Year: 2016
Module: Community Relations
Variable: RSDEF
are the responses to the open-ended question:
'When you hear the word 'respect' what does it mean to you?' Note: Responses
were only edited for grammatical reasons, if necessary. Square brackets indicate
where editing occurred.
- A feeling of admiration for someone because of their qualities
- A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something dictated by their abilities, qualities and achievements
- A general sense of kindness and acceptance for all people from any background
- A high opinion of someone
- A mutual relationship between two people
- A mutual understanding and relationship which is progressive between people
- A mutual understanding between two people, even if they do not fully agree with each other
- A sense of admiration of the actions or intent of something
- A sense of deep admiration or regard for someone
- A sense of someone valuing you and accepting you for who you are and what you believe.
- A somewhat positive reaction that people have towards each other and acceptance of their views as a person even though you may disagree with some of them
- A way of treating or thinking about someone or something
- A way of treating or thinking about someone or thing. E.g. If you respect your teacher, you admire/treat her well
- Acceptance and tolerance of another's beliefs/thoughts/opinions regardless of age/gender/religion
- Accepting a person or something they do even though you don't agree with it / them.
- Accepting and showing appreciation and gratefulness towards someone or something
- Accepting everyone with no judging or prejudice
- Accepting everyone's own personal views and opinions, treating others how you would like to be treated.
- Accepting opinions of other people. Being mannerly, listening to a person. Looking up to a person
- Accepting other people and treating them as equals
- Accepting other peoples opinions and not judging them. Showing responsibilities for objects
- Accepting other peoples thoughts and views and not criticising them about it
- Accepting other people's view on political and religious stakes.
- Accepting other people's views and opinions even if they don't match my own
- Accepting others are different than yourself and treating them fairly / appreciating others / admiration
- Accepting others for others for who they are and what they believe in despite difference and being kind and inclusive to others
- Accepting others for who they are and things they have done
- Accepting others for who they are and what they believe and appreciating their differences
- Accepting people for who they and keeping an open mind
- Accepting people for who they are and treating them how you’d like to be treated
- Accepting peoples views. Looking up to someone
- Accepting someone for who they are or what they do whether you like it or not
- Accepting someone no matter what their history or background and treating someone with an unbiased opinion. To be fair and not discriminate.
- Accepting the views of others -
- Accepting, understanding and showing compassion to something/someone with a neutral attitude
- Acknowledging and treating others with dignity regardless of whatever background they come from
- Acknowledging and treating someone as they're own person and equal
- Acknowledging and valuing other people regarding their space/views/sexuality/gender/race…
- Acknowledging people and treating them as equals
- Acknowledging people as humans, just like you, no matter their differences.
- Acknowledging someone and appreciating what they do
- Acknowledging someone's worth
- Acknowledging that we all lead different lives we should make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated.
- Acting in an acceptable manner towards other people
- Admiration
- admiration
- Admiration and respect for someone
- Admiration for others abilities
- Admiration for someone or something or having high regard elicited by abilities, qualities or achievement
- Admiration to someone
- Admiration/treating as equals
- Admiring others for their actions and behaviour
- Admiring people and allowing them to be who they want to be
- Admiring someone
- Admiring someone
- Admiring someone or something they do
- Admiring someone through everyday life
- adults obedience understanding
- Ageism towards the young
- Allow others to have opinions, and treat older people well with good manners.
- Allowing others to think and feel how they want and not expressing your opinion on it
- Alot. Respect is hard to earn and easy to lose
- Always have manners and don’t damage other people's belongings
- An admiration of a quality of a person or a person in general
- Appreciate one another
- Appreciating everyone, understanding others
- appreciating others
- Appreciating people's choices and not reacting if you think it is wrong
- Appreciating someone/something
- Appreciating the views and feelings of others
- Appreciation
- Appreciation for other people, regardless of who they are or where they come from
- Appreciation of work and moral beliefs
- Appreciation or honour for an individual or even a place
- Be fair and righteous to one another
- Be kind and generous to everyone, no matter what
- Be mannerly. Treat others with due deference
- Be nice and treat everyone the same, to be kind
- Be nice to people, not even nice but just to think about other people as of yourself and to respect them as in not going out of your way to do to something that has the potential to stir negitive feelings.
- Be nice, kind, showing you care
- Be respectful to your elders, places
- Behaving appropriately towards others and their property
- Being a decent human being
- Being able to accept an opinion which is opposite to yours
- Being able to listen and not go behind my mummy's back when she asks me to do something
- Being civil to other people
- Being compassionate to people
- Being considerate to other people their rights or having a high opinion of someone based on their qualities, abilities or achievements
- Being considerate towards others choices and views
- Being courteous to other people and listening to their ideas
- Being courteous to others and not being cross, rude or unpleasant
- being equally friednly and nice to everyone, having respect for one another
- Being kind and considerate to others
- Being kind and obeying your elders
- Being kind and polite to other people, wanting to do the right thing and offering the person in question help if they ask.
- Being kind to all, treating everyone fairly and not harassing anyone
- Being kind to be people and treating them as equals
- Being kind to everyone and treating them equally, the way they deserve to be treated.
- Being kind to other people
- Being kind to others and not discriminate against them
- Being kind to others and treating them as you would like to be treated
- Being kind to others, treating others as you would want to be treated yourself
- Being kind to others, valuing who they are, not judging people about colour, sexuality etc.
- Being kind to people and their ways and not judging them on it
- Being kind to someone
- being listened to
- Being loyal, good manners, helping others
- Being nice to everyone no matter who they are
- being nice to other people
- Being nice to people
- Being nice to people and accepting who they are
- Being nice to people regardless of who they are
- Being nice, listening and obeying those who are older than you or who are different than you
- Being nice, loyal and always giving the treatment deserved
- Being polite and having good manners towards a person, not being rude to people because they are different than you
- Being polite and not blindly disagreeing with someone because they don't have the same opinion
- Being polite and responsible
- Being polite and understanding to the people around you
- Being polite to everyone around me, letting everyone join in no matter how different they may be
- Being polite to others. Recognising authority and following it
- Being respectful towards others, how you speak and treat them
- Being sensitive to people's background/health issues/general problems
- Being taken seriously by others and not getting patronised. We agree to disagree with other peoples opinions
- Being tolerant of all others; showing well meaning to all others
- Being treated / treating others well
- Being treated equally / with a sense of worth
- Being treated fairly
- Being valued as you are important and not just there for no particular reason
- Caring
- Caring about others and the needs of others in society, despite their religion, ethnic group, race, etc.
