Saturday March 15, 2025

Year: 2013
Module: Mental Health and Self-harm
Variable: HELPQ62

If response to OVERDOSE is not 'No'...

If 'yes', did you talk to, or try to get help from, any of the following people or sources on the last occasion? (Please tick all that apply)

This is a multiple response table from question 39 in the 2013 YLT survey. The case numbers are too small to provide a breakdown by religion.


Number of respondents
% of respondents
Another relative
Your partner (or girlfriend/boyfriend)
A friend
A teacher
A GP (Family doctor)
A social worker
A psychologist or psychiatrist
A telephone helpline
A drop-in/advice centre
Other source (e.g. Internet, book, magazine or other person etc.)


Results for men and women

Another relative
Your partner (or girlfriend/boyfriend)
A friend
A teacher
A GP (Family doctor)
A social worker
A psychologist or psychiatrist
A telephone helpline
A drop-in/advice centre
Other source (e.g. Internet, book, magazine or other person etc.)


If 'no' to all of the above, please say why you didn't try to get any help. (All responses listed below)

Afraid of being judged, stigma, don't want to worry others

Although it seems like a big issue to me, it wouldn't have to them. Also I find a lot misunderstand what I am talking about or what I am trying to tell them.

Apart from the friend, the others would judge and exaggerate.

At the time it was my boredom to bear.

Because all the people above just make it worse and I can deal with everything on my own, I don't need people helping me thinking that they know me.

Because I knew I would be able to overcoat it and I didn't want people thinking any different of me.

because people have a tendency to judge the person who has self harmed, calling them 'weak' and 'looking for attention'

Did not feel it was important.

Did not want it.

Didn't think I really needed to.

Didn't want to burden more family, didn't have a partner and had too much pride to ring up or read leaflets. didnt want any

Didn't want to put my family through it again.

Don't like talking about it, seeking for advice, I prefer dealing with my problems myself.

Don't want to worry my mother & be an embarrassment to my family.

Don't feel I can talk about stuff -

Don't need help of anyone.

Don't need it. (2)

Feel ashamed/embarrassed to talk about my cuts and no one would care as everyone else has bigger problems/more important so why waste other's time when they don't care.

I didn't because it wasn't bad and stopped. It didn't make me feel any better. Only did it once.

I didn't feel that I could trust them nor did I feel that they would understand.

I didn't see what they could do as they wouldn't understand.

I would see a psychologist but we can't afford it and I don't want to talk to my GP and worry my mum.

I didn't try to get help. My sister found me having a fit I was rushed to hospital the doctor get help for me.

I didn't want to talk about it or worry anyone.

I didn't want to worry anyone, and they might try to shop me.

I didn't know who to talk too.

I didn't need to, I am able to stop myself.

I didn't want anyone to know.

I didn't want help at that time

I didn't want to worry anyone.

I didn't want to.

I do not like to depend on people, or be seen as a burden, or have others pity me. If I have a problem I should be more than capable of dealing with it myself. "On the last occasion", it was "very spur of the moment," a build-up of emotion that needed a release. Looking back it was very foolish of me, as the saying goes, you should never make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

I don't want them to be disappointed in me.

I don't want to worry anyone.

I don't feel I need any help.

I don't know I don't like talking about it with anyone. Other people have enough problems to deal with without having to deal with mine as well.

I don't think social worker a are very good and I felt nobody else could have solved my issue and my family have enough to deal with so I kept the problem to myself.

I don't trust the majority of people and those whom I do, I didn't want to bother with my problems.

I feel like I don't need it. I don't want to make a hassle over nothing; my mum doesn't need more stress.

I feel that my form of self-harm isn't serious enough-don't know if it's considered self-harm (I make myself vomit on purpose).

I felt alone. Scared people wouldn't believe me/mock me.

I felt ashamed of doing it; I did not want to worry my mother or the rest of my family. I did not want my school to know because they would tell my mother.

I felt embarrassed, and I felt that if I told someone they would just laugh and say I was 'attention seeking'! Also, I knew it was only a thought in my head and I wouldn't do anything to myself.

I felt like I was a waste of their time and that I don't deserve help or kindness from anyone.

I felt that they might think I been dramatic also I knew it would have to sort itself out sooner or later.

I felt that this would add to their worries and they did not need that. Also, I felt embarrassed and a little scared of what they might think of me. I thought that I could fix the problem myself.

I just tried my best to stay away from the razor blade and talk myself out of it.

i knew i had to talk to someone, so i choose my best friend, and she was there for me all the way

I knew it was a phase.

I never had any self-harm thoughts.

I only seeked help from those I felt comfortable talking about that stuff to.

I sorted the problems out myself, but I would never harm myself.

I tend to overcome problems by myself and do not wish to worry others

I was afraid of what people would think of me. I have a reputation of being a smart, mature, reasonable individual - people often speak to me about their problems. If anyone knew I was hurting myself to release stress they would think I had mental health problems. People would look at me differently.

I was too scared

I'd never actually be able to go through with taking an overdose etc.

I'im too scared

It is a sensitive and embarrassing matter

It is probably the hardest thing to talk about because someone might think you are crazy. So I thought about it and realized how it could affect my family so I sorted it out and dealt with the problem that was making me think like this.

It may have been embarrassing and I know I can handle things myself.

It seemed embarrassing to talk about.

It seems everyone has their own problems and want have enough time/interest and the problem will go away shortly so its painless to dwell on.

it seems like you're attention seeking It was on the brink of the moment, and I felt stupid afterwards.

Its not serious

Keeping my options open.

music helped me survive

Realized that it was silly and I could sort out my problems rather than doing risky things.

Situation at the time, felt I couldn't depend on anyone.

To afraid

Was able to sort it out myself.

What's the point

Would feel awkward about discussing my problems with someone. Afraid they would not view them as a big issue.

Would not listen/would feel stigma attached to thoughts


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