Year: 2008
Module: Mental Health and Self-harm
Variable: ELSEHARM
Below are the responses
to the open-ended question:
'Is there anything else
you would like to say about stress, depression and self-harm?'
Note: Responses were
only edited for grammatical reasons, if necessary. Square brackets
indicate where editing occurred.
- (Self-Harm),
no when people cut them is when they are very sad about thing[s]
in the[ir] life and they feel that it is the[ir] fault. So when
they do harm to the[ir] body they think that it helps.
- A couple of
years ago a girl attacked me and left me with a scar on my lip and
I had to get surgery on it. Not only did she leave me with a scar
I was also depressed and couldn't stop thinking about what happened.
I am very conscious of my scar and often feel sad about this. I
went to my doctor about it and he has referred me to counselling
to help me cope with it. I just feel like everyone who is going
through the same thing should get help and not let it build inside
- A lot of it
is just frustration, I think.
- A lot of people
think that teens who self harm are depressed/suicidal or 'emo',
but they don't realise it usually is a very muted, last resort as
a cry for help or attention, or even a private rebellion. More needs
to be done for teens to alleviate stress, I know that in Omagh there
is nothing for 15-17 year olds, only pubs that some sneak into or
young teen, discos.
- A lot of self-harm
is done to be part of the Emo/Goth culture. You can see that sometimes
cutting their wrists is a cry for attention by the fact that it
is done horizontally and not vertically.
- A lot of stress
can be caused due to school work, family and friends.
- A lot of young
people who self harm do it because they are down, depressed or are
being bullied. This can make them mentally feel worthless and feel
that there is no other way out. So, I think that there should be
more done in school to show young people that there is a way out
and that there are people to talk to.
- A problem
shared, is a problem halved. Live life to the max.
- A stable live
enables you to awesome difficulties. Too many young people live
in a home where no one cares. There is no family unit.
- About a year
ago, I had an eating disorder due to bullying, I felt the only positive
thing about myself was that I was then and so tired both sure. I
remained then depression affects different people in different ways.
You focus too much on actual physical harming.
- Adults don't
understand that people in our age bracket have a lot of things to
worry about or feel miserable for. For example exams, future, pregnancy,
teachers, boys/girls, friends, school life, a sick parent or relative
and the list goes on. It isn't because people are mentally ill that
they would want to self harm. It's a permanent fix for a temporary
problem to some a moment of madness. Thinking about and doing it
are very different.
- Adults put
too much stress on young people such as doing well in school good
grades so can get a good job.
- Adults sometimes
don't understand how stressed we can get.
- After letting
out my pain I would instantly feel better. But that quickly wear
off and I was left feeling stupid and ungrateful. I couldn't stop
it straight away. So I did it less and less and it worked. It also
helped thinking positive thoughts, doing something to occupy myself,
listening to different music, reading about it and feeling than
there is always someone out there who is worse off. Harsh that may
seem, but it helped me. I never did do it after though.
- Almost everyone
goes through it.
- Although you
should talk to someone when you feel stressed, depressed and feel
like self harming many people don't want to make a fuss and try
to carry on with the[ir] life
- Although some
people do self-harm for attention, most self harm is serious and
not widely seen by most people.
- Always upsides
[?], in real life problems are never as bad as you build them up
to be in your mind.
- Being depressed
is a bad thing, in my opinion people should live their life because
you only have a few years (50-60) sometimes more and I can not believe
I'm 17 in two months it's like 16 years gone by and when you think
of the good stuff I have done, there isn't much because school is
stressful and it makes you unhappy at times, just think of what
you can do in life "Don't take drugs, don't take alcohol, don't
become scum" Just be a great success.
- Children could
be helped, its just they try and hide it, then when it gets too
much day do something stupid.
- Clearly when
people self harm, they are depressed some way, in most cases I believe
this could be prevented through schemes in school etc.
- Communication
is vital.
- Depression
and self harm is a growing problem a lot of which has lead to suicide
in Craigavon and Co. Tyrone as I know of some people why carried
this out; more help needs to be offered to these people which is
confidential as I do not think there is a lot of help especially
in these areas.
- Depression
can be cause[d] by stress as it causes people to worry etc. thus
leading to self-harm. People can usually blow their problems out
of proportion, making things worse than they are, self harm for
attention, as they feel it will help.
- Depression
is strongly to do with social life.
- Depression,
especially in young people, is not dealt with or picked up on quickly
and efficiently enough. The government should invest more money
in counseling in schools etc to help young people particularly bereaved
young people to cope with whatever they're going through.
- Don't do drugs
- Don't let it
get to you. Try & find someone to talk too, it'll feel like your
solving your problem out, & a weight will have lifted.
- Don't like
to talk about it.
