TALKFATH: Can you talk to your father
about things that really bother you?
TALKMOTH: Can you talk to your mother
about things that really bother you?
TALKSIBL: Can you talk to a brother
or sister about things that really bother you?
TALK_REL: Can you talk to another
relative about things that really bother you?
TALKFRND: Can you talk to a friend
about things that really bother you?
TALKTEAC: Can you talk to a teacher
about things that really bother you?
TALKSOME: Can you talk to somebody
else about things that really bother you?
WORYTALK: When you are worried or
upset how often do you talk to someone?
WRYBLAME: When you are worried or
upset how often do you blame yourself for getting into the mess?
WRYANGER: When you are worried or
upset how often do you get angry?
WORYSTAY: When you are worried or
upset how often do you stay in your room?
WRYTHINK: When you are worried or
upset how often do you think how you have dealt with similar situations?
WORRYALC: When you are worried or
upset how often do you have an alcoholic drink?
WRYWORRY: When you are worried or
upset how often do you try not to think about what is worrying you?
WORYSORT: When you are worried or
upset how often do you try to sort things out?
PROFHELP: Have you in the past year
had any serious problems for which you felt you needed professional
HARMATTN: Are most young people who
harm themselves trying to get attention?
HARMHURT: Do most young people who
harm themselves feel hurt inside?
HARMILL: Are most young people who
harm themselves mentally ill?
HARMLONE: Are most young people who
harm themselves lonely and depressed?
HARMPREV: Could most young people
who harm themselves have been prevented from doing so?
HARMSPUR: Do most young people who
harm themselves do it on the spur of the moment?
HARMSUIC: Are most young people who
harm themselves feeling suicidal?
OVERDOSE: Have you thought about
taking an overdose or trying to harm yourself, but not done so?
HELPQ62: Did you talk to, or try to
get help from, any people or sources on the last occasion of self-harm?
(Multiple Response Table)
DELIBOD: Have you ever deliberately
taken an overdose or tried to harm yourself in some other way, such
as cut yourself?
WHENOD: When was the last time you
took an overdose or tried to harm yourself?
HOWHARM: Please describe what you did
to harm yourself on that occasion. (categorised)
WHYHARM: Do any reasons help to explain
why you harmed yourself (Multiple Response Table)
TRYHLP: Did you talk or try to get
help before your last incident of self-harm from any people or sources?
(Multiple Response Table)
KNOWIT: Did anyone know about what
you did on the last occasion of self-harm (Multiple Response Table)?
HLPAFTER: Did you try to get help
afterwards for the problems that led you to harm yourself?
HOSPHELP: Did you go to hospital after
you tried to harm yourself?
HELPFROM: Did you receive help from
any people or sources? (Multiple Response Table)
Is there anything else you would like to say about stress, depression
and self-harm?