Tuesday March 18, 2025

Year: 2008
Module: Minority Ethnic Groups

This page lists the questions asked within the Minority Ethnic Groups module in 2008. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

ANYMEG: Do you belong to any of these minority ethnic groups?

CONMEG: Have you had contact with anyone from these groups?

HOWMEG: How have you come in contact with people from other ethnic backgrounds?

FRNMEG: Are any of your friends from these backgrounds?

YOURABU2: Have you ever been a victim of any kind of racist harassment or assault outside of school?

FEELMEC: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from minority ethnic communities?

SOCMEG: How often do you socialise or play sport with people from a different ethnic background

FRNDNAME: Have any of your friends called someone names to their face because of their colour or ethnic origin?

YOUNAME: Have you ever called someone names to their face because of their colour or ethnic origin?

RACEBULL: Have you yourself ever witnessed any kind of racist bullying or harassment in your school?

YOURABU1: Have you yourself ever been a victim of any kind of racist bullying or harassment in your school?

KNOWRABU: Do you know anyone who has been the victim of racist harassment or assault outside of school?

IMPACMEG: What has been the most important influence on your views on people from other ethnic groups?

CCSTATE3: Is sectarian hatred in N. Ireland now being directed towards minority ethnic communities?

MEGSTAT2: Are a lot of local jobs being taken by other ethnic groups, which is unfair to locals?

MEGSTAT3: Is there a lot to be learned from other religions? Is this fascinating, not intimidating?

MEGSTAT4: Are people very wary of other races because of the terrorism in mainland UK?

MEGSTAT5: Is there little chance of being able to become friends with people of different races and religions unless you attend the same school?

WHYMIND: Why do you think some people would mind if one of their close relatives were to marry someone from a different ethnic background?

MEGELSE: Comments about migrant workers and minority ethnic groups

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