- Dont't have
- During teenage
years people get stressed but I think that our worries aren't as
serious as we think. Family and friends are there to help and so
we shouldn't feel alone.
- Everybody gets
a stressed at some point or another, but you have to go down before
you go up.
- Everyone experiences
stress at some point but it is important to realise that things
always get better & there are plenty of ways to eradicate stress
other than harming yourself. Depression is also common but I think
you need to set targets & have something positive to put you[r]
energy into to try to become happier again.
- Everyone gets
stressed and it should be dealt with or it could be depression or
self-harm, a lot of the time stress gets exaggerated.
- Everyone gets
stressed, [I] think but it's how you deal with it, I have never
been depressed or tried to self harm myself but I think that is
because I never heard my family talking about it as I was growing
up, and none of my friends ever tried to self-harm or were depressed.
- Everyone has
problems in their life it is how you deal with them is difficult.
You need to talk to someone who you trust who is able to advise
you and help you through it. I believe nobody should take their
own life, there is always a better solution to help you with your
problems. You need to remember their are people in the world worse
of than yourself and your can sort out your problems.
- Exams are an
added strain
- Families of
people who self-harm or suffer from depression need help also. In
some cases, the reluctance of the family to tell professionals,
perhaps at the request of the sufferer, means they are left unaided.
- Family has
a massive part to play.
- For many young
people, we feel that no one would want us to stay here, and not
many of our friends have experience on what to do in these cases.
There are so many pressures on young adults, girls especially, that
many of us feel that there is no way out, no escape other than to
end the hurt… I feel that depression is something that is quite
common and it's the people who keep it a secret that need the most
help although not many people offer them a helping hand.
- For me, I find
self harm to be a way of fair punishment for everything I do wrong.
Blaming myself is the easiest way and it stops arguments coming
from it.Depression is now a part of everyone's life. Some don't
understand what it really is and slag people of for showing their
emotions through a blade, knife, rope etc.What happens in my life
is my fault. I cause the events to occur therefore I take responsibility.
Without help I would not be here today, dieing was my only way out
but someone, my councilor, my friends, my family, gave me a reason
to live!
- From my own
experience I feel that sometimes you just have to get on with your
life and try not to think about stuff that make you feel depressed.
They will pass, or you can hope them to do so anyways.
- Get angry then,
get over it, and move on, If I'm feeling stressed at all I try to
sort it out, very much like the three points above.
- get help.
- Get help. From
your parents & Dr.
- Have had no
experience of this.
- Have never
been in these situations so don't really have views. Friends will
listen and understand. I know I would from my point of view.
- Help you from
depression see friends and talk if I out with a close friend-stress-Learn
relaxation techniques.
- hi there is
nothing I will like to say.
- I am depressed
because of the job I am in and stressed out because of it to I don't
want to let any one down or get an order wrong because it will be
my fault. Any I get paranoid about it to.
- I am just a
regular 16 yr old- I don't have any serious problem, I got to a
nice school & house lots of friends & therefore am quite happy gratefully
speaking. Like any person I get arranged with exams & sports etc
because I feel that I am put under a lot of pressure to do well
& succeed. However I would never self harm & I am not depressed
at this moment in time.
- I am to[o]
young for these things to effect me. I live a happy life & don't
think anything could lead me to think about this.
- I am very lucky
to have a good, strong family who talk to each other every day and
keep a good eye on me.
- I am very stressed
due to school.
- I believe some
people do self harm as they have or feel they have no one to help
support them, others just want attention yes but thats not how to
do it!
- I believe self
harm is an increasing problem in the UK among male and females and
is causing a rising rate in suicides. A lot of people find it hard
dealing with stress and self harm seems an easy way out of problems
and to some people the pain from self harm is almost relieving,
and healing from stress. I think people should do more to help young
people nationwide and get them talking over problems. Young people
should have someone to turn to and relate to in stressful times
and let teenagers know that they are not alone and help is out there.
- I believe that
there is a relation between the 3 terms. If you are stressed out
by whatever it may be and you don't act this in turn leads an individual
to become depressed. Depression makes an individual feel so low
that this. Tends to lead to self harm!
- I believe that
yang people who are stressed or suffer from depression self harm
as a way to feel better or get attention as they maybe too embarrassed
to talk to someone about, I also believe they may stay as they don't
want to burden other people with their problems. I also think some
people choose to ignore the fact they stressed or depressed as they
believe by doing this it will go away. I think if someone is depressed
they should tell a trusted relative a friend so they can get repaid
so they know they're not alone and that people care for them and
want to help them.
- I believe the
media is partly responsible. Two particular articles caught my attention.
