are the responses to the open-ended question:
'Is there anything else
you would like to say about community relations in Northern Ireland?'
Note: Responses were
only edited for grammatical reasons, if necessary. Square brackets
indicate where editing occurred.
1. A lot of people are prejudice to one another and judge each other
by appearance, religion, sexuality etc. However if they took their
time to get to know the people their opinion would change. Once they
get to know the person and their personality they would realize that
they judged them before they even met the person.
2. A stronger bond needs to be made!
3. After going to a mixed religion school from 1st to 5th year to
a mainly Protestant school, I don't think they are encouraged enough
to integrate with other religions.
4. All people should be treated the same, and there should be multi-national
5. All this sectarian stuff is in the past, young people don't actually
care, and tend to have little knowledge of what and why things happened
in the past yet again it is only a few minority giving the rest of
us bad names.
6. Although there has been much 'hype' about racism and sectarianisms
in NI, I really don't think it is the problem that the government
is making it out to be. I am a Protestant who goes to a Catholic school
and I couldn't feel more welcome - what as background is not important.
7. Although they are improving, compared to the rest of the U.K Northern
Ireland is still probably the place where most ethnic troubles happen.
Hopefully this will not be a problem in the near future.
8. As long as there are political parties which push their religious
views onto others, we will always have problems in NI.
9. Bad and always will be Catholics and Protestants will never live
in peace. A united Ireland will only stir up more trouble than there
already is.
10. Catholics and Protestants fighting is completely pointless.
11. CBA
12. Children need to be taught sectarianism is wrong at an early
age, as well as discrimination & verbal abuse over sexuality, race
and culture is wrong and immoral.
13. Community relations in Northern Ireland are poor because of storys
not necessarily true passed down through families about other religions/
ethnic groups. Religon is brought out in everything for excample,
'only protestants support Rangers F.C' or 'only catholics support
Celtic'. in my opinion, if those teams could be extinct, there wouldn't
be as many problems. you never hear of this type of bother in England
or Wales, thwy can live with it, unlike here.
14. Community relations I feel have definitely come a long way, race,
sex, religion of all kinds are accepted by the majority. Definitely
learning that variety in life is important and without it life would
be boring. There are much greater problems in society to deal with;
and people are realizing that accepting people of all kinds in to
the community is a great thing, widening our knowledge on people as
a whole!
15. Community relations in Northern Ireland are ridiculous because
the amount of White people is getting smaller and smaller because
of ethnic minorities like Black or Muslims are coming over here where
they don't belong and its damaging Great Britain to a great extend.
They are responsible for a great deal of crime in Britain and are
solely responsible for knife crime and vandalism sooner or later White
people will be Northern Irelands ethnic minority.
16. Community relations within Northern Ireland is a disgrace. I
have always been brought up knowing that everyone is equal. Why should
there be sectarian violence because of your religion. Its not even
about religion anymore for these people involved obviously do not
follow God and believe murder is wrong. During summer 2009 I was involved
in the Ulster Project. A cross community church based project. It
gave me the safe environment I wanted to explore both my own faith
and the Protestant faith. I believe that change will not happen in
my lifetime or even in my children's but it has to start now try taking
Michael Jackson's approach "Start with the man in the mirror."
17. Conflict with ethnic groups and religions are improving I think
problems with society, is due to Ireland not getting their independence
in my opinion.
18. Could be better.
19. Even if Northern Ireland as a whole become more accepting of
different religions, there will always be those who beat people up
for religion or race, or throw petrol bombs into homes of those with
a different religious or ethnic background to them, meaning there
will always remain a constant resentment for each other. Although
I believe the younger generation is less prejudice than older (even
if that is contradictory) because of the constant lessons of anti-prejudice
being forced down our throats.
20. Every memebr of a paramilitary group should be more closely watched
as the dissidents are becoming more of a threat and still trying to
turn eligions agaisnt each other
21. Everyone should get along no matter what race or ethnic background
they come from. Its stupid and childish to think otherwise.
22. Everyone should get along with one another, as we are all the
same no matter what are backgrounds are!
23. Fighting sucks.
24. Forget the past and get on with it.
25. From learning about Northern Ireland's history, particularly
the troubles for GCSE history, I think I learnt more about the conflict
between Protestant and Catholic communities. I think it wasn't their
particular religion that separated them, as I don't believe either
community knows about or fully understands each others religions.
Basically Protestants and Catholics are just names, and when the separate
communities associate these names with each other, they thinks badly
of them without fully understanding why. They have just been brought
up to dislike one another, because of previous events (the troubles)
that did not even affect themselves.
26. Getting worse
27. Have definatly improved over past years but still alot of work
to do.
28. Having come from a controlled primary school into an integrated
secondary school - many of my oldest friends who continued in Protestant-based
education have become very bitter at times I have felt discriminated
against by them for having friendships and relationships with members
of the Catholic community. I love my school and will be very sorry
to leave in 2011 - I think the intergraded education I have received
has been fantastic for me as a person, as if has given me a friendship
groups made up of people from all sorts of different backgrounds,
races and cultures, which makes my life a lot more interesting and
diverse in a way it couldn't here been without my school.
