CAREFOR: Please tell us who you care for (multiple response table)
CARERESP: Do you give special care or extra help to someone?
CAREHOME: Does the person/people you care for live with you?
CAREWHY: Whey do they need your help or care? (multiple response table)
CARINGTASK: What kind of caring tasks do you do? (multiple response table)
HRSCARE: How long in an average week do you spend caring?
HWLNGCRE: How long have you been caring or helping like this?
TOLDANY: Have you told anyone outside your family about your caring role?
YOUFEEL: Do you feel that the caring you do is private?
FAMFEEL: Does your family feel that the caring you do is private?
SUPPTU: Is there a person and/or organisation you can go to if you are feeling stressed about your caring responsibilities?
STATCR1: I enjoy caring
STATCR2: I am unable to attend out-of-school activities due to my caring responsibilities
STATCR3: I never miss school because of my caring role
STATCR4: I worry all the time about the person I care for when I am not with them
STATCR5: Caring does not stop me going out
STATCR6: I often get stressed due to my caring role
STATCR7: Caring does not affect my schoolwork
STATCR8: I'm fully involved in decisions about the care of the person I care for
STATCR9: I feel guilty leaving the person I care for
STATCR10: I have been bullied or excluded because I care for someone