- Caring for other people
- Common courtesy shown
- Consider other peoples rights or feelings
- Consider others feelings and give what you would like back
- Consideration and care towards someone/something
- Consideration for other people or other peoples property
- Consideration for others rights and emotions
- Consideration of others and accepting differences
- Considering other peoples feeling and personal views in a respectful and considerate way
- Considering others and treating them as thought you would want to be treated.
- Considering others, being kind and respecting/treating everyone equally
- Deserving recognition
- Doing or saying nice things to people
- Doing something without having to do it or in general be nice
- Doing what is right. Showing someone honour or courtesy
- Doing what my parent's say and doing as I'm told
- Doing what others ask in a kind considerate manner
- Don’t be mean
- Don't force my own opinions on anyone. They are who they are and I am who I am
- Don't know
- Don't know
- Due regard to the feelings, wishes, and opinions of others.
- Earned. Family.
- Earning someone's trust and being valued
- Enjoy and cater for other peoples points of view
- Equal rights and not judging someone and being given priority.
- Equal understandings and compromises, listening to both sides
- Equality, decency
- Equality, decency
- Equality, reverence
- Equally valuing an individual for their beliefs and opinions
- Everybody deserves respect unless they have otherwise proven they do not deserve it by not showing others respect
- Everyone deserves respect. How good and respectable a person is
- Everyone gets treated the same way
- Everyone getting a chance give their opinion and even if not agreeing but accepting it then moving on
- Everyone has a chance and to be kind and friendly to everyone
- Everyone has the right to be treated with respect, no matter what history they have
- Everyone having equal rights, no discrimination
- Everyone having equality.
- Everyone is treated equally and everyone's opinion matters and is taken into account
- Everyone is treated equally and your opinion is valued and taken into consideration
- Everyone treats people exactly the same and looks out for each other
- Fair treatment
- Fair treatment of others in the way you would like to be treated
- Feeling deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements
- Feeling that someone's opinion is worth listening to and someone who earns your admiration
- Feeling towards someone 'important' and how you should act
- Following the rules set and being polite to elders
- For everyone to be treated equally and to treat others the way you wish to be treated.
- For me it means to treat everyone equally as everyone has different abilities, qualities and achievements
- For me it meant to respect your opinion or who you are
- General manners, needs to be earned not given
- Giving everyone a chance, and honouring their opinions
- Giving it to people who give it to you, not to people who demand it from you
- Giving me equality and respecting my choices and rights
- Giving others courtesy to be treated like you would like to be treated
- Giving people the credit they deserve
- Giving people the same attention as everyone else
- Giving someone the courtesy of listening to them and taking their point on board despite your personal views
- Good manners and treating people equally
- Have manners and be nice
- Have respect for yourself and for all those around you
- Having a great understanding of someone
- having a regard for someone else's thoughts/views/opinions even though they may be different from your own
- Having admiration for a person for their actions and or values
- Having admiration for someone due to their achievements or contribution to society
- Having an admiration for another person
- Having an appreciation for who a person is regardless of their race, culture, religion etc but accepting them and their ideas as equal to everyone else's, and not treating someone like they are inferior.
- Having an understanding and acknowledging for others needs and values and not acting negative towards them or it, being polite to others
- Having consideration and manners towards others
- Having consideration for other people's feelings, dignity and belongings
- Having consideration for others
- Having gentility and not being judgemental when it comes to others views or choices (admiration too)
- Having manners
- Having respect for loved ones, our local area and also strangers
- Having respect for peoples opinions and feelings
- Having respect for someone nearby and hold them highly and see them as a human
- Having respect for yourself and others, being mannerly, treating everyone with dignity
- Having respect is treating everyone around you in the same way, with an open mind and thoughtfulness for their decisions
- Having trust for one another
- Hearing/seeing someone else's opinions and accepting them, even if they are different from your own.
- Helping others listening to others. Be kind.
- High regard
- Holding something in high regard
- Honour opinions of other people, do not disregard them and mock them
- Honouring and obeying those older or have authority over you and being kind and patient with your peers
- How to treat people
- Human decency. A small act but a monumental gesture. Everyone deserves respect, so long as what they do to warrant respect causes harm to others
- Humbleness towards someone based on their character, circumstances and opinions
- I believe in what you do or say
- I belive it means that everyone should be accepting of other people and their beliefs. And that we should take responsibility to treat people the way you would want to be treat.
- I don’t know or understand. I have a severe learning disability
- I don't know
- I don't know -
- I don't know how to explain
- I have respect for those who have it tough, 0 qualifications, they step up and take responsibility, no parents, nothing. They work hard; total respect
- I have to accept how other people think and their actions. Also their culture, religion, ethnicity and language.
- I personally think respect means to value everyone no matter what culture or what community they come from because at the end of the day we all came form the same place - God
- I should act towards / around others the way I would expect people to act around / towards me.
- I show appreciation to the person/people I am talking to and I value their opinions
- If someone does stuff for you and you do something in return
- If someone treats me kindly i will treat them back with the same amount of respect
- if the word is said to me it means that someone appreciates me or cares for me
- If you respect someone you admire & aspire to be like them.
- If you respect someone's decisions you understand and acknowledge their decisions even though they would not be decisions you would make
- If you respect something it is showing that you care for it
- If you want respect from others, you have to respect them as equal to you
- If you want treated well, treat others the same
- Individuals accept others beliefs, views, social class status regardless if their views are different from their own. They work and learn to get on with eachoterh and maintain peace.
- It can apply to anyone. It is treating others as you would like to be treated yourself.