29. Hopefully they will get better.
30. I'm afraid I actually lack knowledge in this area despite born
and bred in Northern Ireland, but I go to school in Dublin and board
on a termly basis, so I never really to find out much community relations
in N.I.
31. I'm an Athiest and I hate religion as a whole it causes so much
trouble and war in the world. None are totally right, if any at all....
32. I'm not very sure, we still have alot of Peace walls, in my area
there is none but a stones throw away from the City Centre of Belfast
theres lots. This needs changed, as people outside greater Belfast
are unaware. End this ignorance.
33. i am not a racist or sectarian person and would not fight for
there to be no catholics or watever .. i am just proud of my religion
an nationality but i would not cause a fight over it, i am entitled
to my own opinion and so is everyone else.
34. I am not affected very much and I believe a major part of this
is due to my education - as I have been in integrated schools all
my life - and being brought up to accept difference and not have prejudice.
35. I believe community relations are vastly improving and it is
the parents or elders of children who influence their views on other
minorities and eventually these people who are still bitter about
other groups will eventually pass away in years to come until there
is no more negative feelings from people about other groups.
36. I believe community relations have been improving over the past
few years and communities are becoming more diverse and acceptance
of ethnic minorities is higher, however a lot of work is still needed.
37. I believe depending on where you live is a major factor on how
you feel about other communities in your area, whther or not that
place is heavily Catholic or heavily Protestant mainly.
38. I believe more needs to be done to help those who have to deal
with racists remarks. I believe that not all people in Northern Ireland
are racist but I have strong opinions and I want get over what was
said to me and I see I had to cope with it by my own.
39. I believe schools are not focusing on the issues. In religion
they don't tell us about our religions (just the generic Christianity),
the similarities between Catholics and Protestants, other ethnic related
religions (Jewish, Hindu, Muslim). We are ignorant in our history
as we are taught so little religious teachers are prejudiced and we
are moving in a very negative direction racially as we are focusing
nationally on religion.
40. I believe that by referring to the issues in Northern Ireland
aas problems between 'catholics and protestants' rather than 'unionists
and nationlists' simply INCREASES a confusion amoungst young people
over what the issues are. I believe this should be alterd in the next
survey, otherwise, this is simply adding to tensions, as not all catholics
and not all protestants are politically minded.
41. I believe that community relations within communities between
different religions & ethnicities will not change with the length
of time individuals live along side them, however with each generation
the tolerance between these groups increases. Teenagers & children
nowadays will grow up more closely with other groups than their parents,
who in turn grew up more closely to other groups but not to the extend
of the children. With time each generation tends to forget the friction
between different communities.
42. I believe that for too many people care about being Protestant
or Catholic and with relation to politics too many people vote for
either Protestant or Catholic parties even when they know nothing
about politics.
43. I believe that in places like Belfast community relations between
catholic an protestants and mixed race has come a long way in the
past couple of years. Increasing friendships and making Belfast a
more diverse area. But on the other hand i think that in places there
is still alot of sectarianism, and this should be dealt with in the
best way possible, for instance alot more mixed schools and better
education from a young age.
44. I believe that religion and ethnic group will create a barrier
between most people mainly due to social group and families of many
believe it is better to stay with their own groups.
45. I believe that sectarianism, amongst young people today is unnecessary.
The tension between Protestant & Catholic young people is stupid as
it is not about religion anymore as most of them know anything about
religion or are even religious. I believe it is just something that
young people can fight over, that's why they like it.
46. I believe that the relation between communities in northern ireland
has changed drastically, i believe people have become more open to
interact with different communities. This is a big step forward for
northern ireland.
47. I believe that the relations have greatly improved and are now
alot stronger buh perhaps the focus has been placed upon those of
ethnic minorities.
48. I believe that there is too much emphasis on both community's
religion and political correctness in Northern Ireland. There is also
a lack of respect in most youth groups. On the other hand there is
a lack of respect for youths, as everyone expects as to be until proven
49. I do not think Northern Ireland is ever going to change because
the parent's attitude is post on to the kids which keeps the vote
in Northern Ireland.
50. I don't believe there is enough support or research done in the
area, get the problem isn't with young people. It's with their parents.
Children learn what they live.
51. I don't feel that the damage that has been caused in Northern
Ireland as a result of sectarianism will ever be repaired. Parents
are teaching children to follow in their sectarian footsteps and i
feel that this will continue to happen for many years to come. (Not
that I want this to happen)
52. I don't have much experience in this regard as in the area in
which I live in people are nearly all the same as me but I do think
that school is helping many people my age to become more accepting
of people who differ from ourselves.
53. I don't know I need to say anything to community relations in
Northern Ireland. I am only 16 years old and I am DLA person.
54. I don't like all the farmers [foreigners] stealing our jobs.
55. I don't make friends because of race or ethnic origin. I find
it unimportant and I don't ask people I've just met about it.
