2017 Module: Shared_Education Variable: DONEWHAT In previous surveys two questions were asked; Have you done Shared Education activities: Yes/No with only those responding Yes answering question on which specific activies had been done. The tables below follow this format. Shared Education encourages schools to work together and partner with other schools where the pupils are from a different religious background, to include both Protestant and Catholic pupils. Such sharing has to take place on a REGULAR AND CONTINUED BASIS over the academic year. It cannot just be a joint Christmas concert or joint sports day. To count as Shared Eduation pupils might, for example, have classes or do projects with pupils from another school, or share computers or sports facilities on a regular basis. Have you ever done any of the following things? [Multiple Response Table]
Go to results for men
and women, and people of different religions.
Results for people of different religions
ARK 2016 Last Updated on
Wednesday, 13-Jun-2018 10:55