronics - holidays
Special treats like going out for dinner every once and a while etc
Days out, meals out, sometimes things like haircuts or things we would consider treats.
Clothes, money for nights out,
New clothes, holidays, latest phones
Holidays and family days out
Holidays abroad - A car - Electric - Heating oil
Name brand cereal
New phones or high technology like laptops. Also expensive things like bags and some expensive brands of clothes
Holidays, Daytrips, Going out for meals & gatherings, certain shopping products, house renovations.
Holidays eg Spain, France
Holidays and other unnecessary luxuries
Holidays and treats
Holidays and going out for dinner
A holiday this year (we are saving for a wedding)
Food, heating (gas/oil), electricity, holidays
Holiday - Technological devices - Window fixing
School trips and holidays
Holidays, expensive items, etc
Subscriptions, expensive items such as new TV, stuff like that. It's not needed but we aren't exactly interested on wasting money on stuff like that.
We have money but just I think we are more careful about saving it I am not sure though
I think my family could use a vacation since they never had one, also I wish I could attend sports and fun days, but always money comes first :)
Holidays, going out, diesel/petrol, proper meals and after school activities that cost money.
Holidays/trips - High end technology - Eating out
Eating out
Holidays, furniture, home property damages
special outings gifts little things like takeaways going out on family stuff and more snacks in the house, heating
Treats like trips out to places for example the cinema
Holidays and some household appliances
New clothes, outings, going out with friends
Clothing excluding underwear/socks, new electronics, subscription services, more expensive food items, music lessons
Family holiday
Treats - Horse and dog accessories - Things we want but do not intentionally need
Things like driving lessons, Uni, etc. I'm looking into jobs and making money off of my art and stuff though, so hopefully it'll work out.
Big holidays, expensive clothes and trainers
Holidays sometimes food and activities
Holidays, PlayStation games, eating out, school trips
Holidays - -furniture - -treats - -fridge -
Holidays, Advanced education, Cars and other small miscellaneous expenditures like sweets.
Electric home heating
Fancy car
Expensive holidays to places needing planes to get to - eating out excessively over the holidays
Expensive clothes and shoes
Family holidays
A laptop for school works and assignments and for more clothes.
Holiday, car service, treats
New shoes new clothes or holidays
New phones - Clothes etc
New car
Holidays, going out for meals,
Holidays or trips
New car, holidays abroad
Treats and things to make u happy
Holidays and treats
Electric, food, heating
Holidays or family trips
Extra things like new clothes
We do have to watch our money. It’s not that there is not enough, it’s just what to use to money on is an important thing to weight up before spending it on something special
Holidays, new and clothes regularly, days out as a family, fuel
Going out AS a family
Things that aren't essential, essential things are bought first without question eg food, clothes and even bus money to get to and from school, then if money is left over it is put towards other things that are of importance
New phones, holiday this year, decorate mum’s room, get garden done up, pay for all the formal stuff I want or for mum to buy stuff she wants sometimes
Non-essential items
Latest electronics
Holiday every year
Holidays - new clothes - going out to eat
My dad has money but my mum wouldn't have that much, we wouldn't go on exotic holidays. Last time we flew was 2015 maybe but going to France this year. Used to budget a lot more than now so it’s a small bit less of a worry
Foreign holidays
Electric , petrol , heating
Days out with family, some treats for family
Foreign holiday
Holidays etc
Other items that aren't essential
Not enough for multiple school trips like other pupils. -
Big holidays abroad
New technology e.g. more smartphones, consoles, etc. -Â -
A helicopter - A yacht - Castle - A big freddo
Holidays and home heating - kennels for dog when on holiday - tuition for GCSE's
More than 1 holiday
Holidays, expensive games or devices etc
Holidays abroad
Expensive gifts and expensive clothes
Holidays to foreign countries.
Not had a holiday for 5 years as bills too expensive
Holidays, filling up the car
Hanging out with my friends and holidays
Going in Holidays is a struggle getting flights and everything paid for.Going out for food as a family or shopping
Very expensive items that I don't expect to be bought
Expensive wants
Outings - New clothes or gadgetsÂ
Birthdays and presents
Expensive items
There's not enough money for holidays, or enough money for new kitchen items etc
Diesel, sports equipment, school dinners, clothes, makeup
Holidays to other countries.
At the minute with the cost-of-living crisis and inflation, holidays abroad, the latest gadgets and phones.
