Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2011
Module: Rights_and_Perceptions
Variable: SATNIGOV

Northern Ireland has its own devolved government at Stormont.
In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way the Northern Ireland government is doing their job?

Very satisfied1
Neither satisfied nor disssatisfied40
Very dissatisfied6
Don't know24


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

Very satisfied 1 1
Satisfied 15 17
Neither satisfied nor disssatisfied 41 40
Dissatisfied 16 12
Very dissatisfied 7 4
Don't know 20 27



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Very satisfied 1 1 1
Satisfied 15 20 12
Neither satisfied nor disssatisfied 42 38 42
Dissatisfied 14 14 13
Very dissatisfied 6 5 6
Don't know 24 23 26



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