- It has to work both ways. I respect people who respect me
- It is a feeling which you have towards someone or a group of people
- It is a mutual feeling with others. If someone respects me, I will respect them
- It is being treated/treating others in a good manner
- It means accepting people and their decisions. You won't go far without it
- It means appreciating everyone as they are and not trying to change them to fit your own morals.
- It means being nice to someone even when you don't have to. Its means being polite and not judging people on their ethnicity or religion or sexuality but accepting it and moving on instead of moving out of your way to tell them its wrong to believe that or its wrong to be that as it just makes people feel like the minority and it makes them feel horrible. Respect is never judging someone on who they are no matter how wrong it feels to you you should always be kind and treat them as equal.
- It means I can value what someone says or does because of what I know about them and what they have done
- It means not hassling people just because they are different from you. It means allowing people to do what they want as long as they're not hurting anybody.
- It means people have admiration or admire that person
- It means respect older people and younger people. Respect each other
- It means respect others and things
- It means showing courtesy to those around me. Respect is something our country is lacking in
- It means that I have a deep admiration for whoever I respect
- It means that I or others regard for the feelings and right of other people and have a high regard for them
- It means that who ever the word is directed at can be trusted by others
- it means that you dont treat anyone different no matter what the differencesd, big or small.
- It means that you must respect other people and yourself. Treat people how you would like to be treated
- It means that you will always be by that person and help them when they are in need
- It means to me that people look up to you and see you as a good person
- It means to show consideration for others and their feelings
- It means to treat people as you would like to be treated. It's fairness to all people and understanding their views even if you don't agree
- It means to treat someone the way you want to be treated
- It means treat others the way you want to be treated
- It means treating others in the way that you would like to be treated.
- It means treating people equally; not taking advantage of others. Treating others how you would like to be treated
- It means treating people the way they deserve
- It means you feel respected and belonged that ur opinion matters
- It means you look up to that person and don’t criticise the decisions they make
- It meant that you look after people
- It's having a feeling of deep admiration for someone and treating them equally
- Judging people on merit and not arbitory features
- Just be nice to anyone and anything
- Justice for everyone
- Keeping open minded to other people's opinions
- Kindness
- Kindness and goodness being shown to you or another person
- Kindness, peace, patience, appreciation of life and qualities
- Knowing how to make someone feel good, whilst undertaking what they have to say
- Letting everyone have whatever opinion they want, and not forcing them to change it, even when it is wrong
- Letting other people have an opinion different to yours
- like a deep admiration for someone because of their abilities, qualities or achievements
- Listen to others and what they have to say and even if you don't agree on what people have to say, don't be rude about it
- Listen to people
- Listen to, or to have attention from others
- Listened to. People care what you thing. Want your advice
- Listening and being considerate to those older and wiser than you as they have more experience and can be learned from
- Listening and taking in any opinions one may have towards something or someone, without being judged on your decisions
- Listening and understanding people's opinions and feelings toward things
- Listening to all sides with the same thinking. Not excluding anyone's voice
- Listening to everyone's opinion and treating people equally and fairly
- Listening to other people and not being mean to one another
- Listening to other people's point of view
- Listening to others
- Listening to others and respecting their own decisions about their life, mind and body
- Listening to others and treating people well
- Listening to others feelings and washes
- Listening to others opinions and accepting them
- Listening to other's opinions and beliefs and not judging them for it.
- Listening to others, tolerance, not judging others, inclusion
- Listening to the opinions of others. Living equal opportunity to everyone, regardless of race, gender, age etc.
- Listening to them when they want to be heard and not being rude or mean to them.
- Listening to what I/others around me have to say and not belittling them
- Listening to what people have to say and not judging them
- Live and let live
- Local to the people you love, friendship
- Look after and protect it
- Look after each other the way you would like to be looked after
- Look up to people
- Look up to that person or thing
- Looking after and taking care of something
- looking after other humans, no matter what kind or type of person they may be within themselves, as it only matters, who loves you and who you love
- Looking out for others
- Looking out for others and caring for their opinions and views
- Looking up to people
- Looking up to people for guidance
- Looking up to people who have achieved things or chosen a dangerous but important career such as soldiers or police officers
- Looking up to someone or appreciating them
- Looking up to someone or simply being polite and nice to them
- Manners, loyalty, equality
- manners, understanding and also thoughtful.
- Means having manners and being polite
- Means that people like me for me and don`t judge on who i am
- mutual admiration and human compassion for one another
- Mutual respect regardless of gender, colour, religion or sexual orientation - when deserved
- Mutual understanding of boundaries and not crossing said boundaries.
- n/a
- Nice to people
- No matter the race, sex, religion or beliefs a person ahs, they should not be discriminated against by another person.
- Not a reaction to people that needs earned. A fair treatment to all with the thinking that you are not better than someone.
- Not being cheeky to that person
- Not being discriminatory or sectarian
- Not being treated badly for who you are
- Not discriminating against a person because of their religion, gender, sexuality
- Not judging someone and allowing them to happily be who they are
- Not judging someone for anything apart from their own actions
- Not looking down upon someone even if they have done wrong, holding them in a certain light
- Not pressuring to do something. Treating them as equals if not better
- Not questioning peoples beliefs or harassing them about it
- Not sure
- Not to be judgemental and to listen and accept their points of view
- Only respect those who respect me
- Optimism
- Other people acknowledge you and treat you fairly
- Other people believing that you are good
- Parents, Elders
- parents, other religions, other races, people of other sexual orientation
- People are polite and show courtesy towards each other no matter what
- People being kind and considerate and not looking down on others and treating them how they want to be treated.
- People consider your thoughts and opinions
- People considering how other people feel and showing others that you care
- People listen to you and take in what you say
- People treating each other equally
- People treating each other well
- People treating you with respect and are nice and kind to you
- Recognising the value of each individual, not discriminating on any one and being non-judgemental
- Regard for a person, their opinions and views even if you don't believe in them
- Regard for others, their opinions and feelings even if you don’t agree with them
- Regard for something that has been / done something which is normally difficult to achieve.
- Regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others
- Regard for the feelings, wishes or rights of others
- Regard for the works, wishes and feelings for others
- Regarding and valuing someone highly in every way
- regarding people's believes and attitudes
- Respect - accepting others and treating them as equals despite their personal situations.
- Respect and consideration for people from all walks of life regardless of circumstance
- Respect elders
- Respect for culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender etc. Treating people as the same and with dignity
- Respect for me is where someone appreciates and acknowledges your values and talents
- Respect I think is how we sometimes that each other and how we look at each other
- Respect in my eyes means more to me than money or love ever will
- Respect is accepting anyone no matter their race, gender and sexuality and not judging them based on this
- Respect is acknowledging someone's beliefs / race, gender or what they were brought up like, and accepting for who they are
- Respect is being kind and pleasant to others.
- Respect is essential to any working community. When one person listens to what another has to say and does not have to agree but should not mock
- Respect is having faith in people and being there for people
- Respect is how someone treats another person they should be nice and be mannerly
- Respect is how you feel about them and admire
- Respect is important for co-operation in modern society. Everyone deserves a level of respect. Without respect communication falls apart and nothing can be achieved.
- Respect is something that everyone deserves
- Respect is something you have equal right to, everyone should respect each other.
- Respect is the admiration for something or someone which you try to strive for.
- Respect is the promise to treat someone with kindness and to appreciate how they choose to act without judgement
- Respect is to treat someone properly
- Respect is to value other peoples beliefs and treat everyone as equals
- Respect is treating everyone the same and taking their views as important.
- Respect is treating someone the way you would want to be treated. I would also say that respect is treating people with dignity and not treating them any differently.
- Respect is very important to me. It is about treating others how you would like to be treated. Everyone deserves respect.
- Respect is when you accept the fact that not everyone is the same; it is about being tolerant of other's differences.
- Respect is when you are aware of someone's authority over you (usually someone older, e.g.. A teacher / parent)
- Respect is when you treat people suitably and the way you'd want to be treated
- Respect is where people treated you family putting aside any differences you had in the past
- Respect means a lot to me. If I am not respected by someone I don’t feel valued in their lives
- Respect means acting positively to everyone you meet and having gratitude
- Respect means allowing others to live their life the way they want to without opposing it
- Respect means everyone is equal therefore you mustn't disrespect anyone no matter what
- Respect means honouring and praising others as equals. Treating everyone nicely and not heating them different to yourself
- Respect means honouring people for what they are i.e. tolerance, diversity and being respectful
- Respect means listening to others opinions and not discriminating or showing any prejudice for any reason
- Respect means listening to what others say and speaking to others with a polite non-biased attitude
- Respect means that you are understanding, kind and acknowledge everyone's differences, whether they are in ability, race, ethnicity, gender, opinions - anything
- Respect means that you treat everyone the same way that you want to be treated
- Respect means that you value a person and their opinions
- Respect means to allow people to voice their opinions and views without putting them down
- Respect means to me that you care about everyone and treat them how you would want to be treated
- Respect means to me to treat people well
- Respect means to me treating yourself and others the way they would like to be treated
- Respect means to try and understand someone's feelings/rights no matter who they are
- Respect means treating from all backgrounds equally
- Respect means treating others equally and respecting their views and beliefs regardless of gender, race, religion, etc. Treating others the way you would like to be treated.
- Respect means trust and admiration
- Respect of and to others no matter what ethic or minority they come from.
- Respect of what? Depends on context, there isn't enough in terms of racism and respect for fat lazy people and respecting racist views is wrong ethically
- Respect others and their opinions
- Respect others if they respect you
- Respect people for who they are and not treating anyone different
- Respect people from different religious and backgrounds
- Respect should be earned, not expected.
- Respect things around you
- Respect to elders, respect to those who fought and will fight in wars to set us free
- Respect to me is treating other people how you would treat yourself and be polite.
- Respect to me means giving other people a chance and to get to know them
- Respect to me means that a person should treat you in the way you would like to be treated
- Respect to me means that no matter who you are no one should ever put you down. Treat others the way you liked to be treated
- Respect to me means to appreciate / recognise the wishes and decisions of others
- Respect to me means to take care not to damage something and to act responsibility and in a kind way to someone
- Respect to me means treating people the way you would like to be treated with respect
- Respect to me means treating someone or something very well, or looking up to that person
- Respect to others
- Respect towards parents and other adults
- Respect your elders and people around you
- Respecting and being polite and accepting of others
- Respecting any and everyone regardless of factors such as race religion, sex, ethnicity etc.
- Respecting each other fairly, with no aggression between eachother
- Respecting everyone equally no matter what their views are
- Respecting everyone's right to be treated equally
- Respecting how someone is, how they act and feel. Not being rude or horrible but accepting who they are as a person and what they do
- Respecting my family, friends and others which means loving and caring for those around you
- Respecting other and yourself - treat others how you want to be treated
- Respecting other people of any age group whether it be their property or the actual people, we're all the same
- Respecting other people. Not judging what they say or their opinion. Listening to what they have to say.
- Respecting other peoples beliefs, views and opinions no matter who they are.
- Respecting other peoples point of views and opinions
- Respecting other peoples values and opinions
- Respecting other peoples views and beliefs, respectful to the way people look
- Respecting others around you e.g. not bullying and making everyone feel welcome
- Respecting others the way you would want to be respected
- Respecting people and valuing their opinion / belief regardless of anything else
- Respecting people is treating others how you wish to be treated and valuing everyone's opinion
- Respecting people the way you would like to be respected
- Respecting someone's choices despite your own feelings regarding the subject
- Respecting to me is when we appreciate and treat other peoples values and worth to a good standard
- Respecting what others think and being nice
- Respecting/treating others the way you, yourself would like to be treated
- Seeing someone in a positive way
- Seniors, people in power
- Show people the same kindness and respect as you would like to be treated
- Showing a human decency to everyone regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, age etc.
