Young Life and Times Survey 2012

Module: Rights

Year: 2012

This page lists the questions asked in the Rights module in 2012. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.


CRIGHTS1: Do you have the right to have a safe place to spend time with friends?

CRIGHTS2: Do you have the right to have money to do the things we want?

CRIGHTS3: Do you have the right to have our ideas listened to and taken seriously?

CRIGHTS4: Do you have the right to have enough food to survive?

CRIGHTS5: If you're under 16, do you have the right to decide to go to school or not?

CRIGHTS6: Do you have the right to an education?

NICCYDO1: Do you think the Commissioner carries out school inspections?

NICCYDO2: Do you think the Commissioner protects and promotes the rights of children and young people?

NICCYDO3: Do you think the Commissioner gives money for children to do projects?

NICCYDO4: Do you not know what the Commissioner does?

HEARDUNC: Have you heard of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child?

HRDNICCY: Have you heard of an organisation for children called NICCY?

HRDCOMM: Have you heard of the Children's Commissioner for Northern Ireland?

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