56. i don't really mind what religion people are, as long as they
don't 'boast' about it
57. I don't think anyone cover if someone is Catholic or Protestant
anymore. People have to move on in my opinion.
58. I don't think that it should make a differece if two people are
catholic and protestent, we should all treat eachother the same.
59. I feel Catholics are not being treated fairly! Police, college
teachers and the government are all favoring the Protestant community.
60. I feel like in my community we are afraid of other religions
as we hear about sectarian attacks.
61. I feel like when some people move forward others get scared and
move back. I'm worried about there being more peace walls. I get the
feeling that my peers either care too much about the nationalist unionist
divide,or not at all. I feel like I am part of a minority community,
in my sexuality, but have faced very little discrimination, which
is good. Though I have experienced one case of extreme dicrimination.
62. I feel most people want to forget about relations and want peace,
but people who don't believe in peace keeping influence others, causing
more trouble.
63. I feel people off all religions should be able to get on well
and mix in together so much more in todays society. where all only
64. I feel relation between Catholics and other religions is heavily
influenced by school. I am not influenced by it but I can see how
others could easily be. We learn about the troubles at GCSE history
bringing us back to the origins. This could cause spite amongst students.
We learn about the differences between Catholicism different religions
also in RE, not the similarities.
65. I feel shutting children away from all other religion and ethnicities
is the wrong approach as the fear of the unknown is what causes tension
and violence in the community in N.I. I think all schools should be
integrated to encourage friendships etc among children from all kind
of backgrounds.
66. I feel strongly about not getting the chance to socialise with
people my age from different ethnic background so I joined the spirit
of Enniskillen to broaden my religious experiences and knowledge and
have taken part in several workshops & residentials. I think it is
important to teach the younger generation that there shouldn't be
a religious divide I work in a mixed organisation part time and I
would have friends with different backgrounds at that very close friends.
67. I feel that community relations are getting gradually better
as people from all different backgrounds start to mix more and views
of 'Catholic' and 'Protestant' or 'Black' and 'White' are no longer
seen as all important.
68. I feel that community relations in Northern Ireland have improved
to a certain extent. However prejudiced attitudes are still very prominent
in some people. I think that people should not be judged for their
religious beliefs, ethnicity or religious sector, if this were to
happen in Northern Ireland, and then there would be less fights and
hostile relationships.
69. I feel that everyone's the same and should be treated the same.
I don't know any community relations in Northern Ireland to be honest.
70. I feel that in the society i have grown up in community relations
isn't bad as i have friends in both religions but i am still aware
of the difference due to the society my parents were brought up in
i.e. the troubles.
71. I feel that it is only a small minority of people who resent
people at other religion/race. This is mostly because they are jealous
of them, maybe because they have a job, house or car etc.
72. I feel that it is unfair to treat a person differently who has
a different ethnic origin or religion. I do not feel ashamed to talk
to anyone of a different kind. I wish fighting and conflict would
stop. In my Pipe Band, there is two boys who are of a black race.
I talk to them all the time and they are no different than me.
73. I feel that local communities should be doing more to get young
people to mix with other ethnic and cultural groups in order to build
positive relations between communities of young people.
74. I feel that people who see Northern Ireland on the TV, perceive
us as being sectarian just because of our past and now the threat
of dissident republicans, but it is better than anyone knows, where
I am from it matters not at your color, race or creed, as long as
your willing to have a good time, nothing else matters.
75. I feel that relations are still slightly unstable and fI eel
it will take many years and at more generations to overcome, but we
are getting there. The majority of people are trying to do good, but
a very small majority remain who wish to destroy this. From what I
have learnt about the past of Northern Ireland, things today are completely
different, for the better. I would not like to go back to those days;
we have peace, economic prosperity and good relations with others
parts of the world which we have not had for years.
76. I feel that the majority of young people in NI don't pay attention
to race or religion - it is not the first thing we look for. We are
more open minded. There are a majority of youths, who will not tolerate
other racial or religious groups, which I feel is pathetic. We all
have the right to live here, and to create danger is a disgrace, also
emotionally and physically abusing people from other ethnic groups
is abominable.
77. I feel that the older generation in Northern Ireland often make
generalizations about young people and judge them, believing that
all young people are 'hoodies' and only want to cause trouble. I also
believe that young people aren't given the chance to mix with, and
meet people from different ethic groups. I would like the chance to
meet new people from different religions.
78. I feel that the older generations are the ones who are holding
grudges about the troubles in Northern Ireland I feel that he younger
generation are more open minded. The older generation should no pass
on there biased beliefs to the children because this is just continuing
the argument between Catholic and Protestant religions.
79. I feel that there shouldn't be such an uproar about Protestants
and Catholics as I feel everyone is equal and therefore should be
treated equally. The world would be a better place if everyone got
80. I feel that young people today only hold prejudices against others
because, there parents grew up during the troubles and lived in a
divided country, and some will never get over what happened and their
children mimic this.
81. I feel the community relations in NI are improving. I feel RS
and Protestants are learning to live more comfortably with each other.
