Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2017
Module: Volunteering
Variable: MILVOL

If response to EVMILVOL is 'Yes' [Multiple Response Table]

How did you hear about the Millennium Volunteers Programme?

Through school 73
Through youth club/organisation/community group 32
Through friends and/or family 20
Through newspapers or poster campaigns 2
Through social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 11
Other 1

Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes


Results for men and women

Through school 80 33
Through youth club/organisation/community group 33 71
Through friends and/or family 23 29
Through newspapers or poster campaigns * *
Through social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 13 10


Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Through school 68 79 74
Through youth club/organisation/community group 37 24 26
Through friends and/or family 28 6 13
Through newspapers or poster campaigns * * *
Through social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) 13 12 3



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