One was about a girl who was self- harming herself and eventually
committed suicide. Before this she had said goodbye to her parents
and they didn't do any thing. The other one was about a boy who
committed suicide because of people bullying him because of the
way he looked emo . In both of these articles they blamed their
case in music especially a band called 'My Chemical Romance'. They
called their fans a cult. This angered the fans and the band. The
article says that they have don't lyrics which [e]ncourage self-harm,
this angered the fans and the band. Self-harm is a very important
issue to me however I don't actually do it.
- I believe
there should be a test done on young adults every 6 months to make
sure none is at risk of self harm so doctors and the health board
can keep the levels of self-harm and depression at a minimum.
- I come from
a city where last summer it was plagued by suicides from young people.
After a total of around 12-16 suicides over the summer I feel as
though maybe a domino effect was triggered. The lack of education
on a subject considered to be taboo in religion terms may have lead
to the victims believing that it was the only option. I believe
that school should have suicide awareness as an integral part of
the curriculum in PSE or PICSE classes or even LLW. I empathies
a great deal with anyone suffering as I know how hard it can be
to deal with particular issues. Over the past two year I faced numerous
strikes such as losing my favorite uncle to lung cancer I coming
to terms with my security, the death of my closest grandmother also
to lung cancer, exam pressure, and the stress and struggle of thing
to fit in at a new school. I know that some people are worse off,
but I feel that the best way to resolve these problems amongst the
youth & having the help widely available in schools. Finally I feel
that more outcomes need to be brought to however bullying in school.
Many suicides amongst them are relate to secutunity accelerator
is all we are for!
- I don't know
any one who harms them self or had depression.
- I don't see
how you can talk to a stranger but not a relative or a friend, how
can a stranger help when they don't know the full story or the full
background & the person.
- I don't self-harm!
I'm stressed a lot! I don't think I'm depressed!
- I don't think
anyone can trust councilor/ social workers, as they tell you that
you can trust them & the information you give will confidential.
You then find out that some of them have already spread your story
about, for example, teachers. The only way young people are going
to be able to talk to them about problems is if we can trust them.
- I don't think
it last forever if you get the correct help & if you feel any of
the above to go and see your local doctor.
- I don't think
that it is made that clear to teenagers who to turn to and how to
help those in need. I also think that adults underestimate how much
teenagers have to go through these days.
- I don't think
there is much you can do to stop people from harming themslevs.
If you knew someone who has something wrong with them you will no
matter what look at them in a different way as not everyone knows
how to deal with them in this situation.
- I don't understand
why people would harm the[ir] own life if they have a full life
ahead of them.
- I feel college
should give us the time in class to do our assignments and explain
them more clearly. Some students have a lot of other thing[s] to
do when they get home like look after the family and the house or
work for their living.
- I feel depressed
after filling in the form.
- I feel in my
age group the three are happening too ofter and steps should be
taken to change this.
- I feel more
should be done in recognising the sings of depression or stress
in schools. Some children cannot cope with the stress in school
combined with home problems. This could lead to depression or self-harm.
If schools took more of an interest in this problem by providing
a counselor for example, children and young adults will potentially
find school less stressful.
- I feel people
should be more open to telling friends, family and teacher's about
feeling stressed or depressed. I think by doing this and than getting
support many teenagers would disregard the action of self harming.
Also many people feel lonely and if people e.g peers in school include
those people, this definitely could help with that person's depression
and let them know that they are not alone, which could prevent that
person from self-harming or taking on over dose.
- I feel stressed
out quite often but the problem is that I don't know how to distress
- I feel that
all teachers should receive counselling training to help all student
who are strained etc & knew from my own go penances that a leader
who can talk is a very good counselor.
- I feel that
more needs to be done on the topic of stress and self-harm during
secondary education.
- I feel that
more should be done in schools to help for example if someone doesn't
seem to be their self, the teacher should maybe pull them to the
side to see if there is any problem.
- I feel that
teenagers need more help, school is very stressful and my home life
is. I wish I had more support to deal with certain situations.
- I feel the
pressure on young people in school etc about exams contributes to
a lot of stress, depression and worry. I have experienced this myself.
- I feel the
try and help young people but never do.
- I feel there
should be more help advice, and information given on self-harming
in particular. For example have an area in a leaflet, poster or
on a website where it says - before you go to self harm, think of,
and a list of reasons why they shouldn't. Maybe some reasons to
scare them into not wanting to do it like on cigarette boxes - the
adds to scare people into not smoking. Also, on the poster, leaflet/website
should have a number of help lines and counselors' numbers.
- I feel young
people are put under to much pressure at school and therefore get
stressed. I think we are made do to many exams at too young of an
- I find it really
hand not to feel stressed out and panic during important (or even
not so important) exams, even though I generally do pretty well
in them.