School activities are bringing different religions and ethnic groups
together and I feel we will all have a better future
82. I hate how being Protestant or Catholic is made out to be such
a big thing, it shouldn't matter we should all get along.
83. I have found from personal experience that people can be incredibly
short-sighted as it pertains to community relations and it has angered
me on occasion.
84. I have no problem with people from different countries of ethnic
backgrounds. I feel the people & who are prejudiced against them often
contribute little to the community, generally less than people of
ethnic minorities do themselves.
85. i have takin part in alot of cross-comuity projects and would
like to when im older, make a stand to block out the hatered of peoples
views of colour and religon as everyone is a person in their own right.
so when the next generishon are growing up they wont have the same
strugles of growing up in difficult areas and so they will know everyone
is equal
86. I hope no problems with 'foreigners' coming to live + work in
our country. Altough once here I feel they should live by the rules
of the country. for example the amin religion of the U.K. is Christian
although I feel the gov. is beginning to discriminate against Christians
in favour of other religions such as muslims.
87. I just hope everyone will get along soon.
88. I just think that it is time to move on for everyone to mature
and get along, because at the end of the day, everyone of us is human
and more should be done to remove bitterness and get both sides of
the community to be more together and less segregated.
89. I just wish everyone would get along with each others.
90. I just wish that people in Northern Ireland and Ireland would
move on and stop living in the past, to either get on or just keep
quiet about their own personal feelings if they still have a dislike
to other ethnic groups or religions.
91. I live in the country 9 miles from Town or City.
92. I personally don't care that much.
93. I really wish people put less importance on net identities of
race and religion, and more on individual people.
94. I still don't understand sectarianism - what makes Catholics
different from Protestants so that violence is caused? We are all
equal in God's eyes and we should believe this ourselves.
95. I suppose there is always the feeling that you don't agree with
their beliefs and therefore dislike them but you know that it isn't
fair to judge a person on beliefs and where they come from.
96. I think a lot of families pressurize their children into thinking
something about a particular group. Children no longer understand
why there is conflict; instead they copy the people around them. Although,
I do not feel the divide is as apparent now.
97. I think community relations are slightly improving, hopefully
they will improve in the future.
98. I think community relations could be a lot better, sectarianism
is a very import factor in some people's narrow minded lives.
99. I think community relations in Northern Ireland has been really
good over the past couple of years but in this year I strongly feel
that these so called IRA are trying to destroy the peace process but
they have no community support at all except from the people committing
these crimes.
100. I think it's hard sometimes to ensure good community relations
since different communities have established themselves in certain
areas so many people just generally aren't exposed to each other as
much as they should be on a regular basis. This may change however
in the future which would greatly benefit NI, since through being
exposed to other people you understand more about them and the less
prejudice is able to be built up.
101. I think more should be done to encourage interaction across
different religious groups e.g. Protestant/Catholic communities, especially
at a young age.
102. I think people are so caught up in the past that it prevents
people from mixing with people from different communities. People
need to forget about stuff that happened and try and move on. The
people who refuse to move on, their children are then brought up with
the same views that they have which means that things are always going
to be tense between different communities in Northern Ireland.
103. I think people are too concerned about the past, and if they
don't let it go, as a country we won't be able to move on and build
better relations.
104. I think people everywhere, but particularly in Northern Ireland,
have an irrational fear of, and therefore resentment towards, those
who are different from them. Sectarian incidents and incidents involving
ethnic minorities such as Romanians reflect very badly on our country
and the communities within it. There needs to be a greater effort
made to educate people, especially in underprivileged areas where
violence has been more prevalent, about equality, in order to eradicate
this fear.
105. I think people should learn to accept other people for who they
are and what they believe. In NI you can be bullied for what color
skin is or even what side of the border you're from and there is something
very-very wrong about that.
106. I think religious things have vastly improved though I think
there are indications that things may get bad again in the future
107. I think that as long as everybody is able to freely express
their religious views and not have any conflict, things should be
108. I think that community relations in NI have come along way due
to the increase in people from other countries, ethnic groups and
race. However I think that racism and discrimination still exists.
I wish that everyone could be more open-minded and accept other people
without fighting. This would make young people understand more clearly
the importance of having good community relations.
109. I think that communties should cooperate with each other better
and accept that everyone isn't the same. they should realise that
we have a muli-cultural society and we should start to allow it to
evolve into a peaceful community
110. I think that in order to make things calm and peaceful between
different communities we should bring them together. Therefore, they
can realize how stupid they have been and put the past behind them.
111. I think that people are being stupid still going on about this.
In all honesty, most people doing this survey where not born during
the troubles and so what happen then doesn't really effect them as
much. Most of my frineds are a different religion and come from different
community backgrounds and this doesn't change my opinion on any of
them. If people continiue to live in the past then of course different
communities and religious groups won't get on, so people need to move
forward and realise that its really very stupid to have fights over
what and who we believe in otherwise, fighting is going to happen
for the sake of it. Everytime it is mentioned in the media, people
pick up on it and listen out for it, and so it will be in the forfront
of their mind, but if people just don't talk about it everyone will
eventually see that no-one actually cares!
