Year: 2016
Module: Sport
Variable: SPPREV


Which of the following reasons prevent you from taking part in sports and physical activity more often? [MULTIPLE RESPONSE TABLE]

Not enough time 65
Poor health or a disability 8
I don't have anyone I can go with 27
Difficulty in getting there/lack of transport 26
The costs involved 26
Concerns about my safety 3
I don't know where I can do the activity I want to do 17
Some other reason 10
Northing prevents me 12


Go to results for young men and women, and young people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for young men and women

  Male Female
Not enough time 54 73
Poor health or a disability 8 7
I don't have anyone I can go with 21 31
Difficulty in getting there/lack of transport 24 29
The costs involved 17 33
Concerns about my safety 4 2
I don't know where I can do the activity I want to do 12 21
Some other reason 10 11
Northing prevents me 19 7



Results for young people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
Not enough time 64 70 62
Poor health or a disability 7 6 10
I don't have anyone I can go with 23 27 32
Difficulty in getting there/lack of transport 23 28 30
The costs involved 21 26 34
Concerns about my safety 3 3 3
I don't know where I can do the activity I want to do 12 15 25
Some other reason 10 8 13
Northing prevents me 16 11 8



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