- I find playing
sports makes me less stressed. I have felt depressed before and
must agree that most at the time I get angry and short-tempered.
- I find that
there is a lot of stress on young people of my age for example at
school, there are deadlines to be met for coursework, have work
and at this age there are many important exams which will probably
affect be rest of our lives. Out side how much stress there actually
is on us. A lot of adults, I think, do not realize how easily our
embers can be changed and so depression can occur very easily and
in some cases thing all may lead to self harm, which should not
be the answer to all of our problems.
- I get stressed
and angry very fast and often don't know how to deal with it. When
I get stressed or depressed I cry and shout and can even lash out
at family. Find in the end I get sad that I done it.
- I got depressed
because my friend died and for the year after it me and my mates
went a bit mad drinking and fighting and stuff and when I looked
back on it I regretted it, but it's finished now. I'm getting a
job and stuff and when I look back now I just think "God I wasn't
wise when I was younger" but I was never at any point suicidal and
it want a daily thing so I didn't and still don't think it was a
big deal.
- I hate home
work. Especially the amount of ICT.
- I have a good
happy family who do things together and feel I can talk to my parents
if anything is bothering me and since starting college I am enjoying
it very much and this has given me a new found confidence which
I never had at school.
- I have being
under stress but you cannot avoid it as it follows you throughout
your life. I was also told by my doctor that I had depression before
I had turned 16 years old. Self-harm is just a way I finish myself
and I only done it because times were hard and I could not talk
about it to anyone as I thought no one would understand but some
of my friends, teachers and my school counselor was there if I wanted
to talk about it.
- I have had
to deal with a lot of self harm victims, as they are my friends
but not all the people who self harm do it because they hurt or
are suicidal. About 2 years ago when the young children of 13 and
12 got in to the 'Emo'. Some [of them] thought that you had to self
harm to be 'Emo' me and my friends sat them down and explained to
them that what they were doing was wrong and stupid and that if
they were doing it as a fashion statement to stop it. They seen
how silly they were being and stopped. About two years ago I was
depressed, and regularly thought about suicide, but I am ok now.
I still have hardly any self esteem but I don't get depressed as
much anymore. I do stress a lot though!
- I have never
considered self them. Teenager do get stressed but I have never
tell really stressed out.
- I have never
harmed myself! But I do get stressed & my family have a history
of depression, so I know it can be genetic. I have suffered depression
& am happy to say I came through it due to the help of family &
friends! I still get extremely down but I know its better to talk
about it. Not everyone has such a great family or supportive friends
so I do sympathise with teens who are feeling like I did. School
pressures contribute a lot to stress. Exams are the worst as everyone
expects you to do well as its getting harder to get into University.
- I have never
suffered from stress, depression or self-harm. I do know people
who suffered from temporary self harm because they were on a specific
drug, although nothing serious at all happened.
- I have since
told my Psychologist and my best friend about my problems.
- I have thought
about it few times but not seriously. Its very easy to get stressed
out now a days. There is a lot of pressure on young people from
friends, family and school and all teenagers will agree. Sometimes
we like to feel sorry ourselves and blame other people because we
aren't strong enough to take the responsibility ourselves. If someone
I knew told me they were self harming. I would try to help them
as much as I can because its not the answer as it makes things a
lot worse.
- I know of
people who have suffered from stress & depression I understand that
it can be a difficult time, not only for the person but for the
family members and friends. Sometimes talking to other or professionals
can help the sufferer.
- I know some
people who have used self harm thinking it will get rid of their
problem. I feel that most people do this because they are verbally
bullied for no reason. Some do it because of family life and the
family environment in which they have to live. I strongly disagree
that they do it for attention as no one knows how they are really
feeling inside. Some don't mean to do it as they are on drugs or
drunken and they regret it afterwards. For some it is too late.
There are many reasons to self harm not just the ones mentioned
before and now!
- I know some
people who self harm by cutting themselves because they think it's
cool, & show each other and compare. I think this is just for attention
& it is very wrong however I know someone who cuts themselves because
they are obese & are unhappy about the way they look.
- I live in an
area in which people (teenagers mainly) have been committing suicide
more than usual, and are all from the one town or near it. I feel
that people who have serious problems & believe that they're better
off dead as they don't have anyone to talk to or relate to. I think
the nearly every teenager experiences stress and at periods depression.
I have recently experienced out of this due to the death of my father
and I feel people need to know that if they went to see a counselor
it wouldn't be as awful as they believe.
- I myself think
that if anyone feels the need to do any of these, they need help
someone to talk to.
- I only cut
my wrist because I was bullied all the time. I don't do this any
more I am happy.
- I personally
don't think self-harming is always the answer, however for some
people it may seem the only way out. Stress and depression is very
difficult to overcome, as young people nowadays can find it awkward
to speak with their parents about their problems. And for those
with no parents it's extremely more difficult.
