SEXTALKM: Is it easy to talk to your
mother about sex?
SEXTALKF: Is it easy to talk to your
father about sex?
SEXTALKB: Is it easy to talk to your
brother about sex?
SEXTALKS: Is it easy to talk to your
sister about sex?
SEXTALFR: Is it easy to talk to your
close friends about sex?
SEXTALPR: Is it easy to talk to your
boyfriend or girlfriend about sex?
SEXTALKT: Is it easy to talk to a
teacher about sex?
SEXTALKO: Is it easy to talk to somebody
else about sex?
SEXINFOM: Did you get information
about sexual matters from your mother?
SEXINFOF: Did you get information
about sexual matters from your father?
SEXINFOB: Did you get information
about sexual matters from your brother?
SEXINFOS: Did you get information
about sexual matters from your sister?
SEXINFSC: Did you get information
about sexual matters from lessons at school?
SEXINFFR: Did you get information
about sexual matters from friends?
SEXINFBF: Did you get information
about sexual matters from a boyfriend or girlfriend?
SEXINFBO: Did you get information
about sexual matters from books or magazines?
SEXINFTV: Did you get information
about sexual matters from TV or radio?
SEXINFWW: Did you get information
about sexual matters from the internet?
SEXINFHL: Did you get information
about sexual matters from help lines or agencies?
SEXINFGP: Did you get information
about sexual matters from a doctor, nurse or clinic?
SEXINFCH: Did you get information
about sexual matters from church?
NOSEXINF: Did you get information about sexual matters from none
of these?
SEXINFOT: Did you get information
about sexual matters from another source?
MOSTSEXI: How did you get the MOST
helpful information about sexual matters?
PREFER: How would you have preferred to
get information about sexual matters?
EVERSEX: Have you ever had sex?
FIRSTSEX: What age were you when
you first had sex?
HOWSEX: How that first time of having
sex come about?
SEXEXP: Sexual orientation of sexual
LOOKBACK: Was the first time you
had sex happen at the right time?
CSEX1: First time having sex: was curious.
CSEX2: First time having sex: got carried
away by feelings.
CSEX3: First time having sex: most people
in age group doing it.
CSEX4: First time having sex: natural
follow-on in relationship.
CSEX5: First time having sex: a bit
CSEX6: First time having sex: taken
some drugs.
CSEX7: First time having sex: wanted
to lose virginity.
CSEX8: First time having sex: in love.
CSEX9: First time having sex: went along
with other person's wishes.
CSEX10: First time having sex: against yours wishes.
CSEX11: First time having sex: something
HOWLONG: How long did the relationship
with your first sexual partner continue after the first time you had
USECONDO: Did you or the other person
use a condom when you first had sex?
OTHCONT1: Did you or the other person
use the Pill when you first had sex?
OTHCONT2: Did you or the other person
use a contraceptive injection when you first had sex?
OTHCONT3: Did you or the other person
make sure it was a safe period when you first had sex?
OTHCONT4: Did you or the other person
use withdrawal when you first had sex?
OTHCONT5: Did you or the other person
use another method of contraception when you first had sex?
OTHCONT6: When you first had sex,
was there no precaution by you, and don't know about your partner?
OTHCONT7: When you first had sex,
did neither of you use contraception?
OTHCONT8: Can you remember if you
used contraception when you first had sex?
Is there anything that you now feel you should have known more about
when you first had sex?
Altogether, how many partners have you had sex with?
EVEREC: Have you or your sexual partner(s)
ever used emergency contraception?
EASYCONT: Would you find it easy
to get contraceptives if you needed them?
SEXHEALT: Is there anything you would
like to say about the sexual health of young people in Northern Ireland?
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