Tuesday March 18, 2025

Young Life and Times Survey 2013

Module: Minority Ethnic Groups

Year: 2013

This page lists the questions asked in the Minority Ethnic Groups module in 2013. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

FEELMEC: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from minority ethnic communities?

RACOWNKD: In relation to colour and ethnicity, do you prefer to stick to people of my own kind?

RACPREJ: Do you think there is a lot, a little or hardly any prejudice against minority ethnic communities?

RACPREJM: Is there more racial prejudice in Northern Ireland than 5 years ago?

UPREJMEG: Are you prejudiced against people of minority ethnic communities?

WHYUPREJ: What is the main reason why you feel prejudices? [categorised]

MEGCULT: The culture and traditions of people from different minority ethnic groups add to the richness and diversity of society?

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