- I really don't
feel significant enough to look for professional help. It would
be hugely embarrassing if anything found out you were getting help.
- I self harm
because of the depression and cutting myself makes me feel good.
It's a relief to do it I always feel better afterwards even though
I know doing it is wrong.
- I sometimes
feel stress and depression for unknown reasons and sometimes it
can be hard to talk about it because you don't know the exact reason
as to why you're upset you just are. I sympathise with people who
self harm but I feel it's misunderstand because some people attach
labels like Emo-to self-harming and think they are only doing it
for attention which is untrue.
- I think a lot
more could be done about stress, I have been quite stressed out
but there is no-one is school that can help me sort out the problems
there are people who I can tell talk to about it but no-one who
will actually help. Both my parents are full time workers and have
very little time to talk, I think counseling services should be
set up within a school, and every pupil should be made to attend
every fortnight, I think this would help a lot of young people who
aren't coping.
- I think anyone
with these problems should go to their family and try to talk to
- I think everybody
goes through rough patches but it does not mean they are necessary
depressed or ill.
- I think everyone
get stressed and depressed at some part or another, some more than
others, they just need to know how to deal with it. Self harming
however, I personally don't understand why anyone would feel the
need to harm themselves, however its their decision but I think
they should be encouraged, more so, not to.
- I think having
counselors in schools is a good idea as it gives pupils someone
to talk to in confidence and sometimes it's easier to talk to a
stranger. Also having a pastoral advisor & a head of year is good
as you can talk to them because they are trustworthy.
- I think help
should be more available, recently a school colleague of mine has
committed suicide and I would nice this to be aided for and possibly
- I think in
todays society i think that teenagers feel more pressure as they
think they have to do what everybody else is doing and the way the
media is trying to influence teenagers on different types of subjects
that are being issued by the media!
- I think it
has become common now and sometimes people feel like they have no
one to talk to, and may be other people don't want to listen.
- I think it
is being lonely. The factors of stress add onto this because of
exams, but exams will never be abolished, and young people worry
their problems.
- I think it
very sad for young person to do this.
- I think it's
wrong to self-harm or harm anyone. However many things in life can
cause people to get stressed and maybe depressed; things like breakups
in relationships, school exams, course work, work place and even
peoples homes and when they live with might cause a stress full
atmosphere around any person.
- I think less
pressure should be put on students to achieve 'top marks' in school.
More schools should have an outside confidential councilor for people
to talk to. Communities should encourage people to become involved
in certain activities over the winter months to avoid people becoming
depressed from staying inside. Raise awareness on the issue of self
harm and make people realize there is always someone to talk to.
- I think more
attention should be paid to young people and their stress problems,
as there is many young people in our society who are feeling depressed
and feeling the strain of pressures around them. These are more
pressures around now than in previous years and this needs to be
looked in to, as most people do not like to or feel that no one
wants to listen to them talk about their feelings.
- I think more
help needs to be provided for serious mental health problems, like
eating disorders. There are lots of advice lines and counselling
services for other things, but for an eating disorder it took 2
months for my GP to get a counselor for me, who had one session
with me and told me I was fine and didn't need to come back. Looking
back at that time I think I was at my lowest. It had taken months
for me to wake up the courage to admit I had a problem, but after
that I felt like I was lying. I felt isolated, depressed and on
the brink of despair, and I am sure that my case was not unique.
No one else should be made to feel the way I was.
- I think more
help should be given to students who are exceedingly worried about
exams and how best to cope with the stress and pressure of trying
to do well. I find them very stressful and have felt depressed when
I think of exams in the past.
- I think more
should be done to help [those] afflicted and to identify the early
- I think more
talks should be carried out in schools and youth clubs etc. About
depression, stress and self-harm to make young people aware of the
'warning signs' and the ways of dealing with it, either inside or
outside school. These talks may also encourage young people to talk
about their problems because personally I think sometimes people
would rather pretend self-harming and talking overdoses etc. Did
not happen, but if adults and teachers are willing to speak about
it then young people may feel more confident speaking about it.
- I think most
people do it because they are lonely, feel undervalued & just need
to talk. I feel that more help is needed to prevent it and educate
people. So it's not just brushed under the carpet!
- I think most
people live with street & stressful situations because it's a way
of life for all of us. Its learning how to cope with it & what to
do in stressful situations that the biggest difficulty.
- I think most
stress for people my age is caused by school. There is a lot of
pressure facing people due to exams/grades/subjects. It can also
be difficult juggling a part time job and school. Relationships
(Boyfriends/Girlfriends) can be stressful, especially break-ups.
Some people may get depressed if they feel alone etc. I think only
a small group of people self-harm due to stress or depression.
