Young Life and Times Survey 2011

Module: Health

Year: 2011

This page lists the questions asked in the Health module in 2011. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.


GHQ: 12 item General Health Questionnaire

UCLA1: How often do you feel in tune with the people around you?

UCLA2: How often do you lack companionship?

UCLA3: How often do you feel there is no-one you can turn to?

UCLA4: How often do you feel alone?

UCLA5: How often do you feel part of a group of friends?

UCLA6: How often do you feel that you have a lot in common with the people around you?

UCLA7: How often do you feel you are no longer close to anyone?

UCLA8: How often do you feel that your interests and ideas are not shared by those around you?

UCLA9: How often do you feel that you are an outgoing person?

UCLA10: How often do you feel that there are people you feel close to?

UCLA11: How often do feel left out?

UCLA12: How often do you feel that your social relationships are superficial?

UCLA13: How often do feel that no one really knows you well?

UCLA14: How often do you feel isolated from others?

UCLA15: How often do you feel that you can find companionship when you want it?

UCLA16: How often do feel that there are people who really understand you?

UCLA17: How often do feel unhappy being so withdrawn?

UCLA18: How often do you feel that people are around you but not with you?

UCLA19: How often do you feel that there are people you can talk to?

UCLA20: How often do feel there are people you can turn to?

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