Young Life and Times Survey 2014

Module: Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Year: 2014

This page lists the questions asked in the Relationships and Sexuality module in 2014. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

RSESCH: Do you know all schools have to have RSE policy?

RSEEVER: Have you ever received any RSE classes?

HOWUSE: How was useful was the information received in RSE classes?

RSEORG: During RSE were you provided with information on support organisations?

RSELGBT: During RSE were LGB issues discussed?

RSETRANS: During RSE were transgender issues discussed?

RSEFAM: During RSE were different family models discussed?

RSESTIS: During RSE were STIs discussed?

RSEDISC: Were students able to discuss opinions openly?

EASYDISC: How easy or difficult was it to discuss RSE issues with teachers?

RSEFEED: Did you have the opportunity to provide feedback on RSE?

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