Year: 2015
Module: Internationalisation
Variable: ADDLANG

Thinking of the future, do you think learning an additional language will be valuable for you? [MULTIPLE RESPONSE TABLE]

Yes, for study 33
Yes, for work 54
Yes, for travel/leisure 65
Yes, for something else 5
No, I don't think I will need any language other than English 15


Go to results for young men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for young men and women

  Male Female
Yes, for study 28 37
Yes, for work 51 56
Yes, for travel/leisure 61 68
Yes, for something else 5 68
No, I don't think I will need any language other than English 14 18



Results for young people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
Yes, for study 37 39 21
Yes, for work 57 50 55
Yes, for travel/leisure 65 64 67
Yes, for something else 5 4 5
No, I don't think I will need any language other than English 14 18 13



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