- Showing a level of kindness and treating everyone equally
- Showing acceptance and tolerance towards everyone
- Showing admiration towards someone
- Showing attention and appreciation for someone you believe in worthy of it
- Showing care to one another and accepting other people
- Showing compassion, approval and appreciation to someone
- Showing consideration and kindness to everyone regardless of gender, race or religion
- Showing consideration for other people
- Showing consideration to all sorts of different religions and cultures
- Showing consideration towards a person
- Showing dignity to people
- Showing general kindness to another person and being considerate of people's feelings and situations
- Showing kindness to others -
- Showing kindness/gratitude to some because you acknowledge them as a human person
- Showing loyalty and appreciation to others needs and dignity.
- Showing loyalty to someone and giving support
- Showing manners
- Showing others kindness and treating them respectively
- Shows you friendliness and honour and doesn't say bad things about you.
- Someone I look up to
- Someone or an action which can be viewed upon in good light
- Someone that does something for you or your family that earns you respect
- Someone who did something I believed to be incredible and noble.
- Someone who has gained the trust and worship of another through past experiences
- someone who has manners for everyone and doesn't see themselves as higher or better than anyone else (not being an assh*le)
- Someone who I look up to in life e.g. grandparents, parents, charity workers, footballers
- Someone who is loyal and trustworthy, respect is earned
- Someone who shows admiration for someone or someone else's abilities, qualities or achievement
- Someone who works hard and deserves to be acknowledged for what they do. The have earned respect.
- Someone you look up to or showing that you have manners
- Someone you look up to, as they represent a person you admire.
- Something everyone should be shown, regardless of whether it is received or not
- Something that has to be earned
- Something that is earned as a person and not just given
- Something that is earned through a development of trust, sometimes expected
- Something that is good to have for others and something that you want to get by others, in a nice way
- Something that was to be earned and treasured
- Something that you earn
- Something that’s earned through previous actions
- Something you earn, not given by default
- Something you should show to everyone no matter who they are, and show that you value them
- Take into consideration other people and their opinions
- Taking care of the other people around with courtesy and kindness
- Taking each others opinions and views into consideration without feeling the need for confrontation
- Taking in consideration other people's thoughts / opinions and accepting them for their views even if in disagreement
- Taking into account other people thoughts and feelings, actions and situations and not judging them for any reason and treat them how you would like to be treated
- Taking into account others thoughts, feelings and beliefs and showing an adequate attitude towards them
- Taking other people's feelings into account (their rights in a sense)
- Taking other peoples feelings, opinions and values into consideration
- taking other peoples opinion into account and being understanding towards them and their belief
- Taking other people's opinions and views into consideration and not judging them
- Taking other people's opinions into consideration. Care for others
- Taking other people's rights and feelings into consideration no matter what gender, race, sexual orientation or age they are.
- Taking other people's thoughts and beliefs into consideration
- Talking or treating someone in an appropriate way
- That all parties involved will be listened to
- That both you and your opinion are valued - treated equally
- That everyone is treated equally: 'Treat others the way you like to be treated!'
- That everyone should be treated the same
- That everyone, no matter their ethnicity, race or sexual orientation, should be treated fairly and equally.
- That other people like me and the views I think are not laughed at
- That people have manners and be nice to others and treat them the same no matter what
- That people will listen to you and actually think about your ideas
- That someone cares about me as an individual
- That the person who people respect is being admired for how they live and what they do
- That there are other people/decisions in life not just mine
- That we are all equal and should take in to account other people opinions
- That we treat others as we would like to be treated
- That you have done something to earn someone's respect
- That you respect others i.e. their opinions and also the way you or they are treated - kindly etc.
- That you respect people in the same way that you would like people to respect you and your beliefs
- That you should respect everybody, example people and decisions
- That you should treat others the way you would like to be treated
- That you trea people right
- That you trust someone
- That you're willing to listen and take on board what others have to say, and don't judge opinions.
- The ability to see someone as an equal and treat tem as such, despite their background.
- The acceptance of others despite of their choices.
- The feelings and rights of others are honoured
- The holding of someone in high regard
- The idea of accepting everyone for their unique choices that make them happy and not making judgements because you never know peoples circumstances. Using kind words that make a positive impact. Looking out for others and not leaving anyone alone
- The mutual understanding of the importance to one another
- The respect of a persons views and opinions. Letting them speak without interruption.
- The view that a particular person is worthy of decent treatment, the type that we want to be treated with, and is associated with admiration.
- The way someone treats or acts about someone who they may admire or look up to
- The way you treat others and vice versa
- The way you treat someone
- The word respect means being there for people, helping them and caring for everyone
- The word respect means listening to others and helping others
- The word respect to me means not to judge other people
- The word respect to me to respect others that are around me
- Think about other beliefs and take into consideration.
- Think highly of it
- Think of elderly people. Being polite, well-mannered to others
- Thinking of other people
- Thst people will listen on your opinions and will not judge them
- To
- To accept a persons difference and treat them as an equal
- To accept me for who I am and not to judge me
- to admire
- to admire or look up to someone as a result of something they have achieved or their abilities
- To admire or value someone for who they are or what they have done
- To allow people to have their own opinions and treat others as I would wish to be treated
- To appreciate and understand the value of others and to treat people with consideration
- To appreciate each others opinions and lifestyles
- To appreciate/value every person and their culture/beliefs/opinions
- To be accepting of others views or behaviour, even if it is different to yours
- To be considerate and accommodating to other people and their views
- To be considerate of everyone
- To be grateful and be kind. So are you're told
- To be heedful of one's views and feelings
- To be kind and considerate to people - respect their points of view.
- To be kind and nice to other people - and not to laugh at that they have to say
- To be kind and nice to others
- To be kind to everyone/someone no matter who they are
- to be kind, considerate, caring, and appreciative of everyone -
- To be mannerly and treat people with love and respect
- To be nice and understanding of each other
- To be nice to everyone
- To be nice to people no matter who they are
- To be nice to people, your neighbours, friends, elders etc.
- To be respectful towards other people
- To be treated equally and fairly regardless of their beliefs or appearance
- To care about a person/object
- To care and understand other people
- To care for others and have manners
- To do on to others as what you would wish to be done to you
- To either act with courtesy towards someone or their views, or to act politely and admire somebody because of their actions or work.