Holidays abroad
Holidays and more
House renovations and big family holidays
Holidays, trips
A good car, - Public transport (previously daily)
Like luxury things
Studying away from home. Told wont now be able to do that. Parents can't afford it
My family
Going to the Bahamas
Clothes, fuel and house bills such as electricity and heating
Food, hygiene products
Visiting family due to the cost of fuel -
Treats, holidays, brand name clothing, electricity, gas, groceries
Being able to get oil to heat the house, can’t afford family holidays, childcare is too expensive to be full time, sometimes it’s hard to afford basic items like milk and bread
Holidays and trips
New electronics, new home, higher-end clothes
Holidays, going out for dinners, new phones
For entertainment
Millennium falcon lego set
Treats, sometimes electric, if somethings broken we can't fix it, as much food as we used to get
Holiday or meals out
New electrical items and expensive clothing
Holidays or big presents
Expensive clothing and accessories
Sweet treats and other stuff
Holidays, new car
Game consoles, new cars etc
Only "special" things, like holidays abroad and occasional treats- such as certain types of food and snacks- that we had more frequently a couple of years ago.
A big holiday
Days out
No holiday
Clothes and holidays etc.
Holidays, presents
Going out together as a family and sometimes the bills
New technological devices - Concerts - New hobbies (equipment Involved) - Certain holidays  -
Trips out to dinner/the cinema, bowling etc.
New clothes sometimes food
Takeaways, new games, going out for dinner, going on holiday/trips
Special things
Pocket money / sometimes electric
Since I live in poverty I have never had the luxury to go on holiday, I have to work part time to earn pocket money so I can go out with friends, we can't have takeaways more than once a week, I don't have the same luxury as some of my middle class friends to know I will be bought a car when I turn 17 I know the responsibility is on me and I have to work all summer for it.
Holidays and eating out
A brand new car etc
Things like the Wi-Fi bill and other monthly bills
New phones, new branded items that sort of thing
Big treats like holidays
Foreign holidays -
Shoes all the time
A nice holiday
Days out are normally cheap and rare, there's not always money for my allowance I get £7-£10 a week, depending if I'm at school that week or not we need to go to Dublin for three days in June, and we've had to cut down on some things to save up for it.
Holidays, cars, branded items
Holidays, special treats at home
Going abroad
Expensive trips and holidays
Holidays, and getting spoilt. Just money to make sure we are content
Foreign holidays
Trips like going out for a meal or bowling
Nothing specific. Everything is more expensive so some unnecessary things aren't bought.
Out of country holidays, expensive presents and gadgets etc.
Days out
Holidays abroad we usually take.
Holidays and loads of new stuff
Holidays and day outs
Hurling Sticks
Holidays, eating out, home repair, new electronics
Things such as holidays or vacations that kind of "Big" and I like expensive clothing so maybe that as well I guess.
We have never been on holiday together - We don't own loads of clothes or shoes we mostly get that stuff from charity shops
Special expensive items
Holidays. Expensive things
Treats like holidays or things we would like such as books etc
Holidays, days out, new carpet and things in the house
Eating out/ holidays/ expensive clothesÂ
Expensive luxuries
Holidays abroad
New technology
Mortgage, but we're managing from what I hear
New tv
Holiday /Leisure ,Videogames.
Holidays, going out for dinner
Extras e.g going out for dinner
Thankfully my mummy is able to afford the basics clothes rent food heating electric so there is enough money but I think other should be getting help with paying bills and rent
Big expensive holidays, really expensive cars
Holidays, my own room, decorating the house.
Holidays, trips, technology products that are new, restaurants,
Like house renovations, not that house needs it. There is just no real money in the budget for big things that we don't need
Gifts, Family activities
New phones and new technology, room decorations/ new furniture etc.
Clothes , big food shops, having days out as it all goes on the - Mortgage
Holiday abroad, new technology, lots of days out (cinema, restaurants), expensive clothes, luxuries such as expensive presents or extra money
Long showers or ever using the heating
Going on holidays - Going out for meals - Disability aids -
Take ways meals, we used to get take out once a week, now we get it once a fortnight. - I get sports clothes only on birthdays & Christmas. Holidays - home or abroad -
Treats, new games, less expensive shoes and clothes, less holidays. no eating out.
The latest phones, shoes or clothes
Meals out - holidays -
New expensive luxuries
Some clothes - Some foods - Some tablets or iPad for family who needs upgrade
Holidays or new expensive games consoles/computers etc.
Well obviously expensive stuff but i don't really need anything dear anyway
Gifts, repairing of house electrics
Makeup or jewellery that might be around a tenner, if you want it you buy it with your own money kind of attitude. But it wasn't always like that sometimes you would get the odd 5 pounds or ten pounds here or there as a treat.
Family holidays extra food extra heating
Going out on day trips or on holiday abroad
Holidays every year
Frequent holidays
Holidays or an expensive phone
New Clothes/shoes - Holidays - More expensive food - lifts home from school because of fuel costsÂ
Many holidays or new cars
Consistent holidays
Going out places with friends and going out to eat
Buying groceries all the time -
My own bedroom
New shoes
New technology items
New clothes
New electronics or unnecessary items eg toys games etc
Holidays and eating out together as a family
Holidays abroad, overly expensive gadgets etc.