- I think most
young people who self-harm or say they are depressed is just get
attention as most young people have not much to worry about if they
live with their parents. I was depressed I am overweight and was
looking on computer for weight loss pills. But I got over it and
am just going to try and lose weight by more exercising and [eating]
less fatty foods, but its hard when no one is really there to help
- I think often
self-harm is a cry for help, I think many young people feel stressed
and depressed but often find it hard to talk and bottle things up.
- I think people
cut themselves because if they use a razor, or a knife or anything
to make just a slice, a small cut, then all this pain and hurt that's
inside can come gushing out in the [bl]ood. The pain leaves. Even
if just for a while. Why would they ask for help? They can make
themselves feel better on their own. They don't need you.
- I think people
need to be more considerate about other people's problems - there's
a reason why someone may self-harm. I know that I feel like I can't
talk to close people about certain things - so I know there are
other people who feel the same - and it's because they are made
to feel like they are worthless and pointless.
- I think people
should see that the young people like me are stressed, depression
and self-harm! As for me I had depression and I went to the doctor
and the doctor told me to take it easy and get back to them, this
was after my Granddad had died.
- I think people
should talk to someone if they are feeling stressed or depressed
and I strongly disagree with self harm.
- I think people
who self-harm are just crying out for help because they are feeling
low or depressed. It can be just an attention thing.
- I think people
who send out messages that they are feeling like this, should seek
help and talk to someone as this could elevate their problems. People
should be more aware of self-harming etc and look out for the signs
in young people and then, help them.
- I think relationships
for young people are a huge part of stress and depression and I
don't think there is any type of support for this problem.
- I think self-harm
is really stupid and the young people that do it are attention seeking.
- I think some
adults underestimate that fact that young people can suffer from
stress. And I think some young people don't know how to handle their
stress. I think helplines for young people are well publicised in
the media in Northern Ireland.
- I think some
people self-harm because they would rather feel physical pain than
the emotional pain they are feeling or that they are upset and don't
have anyone to talk to.
- I think stress
and depression affects everyone at least once in their lives even
if it is only a small issue. It [is] in my opinion is a silent killer
in our society today and is a very often issue especially with young
people . I think more youth groups like Samaritans should be published
to all secondary schools across northern Ireland & UK to help prevent
self harm.
- I think stress
can come from pressure put on people to achieve and constantly keep
up with right standards. Feeling unhappy at home and having bad
relationship with family members can lead to overall unhappiness
in life and combined can result in depression & possibly self-harm.
People who self-harm are not to blame.
- I think teenagers
need to see how harmful self-harm can become, attention seekers
should see that it is a serious matter and not 'cool' infect it's
a mockery to those who are ill and need help.
- I think that
it would be more upsetting to be reminded of these problems when
answering a questionnaire.
- I think that
many people overexaggerate small problems which can lead to serious
- I think that
many young people find it difficult to talk about their problems
which can result in a 'bottled' up feeling of their problems.
- I think that
most teenagers often feel stressed or depressed [...] that often
this is not taken seriously enough or put down to "hormones"
- I think that
people who are suffering from these problems may be afraid to tell
someone now they are felling because they afraid of how they will
react towards the problem. Also they may think that by over dosing
or cutting is the only way to get out of the problem.
- I think that
people who self harm, are stressed & depressed should have the strength
to admit that they have a problem and get help. It doesn't help
if your going to do nothing about it, as your condition could possibly
worsen. The hardest part is admitting it. I think that anyone who
does this will have the strength to get through it all and beat
- I think that
people who self-harm are crying for attention-but sub consciously.
I would see it as a cry for help. My self is that stress if you
don't talk about it and try to solve it, will obviously just build
up and you'll end up frustrated and forgetting why. Stress can range
in severities. I don't believe that adult realize that we too can
become worried and irritable over things that matters to depression
is quite serious and the people who suffer it probably don't know
- I think that
relationships play a huge part in the lives of youths in Northern
Ireland. A relationship ending can cause depression and a lack of
self esteem and self worth. Though a healthy relationship can help
on individual to feel secure and calm.
- I think that
stress and depression is much more common and young people have
many stressors within their environment school can cause a lot of
stress, as can relationships. Also many people who self-harm are
seen as attention seeking which I strongly disagree with, they may
not be able to talk to anyone about their issues.
- I think that
the things that get young people stressed the most are relationships
and exams. I also think that many young people can hide depression.
- I think the
amount of pressure put on young people with regards to school work
and exams, is a big problem. Pupils are made to think (in my school
any way) that school is the "be all and end all" and I think it
is this that gets a lot of teenagers stressed and maybe depressed.
