DIVREL: How divided are people in terms of religion?
DIVETH: How divided are people in terms of ethnicity?
DIVCULT: How divided are people in terms of cultural traditions?
DIVSCH: How divided are people in terms of schools?
DIVSPO: How divided are people in terms of sports?
DIVCLAS: How divided are people in terms of class?
INTREL: How much integration should there be in terms of religion?
INTETH: How much integration should there be in terms of ethnicity?
INTCULT: How much integration should there be in terms of cultural traditions?
INTSCH: How much integration should there be in terms of schools?
INTSPO: How much integration should there be in terms of sport?
INTCLAS: How much integration should there be in terms of social class?
WELRELG: How welcome would pupils in your school make a new pupil of another religion?
WELETHN: How welcome would pupils in your school make a new pupil of a different ethnic background?
WELCLAS: How welcome would pupils in your school make a new pupils of a different class background?
WELRELGU: How welcome would you make a new pupil of another religion?
WELETHNU: How welcome would you make a new pupil of a different ethnicity?
WELCLASU: How welcome would you make a new pupil of a different social class?
OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?