Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2009
Module:Mental Health and Self-harm

Below is a list of people and sources that some young people may contact if they have emotional or mental health problems. If you had such emotional or mental health problems, how helpful, do you think, these people or sources would be to you?



Not at all helpful28
A little helpful24
Quite helpful14
Very helpful9
I don’t know10
I don’t have this person or source11


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


Not at all helpful 25 30
A little helpful 25 24
Quite helpful 13 15
Very helpful 10 8
I don’t know 13 8
I don’t have this person or source 10 12
Missing 5 4



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Not at all helpful 29 26 28
A little helpful 25 27 19
Quite helpful 14 12 17
Very helpful 8 10 7
I don’t know 10 9 9
I don’t have this person or source 12 10 14
Missing 2 7 5


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