Just more expensive things in general eg iphones etc
New Car, Â Holiday
Holidays, nicer clothes
Heat sometimes food
Dunno we just don’t go on holidays
No things in particular
A new bedÂ
Holidays - Restaurants
There would be enough money for "small" luxuries although that doesn't mean they will be bought I don't know any off the top of my head but I know we cant afford like a helicopter. The way I see it is we could afford things like expensive clothes maybe but that doesn't mean they need to be bought. We aren't poor we just can’t go out and just start buying things.
Family holidaysÂ
Summer holidays
Often times, electric, basic house supplies, food and heat etc
Holidays and treats
Essential foods, new clothes or replacements - Not enough money for heating or gas
To buy new clothes, snacks, computer science courses
Well if we really want something we end up getting it by saving etc but probably more high class modern stuff
New phones all the time
Holidays, eating out, unnecessary journeys and days out.
Going on holidays every year or going out for dinner
Prices are ridiculous - electric mad
Meals out etc
Holidays - Going out to dinners - Driving many places
Like a new tablet for my little sister or for the car to get fixed when it's broken.
Holidays - all non-necessities
Holidays need to save for that
Maybe if i was to make plans to go out with friends doing activities
Sometimes we can't buy new clothes, or makeup things. I can't go to different towns because we don't have enough money for a bus or taxi
Holidays abroad, new clothes/shoes, going out places like the cinema or for dinner etc.
Anything new
Things like buying unnecessary items such as clothes if they aren't needed
Unnecessary items and things that aren’t essential
Going out as a family
Expensive stuff
Holiday, our house extension, petrol, new furniture
To be honest I'm not really sure. We can't go on expensive holidays outside the EU, that's one thing. I'm usually just told to be cautious of how I spend my money and get what I need not what I want
A holiday, a new family car,
New House
Holidays away from home. Family outings
A new car
Holidays - New clothes
Bigger Holidays
Electronic Devices
Heating, treats
Going out to eat or holidays and things like that
Fresh fruit and vegetables meat sometimes clothes shoes underwear toothpaste deodorant shampoo socks
New clothes or video games
Random stuff
Games consoles new clothes etc
idk moneys a little tight rn with the changes to my dad’s pension and stuff but i don’t really get told that stuff
Heating, electricity, take aways , holidays
Very expensive holidays e.g. cruises but mostly we can afford things
Holidays, day outings, shopping, day trips
Good quality clothes
We have enough money for basic food but not to be getting loads of treats and stuff
Spending money carelessly or not essentially e.g takeouts, shopping at weekends, buying snacks or treats and going out with friends
Luxury Holidays etc
Electric - oil - food
Petrol, electric and food
Going on holidays, going to theme parks
Presents i guess?
Holidays, funding for further education eg drama school and music lessons
Clothes food
Holidays, new cars, home repairs
Golf simulator
Fuel for the car
New car, house etc
Some of the time we can’t pay for electric or gas and rarely get clothes.
Theres not enough money for all of us to go on holiday with my mum’s side but we get the normal things on our birthday or joint presents
We only have enough money for what we need but not we want
Gas and electric
Holidays, outings, going out for meals, cinema, family activities or going out with friends, school trips, replacement tablet, phone bill
New car parts
New school supplies, vegan food to cater for my intolerances
New clothes, extra surprises etc - we got just enough for food, electric and heating
Sometimes food  - We never do family holidays which I don't mind I understand
Food , electric and gas , new clothes
Expensive family holidays
Heating along with clothes and sweets/presents
Petrol so we can drive to appointments more, oil heating
Holidays, shopping for clothes more than once a year, any type of travel, I've been really struggling to keep up with my gym - memberships recently, make up, perfumes - anything over £20 really.
Abroad holiday
Maybe some things we used to get before inflation
Petrol, oil and electricity are very expensive now. We can struggle sometimes and my mum is paid monthly.
Extra things that aren't necessary for living
Holidays, not essential in our lives but everyone likes a holiday.
Holiday, present like Christmas, birthdays
More branded clothes
Eating out and holidays
New clothes
Big holidays
Sweets, electronics and vet bills.
Can't afford to go on holidays, buy Christmas presents & birthday presents
Holidays abroad
Going out with friends, FormalÂ
We spend more on home brand and cheaper alternatives for products rather than big brand goods
New Car, Holidays
Big holidays
Holidays and regular days out
Anything unnecessary like holidays or gifts
Going out, new electronics, shopping often, a lot of electrical and heat used within the house
Holidays and extravagant treats
School trips, birthdays new clothes. Fresh food
Wants that we don't need
Holidays branded clothes
Some essential clothing items
Holiday, expensive days out, sometimes struggle to fill the car with petrol.
