Year: 2014
Module: Shared_Education
Variable: SEFAV

And how favourable or unfavourable do you generally feel about sharing classes, facilities or teachers with pupils from a different religious community to yourself?

Very favourable30
Neither favourable nor unfavourable27
Very unfavourable2
Don't know3


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

Very favourable 26 31
Favourable 29 34
Neither favourable nor unfavourable 31 25
Unfavourable 5 5
Very unfavourable 3 2
Don't know 5 3



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Very favourable 31 23 36
Favourable 35 30 31
Neither favourable nor unfavourable 24 33 26
Unfavourable 5 7 2
Very unfavourable 2 4 2
Don't know 4 3 3



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