112. I think that people should just try to get along. It doesn't
matter what religion or ethnic group they are from.
113. i think that relations between catholics and protestants need
to improve greatly. But on the other hand they need to understand
the Northern Irelnad is part of Britain and will never be part of
114. I think that relations between different communities in Northern
Ireland in the recent years have improved a lot.
115. I think that relations between people in Northern Ireland will
never be completely peaceful due to narrow minded people who live
in the past.
116. I think that the communtity relations in my community are hidden,
noone knows who is what religion and frankly, in my area i don't think
anyone really cares about it.
117. I think that their shouldn't be any war between Protestants
and Catholics and I also think teenagers like me should have the confidence
to stand out and be able to do what ever suits them and not be scared.
118. I think that there isn't problem with religion between Catholic
and Protestant but with things that happen in pass for example in
Londonderry and this didn't cause either by Catholic nor Protestants
but because of bad people that lives everywhere or because of politics.
People need to think more about future and change this who are bad
to good and help others like in 3rd world, just like bible is during
to teach us.
119. I think that there should be more opportunities to participate
in cross-community projects, in your school, youth club etc. This
allows you to become more comfortable around people of different religions
and understand their attitudes better. I believe that this may be
minor reason why there is still distance between different communities
especially in Northern Ireland.
120. I think that young people are judged by older generations. Police
forget teenagers when they should be spending their time and money
on catching criminals. Politicians do not fully understand or represent
young people. They should help financially with university fees and
help find jobs for young people when they leave higher education.
People assume that every one is sectarian when in fact it is a minority
who discriminate. Having a political view is not being sectarian.
I go to a Catholic School, I was raised Catholic and I wasn't brought
up with a particular view about where I live, however like so many
other young people I now have very strong views about politics and
don't care about religion but our elders assume that we are still
as sectarian as they were.
121. I think the parents should to be answering this questionnaire
as it is them who is bringing their children up to be like this.
122. I think the past should stay in the past, people should be counted
for who they are not labeled religions.
123. I think the police should 'increase the peace'.
124. I think there should be less emphasis put on the differences
between religious and ethnic groups and more/and more serious consequences
put on those who continue to arouse problems on these differences.
Cities like Belfast are continuously on the news for riots between
religions. It is the people with religious issues who are destroying
Belfast's name and making life hell for those who want to have a peaceful
125. I think they are improving, however the past should forgotten.
I have many friends from different communities.
126. I think young people are able to get on with one another -
from the other community; however the way some people are brought
up at home can reflect on their attitude towards other religions as
they can resent them and not give them a chance as they have judged
them too quick. I used to have a small problem mixing however now
I go to a mixed college and love it because I have realized we are
all human! Also that it is good some of us have different opinions
as it makes as more interesting.
127. I think your family has a strong influence on your thoughts
of religion in Northern. I have my own thoughts on religion in Northern
Ireland, I wouldn't mind living or working with people from a different
religion or race as times have changed and it doesn't make a difference
anymore. However sometimes trouble & fights could start or children
could get bullied in school as some people are stuck in the past.
128. I want every one to get on. As I was brought up to get on with
everyone as we are all the same and we are all human. To me there
is no difference between us.
129. I wish everyone could get along and by in a mixed neighborhood.
130. I would hope in time that they will improve.
131. I would like to see people to mix with other communities more,
like myself being a deaf person. I would like to mix with hearing
people, to rise awareness for deaf and to learn about their culture.
132. I would love to see everyone living in harmony and caring for
each other.
133. I would only prefer toive in a neighbourhood with people from
my own religious community to avoid conflict, and to avoid having
to live in fear of sectarian attacks. Despite this, I do believe that
relations are improving between the majority of Catholics and Protestants,
though we can only hope that the problem of sectariansim will completely
be erased on day in the six counties.
134. If there were less people from other countries then, there would
be more jobs and less trouble in our society.
135. If we Catholics and Protestants were to get on with each other
it would be good because they way that it is how it is not working
out we are all still fighting and we are killing each other and it's
not fare on others, so something needs to be done.
136. In my area everyone seems to get on well no matter what their
ethnic background is. I think it would be really boring to stick to
your own group of people because you wouldn't learn anything, like
for example about their background, their history etc.
137. In my area there are not many problems with religion but in
more urban areas there are a lot more problems.
138. In my community grass root Protestants and Catholics don't
really get along. There is a lot of violence and fights among younger
people because of this.
139. In my community it is mixed which has its disadvantages in many
fights/tension. However I have got to know a lot more people from
the other religion due to my high school and a Catholic high school
sharing classes also organisations such as 'spirit of Enniskillen'
has brought people from the two communities together. I think more
things like these should be done as it has been a real improvement
personally, what you think/act for my community.
140. In my opinion there is too much emphasis on religion in Northern
Ireland. I think its time to move on and learn to accept other people
and embrace other cultures. The sooner people do this the sooner to
sectarianism will end. It's ridiculous to think that people have to
know what religion you are before they talk to you.