- To give other people their place
- To give someone a sense of employment and choice as well as honouring their decisions and opinions
- To give someone the treatment they deserve after seeing their treatment towards you and others
- To have consideration for other peoples feeling and rights
- To have manners to other people
- To have regards for someone's thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
- To have respect for everyone no matter what colour, religion or sexuality they are
- To have time for people and listen to what they say. Everyone is different
- To hold a high opinion of someone
- To include anyone or everyone, everybody is the same. We are all equal
- To listen attentively about what someone has to say
- To listen to others regions and beliefs and opinions
- To listen to someone's opinion and while you may not share it, acknowledge that it's their right to feel that way
- To listen to what someone is saying and to treat them with common manners
- To look after other people and not judge them, treat them the way you want to be treated
- To look out for each other and support them and their beliefs, to not interfere with their privacy and be there for them in times of need
- To look up to someone due to their moral beliefs, personal qualities and abilities.
- To me it means accepting everyone, being kind and caring
- To me it means giving someone the opportunity to speak their mind without shutting them down or not listening with an open mind
- To me it means people's views and opinions that may not be the same as mine. To listen to their point of view and not judges
- To me it means respecting other peoples opinions or decisions
- To me it means that someone values me in what I do and what I say
- To me it means treating everyone fairly and equally, no matter their background.
- To me respect is being treated as an equal rather than a superior. To be treated in a kind matter and to acknowledge and accept somebody whether they differ from you in terms of race, gender, beliefs etc or not.
- To me respect means not thinking or doing bad things to a person, place, religion.
- To me respect means to treat people equally with out prejudice and discrimination
- To me, it means equality and treating others how you would like to be treated yourself.
- To me, it means that people will accept who I am and they will treat me equally
- To me, it means treating everyone equally, everybody has worth and it means thinking about how actions can affect others
- To me, respect means showing admiration towards someone or something. To value someone.
- To me, respect means treating everyone equally. It means recognizing that every individual is a person of worth. It also means accepting others without judgement and valuing the unique backgrounds, talents and abilities every person has. Respect is also thinking about how your own actions can affect others.
- To me, respect must be mutual and it is an understanding that not everybody agrees on things and that's a good thing.
- To not judge others in the choices they make
- To regard someone else's skills, abilities and beliefs
- To respect everyone the same and treat people the way you would like to be treated
- To respect everyone/thing around you. Respect the community as well
- To respect one another and respect those who respect you
- To show a sense of pride towards someone or something
- To show appreciation to someone whether its their opinion or something they've done.
- To show care to those around you
- To show gratitude towards a person, place or thing
- To show loyalty to someone and not disrespect them
- To show mature kindness to someone regardless of it they disagree or have been disrespectful towards you
- To show other people respect
- To show others that their opinion is important
- To show someone respect is to treat them the way you would like to be treated
- to show understanding for other decisions or beliefs and to not discriminate
- To show you understand where someone is coming from
- To take care and be nice to one another
- to take into account everyones feelings and rights of others
- to take something/someone into account by obeying it/them.
- To think highly of an individual
- To treat all people you meet, be they someone you know or don't know, with kindness, courtesy and consideration.
- To treat everybody fairly and equally
- To treat everyone equally
- To treat everyone equally
- To treat everyone equally and acknowledge their situation
- To treat everyone equally and well.
- To treat everyone fairly and equally without any exceptions
- To treat everyone fairly and with manners
- To treat everyone the Same and be nice to them
- To treat everyone the same and not to judge because of their race, sex, age or gender
- To treat other people with respect and to show respect to people
- To treat others as equals and to never out anyone down
- To treat others as you wish to be treated.
- To treat others as you would like to be treated
- To treat others as you would like to be treated
- To treat others as you would like to be treated yourself, regardless of their background or religious/political views
- To treat others how you want to be treated
- to treat others how you would want to be treated and treat everyone fairly and equally
- To treat others kindly. Treat people like you want to be treated
- To treat others nicely
- To treat others the way you would want to be treated
- To treat others well
- To treat people equally and fairly
- To treat people equally and have admiration for what some people have done.
- To treat people fairly
- To treat people the way I would want to be treated
- To treat people the way you want to be treated
- To treat people the way you would like to be treated
- To treat someone as you wish to be treated.
- To treat someone as your equal
- To treat someone how they deserve, depending on the level of respect there is
- To treat someone like you would want to be treated
- To treat someone nicely and with courtesy
- To treat someone the same as yourself and to take their ideas and options into consideration
- To treat someone the way you would like to be treated. To treat everyone as equal, to be pleasant and mannerly, to treat them as a human being, regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
- To treat someone well and value their opinions and listen to them
- To treat someone with civility
- To treat someone with dignity, the way you would want to be treated
- To understand and not demean e.g.. My opinion
- to value other opinion
- To value other people
- To value people as individuals and understand other beliefs and opinions
- Tolerance
- tolerance and acceptance, regardless of differences
- Tolerating/appreciating someone or something even if you don't agree with them/it
- Treading others the way you would ant to be treated
- Treat each other as equal
- Treat each other fairly for who they are and the way they respect you. Do the same back
- Treat everyone equal, have manners and be polite
- Treat everyone equally and fairly
- Treat everyone kindly
- Treat everyone nicely
- Treat everyone well and admire everyone's decisions and choices
- Treat everyone with the same regard
- Treat other people the way you would want them to treat you. Treat everything and everyone with care
- Treat other with dignity and care
- Treat others as I would like to be treated
- Treat others as you wish to be treated and be mindful; of others and their situations
- Treat others as you would like to be treated. Give respect, get respect
- Treat others as you'd like to be treated
- Treat others as you'd like to be treated, everyone is equally
- Treat others how they deserve to be treated and treat all people equally.
- Treat others like the way you would like to be treated.
- Treat others like you would like to be treated
- Treat others like you would like to be treated
- Treat others like you would want to be treated
- Treat others the same way I would want to be treated
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- Treat others the way you wish to be treated
- Treat others the way you would like them to treat you
- Treat others the way you would like to be treated
- Treat others well
- Treat others with the same values and morals that you would like to be treated with.