School is very important, and so are exams, but I do think that
teachers etc put too much emphasis on exams and too much pressure
on pupils. They have to remember that not all spare time we have
is going to be used to work for school, and take it in to consideration.
My friend and some others I know stay up until 2 o'clock most nights,
just to complete school work. We do need a life out side school!
- I think the
issue is not widely enough discussed or understood. I may not have
self-harmed myself but I know others who have. On the first occasion
I came across self-harming I was too young to understand. The second
time however which was a few years ago, I simply didn't know what
to do or how to address the person concerned and so regretably did
- I think the
new lifeline adverts on buses are very well done and there should
be more awareness that there are places you can phone.
- I think there
is a lot of help out there for people who are stressed and depressed
and for people who are thinking of self harming themselves.
- I think there
is something mentally going on and that its stupid, but I do realise
why people do it as my friend committed suicide.
- I think there
should be more clubs organised for people at 16 to talk about stress,
depression and self-harm. Also to bring people together so people
can make more friends.
- I think there
should be more help available for teenagers or days out and activities
should be organised to keep teenagers busy.
- I think we
should do more for those who are stressed, depression self-harm.
We should do more to try & prevent teenagers harming themselves.
We could do this by setting up groups were they can get involved
in activities & talk about their problems to.
- I think young
people use self-harm as a cry for help and they must be feeling
depressed if they are willing to hurt themselves.
- I thinks they
should get the[ir] anger and hurt out a different way from harm[ing]
- I would like
to say that people do not need to do anything like this and should
get help from someone and do not try anything it is not worth it
just get help and look forward to the future.
- I would like
to strongly urge people to hurt themselves in any way just to think
of their family and imagine they will go thought, if you diligently
hit yourself.
- If anyone is
feeling depressed about something I would suggest they would talk
to the closest person to them. If they feel they want to self harm
sit back before you do it and think to yourself do you really want
to be left with scars over your body? And think about what you are
leaving behind you? How many people would be hurt over your loss?
- If I am suffering
from depression is there a cure? Because I'm suffering from depression.
I would still like to kill myself.
- If I get depressed
I would hold in my tears so it seems to cut away at me. Once I have
had a good by, had help from friends & family and looked realistically
at the situation everything goes back to normal.
- If people feel
depressed do talk to someone as soon as possible and do all you
can to sort it out, do not be alone
- If we listen
to people's problems it could help them. I'm a member of Youth Actions
Rainbow Factory School of Performing Arts and we recently did a
play with suitcase theatre on self-harm, suicide and sexuality.
The play was called 'Crossroads' and we traveled around different
areas in Ireland and we had a lot of positive feedback from the
- If you talk
to someone it may be prevented.
- If young people
are considering self harm they should talk to their family, friends
or teachers as well as getting help from a specialist.
- If young people
are feeling any if those they should talk to someone about it.
- I'm recovering
from Anorexia Nervosa for the past 2.5 years, as a result of bullying
which led me to feel paranoid, worthless and uncared for. I am still
on Sertraline 100 mg tablets, to help keep depression at bay.
- In my opinion,
people who hurt themselves because they are stressed are very selfish.
Why would you put your family through things like that when you
could just talk to someone or go for a walk? Everyone gets stressed.
I think depression is more serious though and people who are genuinely
depressed should definitely get help.
- Is it normal
to be stressed when you're 16 years old?
- It affects
lots of young people. I see the results of stress and depression
everyday at school and it isn't good I think more should be done
to help young people and make them aware of stress, depression and
self harm.
- It can get
to anyone with the right circumstance (exams etc)
- It can really
get you down but with the help and support of family and close friends,
it can easily be overcome. It soon posses after comforting from
those close to you.
- It can sometimes
be difficult to talk to someone you know about these issues, therefore
it may be an idea to put social workers in schools so they can easily
reached but are unknown.
- It destroys
your childhood!
- It does happen
to a lot of young people, my best friend part away last year due
to taking an over dose. This made me realise not to it's due to
stress or bullying and I hope people do think twice about it like
I did and get help to talk to someone.
- It doesn't
affect me in my life.
- It is a big
problem for young people in Northern Ireland. They need to feel
more secure and part of the society. I think school has a big part
to play in causing stress in young people.
- It is a serious
issue facing young people. Although it has never affected me directly
it is no less significant for me.
- It is a very
serious pattern and would need to be sorted out with young people.
More young people should be aware of help and advice that is available.
- It is all real.
Work is getting harder and large people judge you more if you self
harm making it worse. Depression happens to everyone around this
age at some point, which I think is just wrong.
- It is difficult
when you don't have someone to talk.
- It is usual
for people to expression stress, depression and self harm at some
pant in their lines. The best thing to do is talk to someone.
- It is wrong,
talk to someone and sort things out.