141. In rural areas there is very little opportunity to mix with
anyone other than the immediate community. It has improved recently
in my area with the development of a 'Drop-In' centre which aims to
integrate young people more. I think all flags and marches of any
kind should be banned because they only antagonise people from the
opposite religion.
142. In some communities, the relations between Catholics and Protestants
are bad. Young boys, especially those from towns e.g. Kedy or Magh
are awful when it comes to people other than their own. Its something
they are brought up with some of the older generations from these
types of areas have not taught their young about the bad side of the
trouble or supported the bad side and still do. More needs to be done
to stop this as it sometimes gets out of hard and we should be over
the difference of Protestants, Catholics people from other countries
etc. As it is a big problem. My family taught me well and I accept
143. In terms of Catholic - Protestant relations we have taken a
backward step in creating separate tests for the P7's to take. This
will only highlight a difference in the communities that is not really
144. In terms of the Catholic/Protestant divide, relations are improving,
but prejudices linger still - and strongly - in the minds of some
of my generation.
145. In the more prosperous parts of Northern Ireland community relations
seem to be good, but I think more of an effort needs to be made for
less prosperous areas, as relations seem to be fragmented.
146. Interaction between the differing social classes is quite limited
in my area, which I think is a disadvantage and potentially damaging
thing for young people on both sides.
147. It's all very childish.
148. It's good to mix with people from different backgrounds and
beliefs. One of my best friends is Muslim and its interesting knowing
about the rules with this.
149. It annoys me when people fight. They do not realize there is
virtually no difference between them. I think schools and youth projects
should try to do cross-community projects from a younger age.
150. It is good to socialise or mix with others of opposite religion
although I believe there will always be the division in Northern Ireland.
151. It is mostly older people who don't agree with younger people
hanging out with people of a different religion.
152. It is not good, therefore it is getting better. Lots of croos-community
programs through schools helps for us, teenagers, to know other religions
and to cope with them.
153. It is still very segregated in the lower classes.
154. It isn't just people who were born in Northern Ireland that
don't socialise with ethnic minority's Ethnic minority's don't socialise
with people born in Northern Ireland.
155. it should all be mixed tostop secterisim because with people
living in different parts of the town lik the catholic or protestant
end there not getting to know eachother their for theyll just assume
they hate eachother and have nothing in common. when realy they will
have alot more than what they think!
156. it should change ! everyone should be able to get on with everyone.
if you didnt know they were from another religion everyone would get
on fine, so why does it have to be different in real life
157. It would be ideal if we could all get along no matter what our
religion. If this was acheived there would be no bother in having
mixed-religion neighbourhoods or schools as there would be less trouble.
158. Its good.
159. Its okay, but they don't have enough advertising as to where
events, etc are held. As far as religion goes some people generate
'hate' from others beliefs. If they would voice their own opinion
they would find it more beneficial to them as a person.
160. Its time we all changed. If someone is nice to me, they are
my friend regardless of who they are. I am fed up hiding when troubles
emerge. I don't care about what religion or ethnic minority people
161. Just because there is no rioting on the streets like things
used to be 10-15 yrs ago, doesn't mean it doesn't go on. It a sort
or "dirty war" now, behind closed doors, on social networking sites
and in the night clubs.
162. Keep Er Lit'!
163. Lots of hatred.
164. Minority groups get a bad press. There are not many minority
groups in my area, so it is strange when I come across them.
165. More could be done to encourage community relations
166. More cross community needed, especially for young people and
167. More mixed communities need to be made to help different religions
168. Most agree to live together.
169. Most of the fighting and tensions in my local area are caused
by youths from both sides of the community, over the silliest of things.
The fact that "gangs" from both communities gather and try to provoke
each other in public places.
170. Most people I know are racist, but we are all just people.
171. Most people want relations to improve but other people will
never change their views on other groups because it the way they have
been brought up.
172. Most people want to move on and improve relations with each
other. It is only an idiotic minority trying to drag us back to hell.
173. Much of it is down to where you live - I believe I would have
more friends of a different ethnic background if I lived in an area
with more people from a different ethnic background.
174. My time in NI has been quite simple - I have never really had
any problems with religion or race. All the problems seem like a TV
program or something, as I have never experienced it personally other
than that, I don't really think a lot about religion & race, so it
doesn't bother me or influence my decisions. To put it crudely, I
just don't care about it.
176. Need all mixed religion school, we would not allow all White
or all Black school.
177. Need to improve Catholic and Protestant relations a lot!
178. NI is on a slippery slope with regards community relations.
Sectarian violence is on the rise again, social tensions are growing
and young and old feel disillusioned with the parties in the assembly.
These politicians do not want to see an equal NI, because their very
support base is centered around sectarian beliefs. Only a socialist
party which cuts across divisions racial and sectarian divisions can
provide a solution.
183. No matter where you go you will always have Catholic & Protestants
189. Not really, I go to an integrated school and most of my friends
have different religions and I work in an environment where it is
mixed as well, so religion personally isn't a huge thing for me.