- Treat people as how I would want to be treated
- Treat people as I would want to be treated
- Treat people as you want to be treated
- Treat people equally and understand their views
- Treat people in a good way, how you would like to be treated yourself
- Treat people like you want to be treated
- Treat people like you want to be treated
- Treat people same as you would like to be treated
- Treat people the way I would like to be treated
- Treat people the way you would like to be treated
- Treat people well
- Treat people well and wouldn't hurt their feelings
- Treat someone as you would want to be treated and as equal to yourself
- Treated fairly
- Treating a person how you would treat yourself / the way you would like to be treated
- Treating all equal and admiring them for their talents
- Treating all people with courtesy and in a caring manner
- Treating another person as equal
- Treating each other as equals and as you would like to be treated
- Treating everyone and everything the way they should be treated
- Treating everyone as equals
- Treating everyone as equals and embracing other traditions / cultures
- Treating everyone as equals and with manners
- Treating everyone equal.
- Treating everyone equally
- Treating everyone equally
- Treating everyone equally and accepting them for who they are, no judgements
- Treating everyone equally and giving everyone a chance
- Treating everyone equally and have dignity for them
- Treating everyone equally and in a way that I'd wish to be treated
- Treating everyone equally and in a way that you would like to be treated
- Treating everyone equally and treating people the way you would like to be treated
- Treating everyone equally no matter ethnicity, belief or class situation
- Treating everyone equally regardless of different opinions / political opinions or religious beliefs
- Treating everyone equally regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, financial background etc.
- Treating everyone equally regardless of their gender, nationality, age, sexuality etc.
- Treating everyone equally, no matter what
- Treating everyone equally, not talking behind their back
- Treating everyone fairly, being civilized, treating others how I would want to be treated
- Treating everyone fairly. Treating everyone the way I would like to be treated myself
- Treating everyone good. Not being mean, show kindness.
- treating everyone no matter what they are with dignity
- Treating everyone the same
- Treating everyone the same and treating them the way you want to be treated- without being prejudice
- Treating everyone with decency and the way you would like to treat you
- Treating everyone with dignity and equality
- Treating everyone with kindness, fairness and consideration, regardless of who they are, what they have done, or how they treat you
- Treating like you would want to be treated.
- Treating other people as I'd want treated myself. Accepting people how they are and not to be prejudice or discriminate
- Treating other people nicely and look up to them
- Treating other the way you would like to be treated, not making them feel upset or unsafe
- Treating others and things you would like to be treated.
- Treating others as I would like to be treated and vice versa
- Treating others as I would like to be treated understanding and accepting them.
- Treating others as you would like to be treated
- Treating others as you would like to be treated
- Treating others as you would like to be treated
- Treating others as you would like to be treated
- Treating others as you would like to be treated i.e. listening to them
- Treating others as you would like to be treated yourself
- Treating others as you would want them to treat you - being kind to people, even if they are strangers
- Treating others as you would want to be treated
- Treating others as you would want to be treated
- Treating others as you would wish to be treated.
- Treating others as you yourself would like to be treated
- Treating others as your equal
- Treating others based on their actions
- Treating others equally not judging others before getting to know them and making sure everyone is treated fairly
- Treating others fairly and how you would like them to treat you
- Treating others fairly and showing them they're valuable to society
- treating others fairly and with honour
- Treating others how I want to be treated
- Treating others how I would like to be treated
- Treating others how I would want them to treat me
- Treating others how I would want to be treated
- Treating others how you want to be treated and getting it back in the end/return
- Treating others how you want to be treated and respecting your elders
- Treating others how you want to be treated regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion
- Treating others how you want to be treated, listening to what someone has to say
- Treating others how you want to be treated. Acting without prejudice regardless of age, religion etc.
- Treating others how you would like to be treated
- Treating others how you would like to be treated
- Treating others how you would like to be treated
- Treating others how you would like to be treated as everyone is a human being
- Treating others how you would like to be treated regardless of age; ethnicity; sexuality, etc.
- Treating others how you would want to be treated yourself. Equality
- Treating others how you would want yourself to be treated
- Treating others in a positive way
- Treating others in a way in which you want or expect to be treated.
- Treating others in a way you would like to be treated
- Treating others in the way that you would like to be treated
- Treating others jow you would like to be treated yourself
- Treating others like you would like to be treated.
- Treating others right
- Treating others the same way you would like to be treated
- Treating others the way I wish to be treated (In a kindly manner).
- Treating others the way I would like to be treated
- Treating others the way I would like to be treated
- Treating others the way would like to be treated
- Treating others the way you want to be treated
- Treating others the way you want to be treated despite difference you may have with them
- Treating others the way you would like to be treated
- Treating others the way you would like to be treated
- Treating others the way you would like to be treated
- Treating others the way you would like to be treated.
- Treating others the way you would like to be treated. Treating them with dignity and with regard of the feelings wishes and rights or a feeling of admiration
- Treating others the way you would want to be treated
- Treating others the way you would want to be treated
- Treating others the way you would want to be treated
- Treating others the way you would want to be treated
- Treating others well and as you would like to be treated
- Treating others with basic dignity and humanity
- Treating others with care and kindness. Treating others how you would like to be treated
- Treating others with dignity
- Treating others with dignity and compassion, and expecting the same in return.
- Treating others with dignity.
- Treating others with kindness and how you would like to be treated
- Treating others with kindness offering a non-judgemental opinion on the person, not making quick judgements
- Treating others with kindness, regardless if their views and ideals are different to yours
- Treating others with regard to their status, wishes or feelings or admiring someone.
- Treating people as you would like to be treated
- Treating people equally
- Treating people equally and being mannerly to everyone you meet
- Treating people equally and fairly with dignity
- Treating people equally dispute their ethnicity or religion or political beliefs. Being patient with others and helping others.
- Treating people equally, and accepting others' point of view
- Treating people equally, getting along with people
- Treating people equally, without disrespect
- Treating people fairly
- Treating people fairly and equally
- Treating people fairly and well no matter their personal issues or story
- Treating people fairly and with dignity (as equals)
- Treating people fairly, and with dignity, no matter who they are, or what their diversities are
- Treating people how they deserve to be treated
- Treating people how they deserve to be treated by the way they treat others.
