Friday March 14, 2025

Young Life and Times Survey 2011

Module: Cross Community Contact

Year: 2011

This page lists the questions asked in the Cross Community Contact module in 2011. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.


SOCDIFF: How often do you socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community?

FRNDREL: How many close friends do you have from the other main religious community?

VISITFRD: How often do you visit the homes of friends who are from the other main religious community?

VISITYOU: How often do friends from the other main religious community visit your home?

FONETEXT: And how often do you phone or text friends who are from the other religious community?

CCPROJCT: Have you ever attended any cross-community projects?

PROJPOS: How would you describe your contact with people from different religious communities?

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