190. Nothing really because I don't really know that much about them
to say anything.
191. Only Northern Ireland brings religion into everything. Why do
all CV's ask if you are a Roman Catholic or Protestant? It should
be boxes for all denominations, I see myself as a Christian, definitely
not a Protestant, I or my family do not protest against the RC church!
There should be boxes to tick for your denomination (RC, CofI, Methodist,
Presbyterain etc.). Why are there so many schools with 'St' to its
name, they never open their door to other children of the community
that is not Roman Catholic!?
192. Our day will come.
193. Peace must maintain for a better future for both sides of the
community. The union of Great British and Northern Ireland is the
only path which leads to peace and a better future for all because
of Great British standing in the world which comes with a lot of benefits
like better jobs, more money, safety and better & free health care.
194. People are still bitter about the past, and at the end of the
day no-one can change those people's views, but they should try to
move on for the sake of the young people of the new generation.
195. People are very narrow minded. I think the focus on Protestants
and Catholics has decreased due to an increase in foreign population
within the country. A lot of Polish/Asian/German etc people are being
cut off and discriminated against now.
196. People look for problems within others and I believe that this
is sad as most people are kind so there isn't anything wrong with
197. People need to look to the future and leave past behind to improve
198. People need to stop letting politics decide who they like and
should live with, people need to think for themselves.
199. People need to wise up and forget about what makes them different
and stop picking holes in other peoples beliefs and backgrounds. They
need to concentrate on what is important, and what they have in common.
Just treat everybody exactly the same. thats all.
200. People should be more open minded and get to know people before
they judge them on their skin colour, ethnicity or religion. They
could turn out to be one of the nicest people you ever meet.
201. People should listen to each other more and more past their
hatred. Communities are constantly competing against each other for
privileges and rights, while wanting to doing the other side them.
I don't see why it matters, we are all people.
202. People shouldn't worry about other religions to the extent that
they hate the other religion.
203. People where I live relate to what they hear on the news -
this seems to stir up relations in the community in my eyes if you
could the troubles out of Belfast mainly & deny as well it. Could
solve a lot of problems - we in the country how always lived in a
mixed communities. We have learnt to live with each other and respect
each others differences to only time you see - difference around here
is when it comes to the 12th July other than that religion would never
be named.
204. people will always be treated differently because of their religion
and/or their race
205. Personally, I attend a mixed grammar school in Northern Ireland.
Here we are taught that everyone is equal and accordingly where I
live I feel community relations are extremely good.
206. Race and ethnic backgrounds are growing in Northern Ireland
and I am a Chinese person. I feel accepted my friends and school and
I don't feel different from them from the fact that I belong here.
207. Racism still exists among my community
208. Rangers v Celtic & SCUW
209. Relations are improving as children aren't all growing up knowing
that there is a catholic and protestent side and can be friends with
either. eg protestents and catholics can get on happily together
210. Schools should promote integration.
211. Since the good Friday agreement, community relations in Northern
Ireland, especially those between Catholics and Protestants, have
greatly improved, although I would say that there is a long way to
go before we reach peace. Where I live, relations are quite good but
I do acknowledge that in other locations in Northern Ireland, religious
prejudice can both sides) does still exist.
212. Some of the reasons which I would prefer to be wish my own ethnic
group is because of people who are sectarian and can't bare to be
wish a member of an ethnic group.
213. Some people from minority ethnic backgrounds tend to be singled
out and sterotyped.
214. Some people only use their religion as an excuse to fight with
215. Sometimes when I am out with friends people will ask me if I
am a Catholic or a Protestant and that makes me feel quite uncomfortable
difference. Their religious background does not could offend me so
it makes me angry that mine could affect them. Especially because,
I attend my church and groups within my church and I remain neutral,
where as they do not and they think that they are better than me purely
because of their religious Christian denomination.
217. Still a lot of problems breaking down the old bigotry barriers,
although progress has been made over the past few years.
218. Stop sending me this shit. I'll wipe my anger with the next
1 and send it back.
219. That they have improved, and as I go to an integrated school
I am more worry of all religions and ethnicity.
220. The community relations have started to get better. Seems to
& be getting better every year.
221. The majority of people in N.I. only live in communities that
share their religious views and this is why many people have difficulty
accepting other people from different backgrounds.
222. The relationship between Protestants and Catholic seems to be
getting slightly better but relations with minority ethnic groups
is not improving as there are many racial attacks recently.
223. The Ulster Project are doing a great job and shoulg get more
credit for improving the relationships between catholic and protestant
teens in Northern Ireland
224. There are some ethnic extremists who want to make things worse
for Northern Ireland, but they won't make much of an impact on our
way of life.
225. There is still a lot to do even though they have been focused
on. I hope that in the future every where and everyone will accept
people for who they are and treat everybody with equality.
226. There really aren't many opportunities to meet new people from
other backgrounds. When you do meet them, the society of political
correctness has made us scared of saying the wrong thing and so most
young people don't make the effort.
