CREDYP: Have you ever done CRED programmes in a youth project or youth club?
NOCRED: I have never done CRED in school, in a youth club or in a youth project.
CREDSCHOOLa-j: And do you think that your SCHOOL has done this for any of the following groups?
CREDYPa-j: And do you think your YOUTH PROJECT or YOUTH CLUB has done this for any of the following groups?
CREDSCHothview: Do you think that members of your CLASS felt more positive towards any of these groups as a result of what was taught or discussed?
CREDYPothview: Do you think that members of your YOUTH PROJRCT or YOUTH CLUB felt more positive towards any of these groups as a result of what was taught or discussed?
CREDSCHuview: Did you feel more positive towards any of these groups as a result of what was taught or discussed?
CREDYPuview: Did you feel more positive towards any of these groups as a result of what was taught or discussed?