Friday March 14, 2025

Young Life and Times Survey 2016

Module: Education

Year: 2016

This page lists the questions asked in the Education module in 2016. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

SCHHAPP: How happy have you been in school?

SCHSMOKE: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about smoking tobacco?

SCHECIG: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about E-Cigarettes?

SCHALCO: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about drinking alcohol?

SCHDRUGS: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about using illegal drugs?

SCHSOLV: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about using solvents to get high?

SCHLEGHI: Have you ever had any lessons, videos or discussions in school about legal highs?

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