227. There should be more cross community events. I don't want to
see any flags polluting my village in the summer, it's not normal
and they're horrible looking. I also think the orange order should
be banned. Not because I have any sectarian views towards them but
I think they deliberately antagonize Catholics and they are a waste
of public money. I also feel annoyed that Northern Irish government
encourage and appease to this ultimately sectarian organisation.
228. There should be more involvement with all ethnic groups. Schools
do a lot but there could be more involvement made.
229. There should be more organisations with mixed race/religion,
so that people can be more involved with other people and realise
that we are all alike and may be there would be less conflict.
230. There should be more residential trips so both sides of the
community can come together.
231. There should be no fighting - it's pointless.
232. There will also be some friction, between youths in either community
233. There will always be friction between Catholics and Protestants
because of what happened in the past but there is no need for Catholics
to be portrayed as evil as unjust.
234. They'll get better when the old people are gone.
235. They are clearly not good. Going through history you can see
the views that were developed and they still stand today.
236. They are getting better and it is getting better and will get
237. They are getting much better than they used to be. Most people
want to get along with the other community but there are still a few
people who dont.
238. They are improving.
239. They are improving. But the step that has to be taken to improve
them further is too get rid of religious schools. Make all schools
240. They are increasingly getting better Protestants & Catholics
we friends, boyfriends, girlfriends and fellow students unlike before.
241. They are steadily improving.
242. They need to get better.
243. They need to improve dramatically because if it continues,
we are just setting up a bad example for the next generation gap.
Something should be done to improve it, like having more mixed schools
and more mixed living environments.
244. Times have changed, nooen I jnow still rgerads religion or race
in what they do or say.
245. To stick to one religion community may seem an old fashioned
way of thinking, but for me, the close knit community of a Gaelic
football team, where everyone knows everyone is an ideal place to
be raised up in or be involved with.
246. Towns should hold events that include all ethnic groups, so
that no one is left.
247. Unfortunately relations will always be tainted. The government
attempts to make an example but people just disagree quickly. Also
when we thought things were going fine again all of a sudden we set
these republican attacks from idiots just trying to stir up trouble.
248. We don't have a lot of say for being young adults. Teachers
and other adults stick together and don't want your point of view
249. We don't really have the opportunity to get to know people from
other backgrounds.
250. We need to stop encouraging unnecessary hatred. I grew up disliking
the other side of the community but not really knowing why. It wasn't
until I participated in outreach with my church that I befriended
Catholics and I still visit them weekly or fortnightly - when I can.
251. We should work harder to include people from other ethnic backgrounds
especially due to the increase in the migrant worker population.
252. We shouldn't be pressurised into mixing with people just because
they're not of the same religion as us, because it just highlights
the fact that we're 'different' even more, and that's something that
we would probably have previously ignored. Sometimes cross-community
schemes can backfire a wee bit, because when you sort of push people
from protestant schools and people from catholic schools together
at that type of event (eg. EMU scheme); you'll always be seen as either
'one of the catholics' or 'one of the protestants', despite the good
intentions of the scheme. If cross-community work was more subtle
(ie. not telling pupils that it's cross-community work at all), it
might be more effective.
253. Where I live has a strong Irish/Catholic background, but we
are not bigots. I play for a local soccer team just outside of where
I live, community relations where I live isn't a big thing. I have
a strong faith, but other people faith has no bearing on my opinion,
doesn't bother me.
254. Yeah. I think teenagers around this area from different religions
need to mix more and socialise with each other instead of having a
grudge on each other just because of their religion.
255. Yes - although the 'troubles' are over thank goodness! I still
feel that in NI Protestants & Catholics are suspicious of one another
and do not really mix which is a great pity. My brother is in Scotland
and it doesn't matter what religion you are. He shares a flat with
a number of boys with different beliefs. That's the way it should
256. Yes - I am a protestant, my father and male relatives are all
orange men. I play in an accordion band for a Loyal Orange Lodge.
But I also play the harp and play in a harp ensemble with all other
Catholic members. I have a strong personal faith with Jesus and think
the teachings of the Catholic Church are wrong - however I bare no
bad feelings towards any Catholics not all Unionist, Protestant, members
of the Orange order are Sectarian things! The government should stop
trying to take away my cultural identity!
257. Yes I think in NI people are friendly and lots of they respect
different culture.
258. yes, there are very less of our minorty people where it makes
it hard for us. as they wouldn't be really interested about the things
i do with my Famiy or are in my culture and because our religion tells
the qomen to wear scrafes which is hard for me do here again because
they laugh and make fun of our looks and dressing up. we get names
called and prejudying is quite known here/in the area i live. as im
an arabic asian i will get prejudge with other cultures which deep
inside hurts alot becuase the use of the wrong language but it because
we dont have enough asians or othetr mixed raced people whereas in
England its quite home. i ve also noticed that most of my friends
who are asian or muslims they get iinfluneced by some of the white
poeple here who involve them in wrong things ikes of grugs and etc.