Some holidays or to buy a house
Technology for schoolwork
My playstation+ monthly
Trips out - Sweets - Shoes sometimes - Haircuts sometimes
PS4 games
New clothes, new video games, expensive chocolate just unnecessary things
Clothes, electronic goods
Holidays - Electric - Clothes - Diesel
Holidays, school trips
Holidays to warm countries, eating out often
Designer clothes - Designer shoes
Fancy holidays
Things we want but don't need like new clothes
Sometimes we can't afford to get snacks and stuff from the shop which I suppose isn't bad but it can suck
Day trips, school trips, new car, heating, new clothes, meals out, going out with friends
Going out to eat etc.
Things like getting takeaways all the time
Clothes, repairs for appliances (oven, fridge etc)
Excess amounts of clothes, expensive technology
Car, oven , etc
Expensive school trips, getting the dishwasher fixed, sometimes diesel for the car
Trips to fancy places, expensive electronics
My mummy has a hard time paying rent/ gas and electric, so I tend not to ask for much or sometimes nothing.
Holidays - Out for dinner
Family holiday
Expensive gifts/holidays
Holidays to different countries
Holidays abroad
Clothes shoes & Toiletries
Clothes - Treats - Food - After school clubs - Hobbies
Holidays abroad every year, top of the range cars, clothes etc
Treats, as many presents on birthdays than in previous years, going out
For everyone to get phones
Anything unnecessary. Most of the income we get now has to go toward the necessities and it is always almost gone each week or two before we can even think about anything we may want
Holidays or days out
Holidays abroad
Holidays, treats such as sweet snacks, getting new items of clothing often,
Don't go away on holiday as often and not eating out at restaurants as much as we used to. We don't receive as many presents for special occasions.
Extravagant holidays
Games for PlayStation or gaming vouchers
Holidays abroad, eating out at restaurants and costly activities/day trips eg. Mini golf
Trips out all the time
Branded clothes
Snack items, such as crisps or even electronic items like chargers
Holidays, a car
Gaming consoles, tv's mostly electronic items -
For a holiday
Foreign holidays
There isn't enough money to waste on things we don't need.
Nice holiday
Expensive electronics
Maybe food like monthly shopping getting like a 2nd hand car or anything over £100 without talking about it for weeks
One of my parents less financially stable that other and we wouldn't go on holidays or over the top ever with presents or anything
Expensive gadgets and long holidays to name a few
Expensive clothes, holidays and luxuries like that
Holidays, day trips, snacks
For build one hour in Romania
Treats like Xbox purchases, - Takeaway food, - Heating oil - Nice treats in the shopping - Sometimes food for mum
A good food supply and treats and electricity/gas
The unnecessarily expensive things like £300 coats or all the extra equipment that comes with doing a sport
New house, new car, pet
Meals out - fashion - things that are not essential
All money goes to the house and bills taxes etc very little left for spending or for groceries etc
Expensive things
Better car, new technologies e.g Xbox, eating out for dinner, school trips -
Eating at restaurants and some abroad holidays
Holidays, shopping every week, always going out at the weekend
A house, car
Going to another country for a holiday has started to seem unattainable, even without hotel costs. Going to places nearby like Donegal can't even happen. Sometimes it is hard to get food other than the basics, and we can go a week on around a fiver.
Some holidays
Typically, it's more about weighing the upside of buying something, and reducing impulse decisions for quick spendings
To get taxis from work to home and special activities with friends
Meals out and special activities
Holidays, new furniture, or to buy a house
School uniform, holidays, trips away
Special things like large scale holidays abroad
Electronics, eating out
Can't really think of anything major tbh
Foreign holidays
Food, Transport, school dinners
School wear like a blazer since they are overpriced.
Swimming, fixing the car, hotels and dogsitters for going away to competitions, i mostly pay for the hotel now and some swimming fees with my PIP money.
A holiday abroad, new games console, less family trips
Eating out / clothes
Skin care
Holidays, new sports gear etc
Gifts and foreign holidays during the summer
Holidays "once" - new clothes, - technology
Outside activities
Foreign holidays - new car
New clothes or new accessories
Holidays, new car, maybe even university fees i don't really know
Holidays or random dinners out
Expensive clothes, many technological items eg TV or computer
Holidays abroad - Expensive gifts
Heating and electricity
Summer holidays - Presents for birthdays
Holidays - Days away -
Electricity, hobbies, personal everyday items from shops etc
Gifts, petrol, holidays
Certain clothes or foods - expensive stuff
Expensive products
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