Year: 2017
Module: Education
Variable: BULLHAPP

If response to BULLSPK is Yes.
Did anything happen as a result of telling this person about the bullying that was happening to you?

Yes, the school took action which stopped the bullying completely24
Yes, the school took action which stopped the bullying in school but not outside school4
Yes, the school took action but it did not stop the bullying12
As far as I know the school did not take any action28
Something else32


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women

* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.
Graphs not available for this table.
Yes, the school took action which stopped the bullying completely * *
Yes, the school took action which stopped the bullying in school but not outside school 0 *
Yes, the school took action but it did not stop the bullying * *
As far as i know the school did not take any action * *
Something else * *



Results for people of different religions

* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.
Graphs not available for this table.
 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Yes, the school took action which stopped the bullying completely * 0 *
Yes, the school took action which stopped the bullying in school but not outside school 0 0 *
Yes, the school took action but it did not stop the bullying * * *
As far as i know the school did not take any action * * *
Something else * * *



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