- Treating people how you ought to be treated.
- Treating people how you would like to be treated
- Treating people how you would like to be treated
- Treating people how you would like to be treated appreciating peoples opinions etc.
- Treating people how you would want to be treated
- Treating people in the way you would want to be treated
- Treating people kindly and treating them the way you would like to be treated
- Treating people like a normal being and with equality
- Treating people like family treats each other
- Treating people politely and kindly regardless of their differences
- Treating people the same as you would like to be treated. Something that is earned.
- Treating people the same way they treat you
- Treating people the same way you would like them to treat you
- Treating people the way I would like to be treated
- Treating people the way they deserve
- Treating people the way you want to be treated
- Treating people the way you want to be treated and showing good manners towards them.
- Treating people the way you would like to be treated
- Treating people the way you would like to be treated
- Treating people the way you would like to be treated
- Treating people the way you would like to be treated
- Treating people well - not deliberately shaming them
- Treating people well / listening to opinions without judgement… etc.
- Treating people well, not taking advantage of them
- Treating people with basic human decency regardless of anything you see as 'different' or 'odd' about them
- Treating people with basic human dignity, however some people do not deserve respect (see Donald Trump)
- Treating people with decency and looking out for people
- Treating people with dignity
- Treating people with equal views and looking up to people
- Treating people with manners and not belittling them. Taking them and their opinions / beliefs seriously. Don't look down on someone.
- Treating people with respect, like being a good person
- Treating someone as an equal, regardless of any differences that you may have
- treating someone as you want them to treat you
- Treating someone as you want to be treated
- treating someone else as you would like to be treated regardless of race, nationality, sexual orientation etc
- Treating someone else equally and how you wish to be treated
- Treating someone fairly
- Treating someone fairly and in a way you would treat yourself
- Treating someone from a different background the same way as you would treat someone from your own
- Treating someone how you would like to be treated
- Treating someone how you would want to be treated
- Treating someone in a certain way according to how they treat me and others
- Treating someone in the same way as you would like to be treated
- Treating someone kind, how you would want to be treated by others
- Treating someone nicely in an appropriate way
- Treating someone the same way I would like to be treated
- Treating someone the way you want to be treated yourself. Not looking down on someone
- Treating someone the way you would expect them to treat you
- Treating someone the way you would like to be treated
- Treating someone the way you would like to be treated
- Treating someone the way you would like to be treated
- treating someone the way you would want to be treated
- Treating someone well when they deserve to be treated well
- Treating someone with consideration and admiration.
- Treating someone with courtesy and how you would like to be treated
- Treating someone with fairness and equality. Treating them how they should be treated.
- Treating someone with good manners because they deserve it.
- treating someone, no matter who they are, just as you would like to be treated
- Treating the people around you with kindness and equality and showing acceptance for who they are.
- Trust
- Trust, friendly and welcoming
- Understanding a person's power and authority, treating them appropriately.
- Understanding and accepting others decisions
- Understanding and accepting people for their race, ethnicity or sexuality and recognising their accomplishments
- understanding and being appreciative of everyone equally despite any differences
- Understanding and not judging other peoples backgrounds, values, beliefs or current situation
- Understanding other people's beliefs
- Understanding someone's view and beliefs and not criticising them
- Understanding that people have different views and ways of doing things but not judging them for it
- Understanding. To listen without judgement
- Value a person for who they are
- Value and someone as an individual irrespective of their beliefs, values or background
- Value others opinion and authority
- valued and your opinion matters
- Valueing another person. Treat them how I would want them to treat me
- Valuing a person regardless of age, sex, religion and ethnicity.
- Valuing each others opinions. Addressing people properly. Thinking of needs of others before your own
- Valuing others and their opinions
- Valuing others and their opinions
- Valuing someone and being genuinely nice to them. Showing good manners and high moral standards.
- Valuing someone as you would like to be valued and respected yourself
- Valuing someone's opinions and them as a person
- View others the same as/higher than yourself
- Well I believed that it’s a sign of trust and closer connected
- What respect means to me is that to have due regard for someone's feelings, wishes, or rights.
- What you think of another individual
- When everyone is treated equally with kindness and friendliness.
- When everyone is treated equally, no matter their race or background or age i.e. letting everyone have their say
- When everyone treats each other equally
- When people are treated fairly and given equal opportunities no matter who they are
- When people listen to what you have to say and they listen / take it into consideration.
- when people listen to you and obey you
- When people treat you the way they would also like to be treated
- When people value each other
- When people value your opinions, are kind/civil and they also understand your point of view
- When someone does something with the intent to only help others
- when someone listens and values your point
- When someone treats you as their equal with kindness and dignity
- When we treat people the way we would want to be treated
- When When the lads around town know who you are
- When you admire someone for something they did
- When you appreciate/are content with someone's character or point of view
- When you feel someone is a good person and you should look up to him
- When you regard someone equal or better than yourself and you treat them equally or better than you treat yourself.
- When you respect someone, they are important to you and you are about their well-being and feelings
- When you treat everyone nicely no matter their religion or gender
- When you treat someone well because you know they would treat you the same
- When you understand that people have different opinions and you accept them even though you may not agree
- When you value other people and their opinions
- Whether you agree with them or disagree you listen to them
- You accept their difference and get along with them
- You are given authority, responsibilities and you are trusted to make your own decisions and do what you want to do in life
- You are well known to a person and they treat you with honesty and kindness and will be beside you when you need them. They would have a positive idea about you and may be one of your friends. It does take time for a person to fully respect you. Respect is an important thing to me because if they won't treat you the same as you treat them, you won't be friends with them and most likely would tend to dislike them.
- You have to give respect to get it back
- You help people out no matter what
- You hold a person in high regard
- You treat people with care and courtesy
- You value others and listen to them
- You value someone and treat them how you'd want them treating you
- You want to be treated as how you treat others
- Your ideas and opinions are acknowledged