- It makes you
feel trapped even more and that you've let your family down.
- It may seem
like the best idea at the time but you do not know what harm you
are causing yourself and your family in the long run.
- It really depends
on the person; people should learn the best way to deal with things
themselves. Other people can try to help, but just letting the person
know you're he [?] is enough. It [is] up to the person to help themselves.
- It should be
focused on a lot more.
- It's a huge
problem in society today as well as bullying. It needs to be dealt
with quickly and efficiently.
- It's a terrible
feeling - it's like a really bad nightmare that you can't wake up
- It's a thing
everyone gets, it's normal but advise people help before it's to[o]
late because the wonder is always there why? Me personally self
harm reduces anger and makes feel better. Less Stressed.
- Its all in
our leads, often our paranoia presents as for recognising reality.
- It's best to
talk to the people your most comport able with.
- It's easy to
get stressed as [a] lot is expected of young people nowadays; peer
preasure & trying to fit in with other people can lead to depression.
It can be hard to talk to people & easy to fed dose [??] to people
from daily stresses & they can lead to feeling isolated & self harming.
With young people being allowed to do thing[s] younger e.g. going
out drinking. Can be hard to fit in if not doing same can lead to
- It's hard to
deal with alone!
- Its hateful
and could be prevented. it is not right that young people are put
through stress and depression when it could be stopped. there is
too much pressure put on young people.
- It's not talked
about enough in school etc. When my friend died by suicide it was
the last person you would expect, I think if there was more done
especially for boys it would not have happened because he had so
much going for him. People should be made aware!
- It's very hard
to help people you know, e.g. a friend who is feeling suicidal or
depressed. I don't know how to help them or what to say. I think
there should be more information for the friends of the people who
are suicidal because they are sometimes the ones that can help them
& sort out the problem & as a result stop something terrible.
- Its when you
have yourself, your body, people, who you are. You just don't want
to be alive. It seems the easiest way [to] get rid of the internal
- I've suffered
from stress, depression and self-harm and my futures' looking bright…
=D1 because I got help and if this was shown to anyone noticing
that they could have depression or thoughts of self-harm, don't
bottle up what your feeling inside because it will only get worse.
It is hard to open up to someone. I thought it was impossible, but
I wanted to get better and the only way to do that was to tell someone,
it doesn't have to be your parents… I opened up to a consellor first
and once its out in the open you will feel a lot better because
then you can start to get help and eventually become the person
you want to be =D.
- Just that you
become a stronger person after you have gone through it so it does
have its benefits whether you see them at the time or not.
- Just to say
that my family mum, dad, brothers and sisters all get on. So I know
I am really lucky. I also have great friends. My mum & dad have
always guided me in the right direction and its only after the events
that you realise they are right e.g. no alcohol or drugs, take me
and pick me up when I go out. I also have part time job and my parents
have taught me value of money. I am really lucky as I said before
some people my age are not so lucky as me.
- Make help services
for it more known about! Make parents realise what their children
are doing.
- Many people
feeling depressed just need guidance along the way.
- Many people
should definitely speak to someone if they are in a situation such
as self-harm once somethings out in the open it doesn't feel such
a burden.
- Many people
who fall into the cycle of stress & depression go in & out of it,
there are good & bad days but there are not many society or people
young people feel they can go to without being stigmatized.
- More counsellors
in schools (More available)
- More emphasis
needs to put on the fact that if you're depressed it's ok to seek
help and you're not a 'looper.' Also young people may feel very
stressed about their appearance. Which is why many may suffer from
Anorexia and I find it very annoying that there is no specialised
clinic for these people in NI as they should not be placed in a
Physocotic Hospital with people who have been severe mental illness
which in turn could make them worse.
- More help is
needed to those suffering.
- More help needs
to be published for young people to know that there is someone to
talk to.
- More mental
health hospitals or help groups. Don't be shy to spend money.
- More money
or services should be addressed to this very controversial issue.
I am sure that there are more people stressed or self harming that
we do not know about. I believe that with further advertisement
and TV adds more and more people will realise what they are doing.
- More needs
to be done to help people and encourage them to get help.
- More people
should be encouraged to talk about their problems before they get
so low.
- More should
be done to help students cope with stress in the lead up to exam
time. More awareness about depression & self-harm.
- More stress
needs to be taking off teenagers, suicide awareness, de stress days.
- More talks
and services should be available in school. Stress can make young
people self-harm as they don't know any other way to deal with the
- Most cases
of suicide/ self harm could be prevented if the young person didn't
feel isolated or had someone, they felt, they could talk to.
- Most families
don't support a teenage enough when they feel stressed, fact as
if nothing is wrong. I have noticed that school has put a lot of
stress on students & not enough encouragement.
- Most parents
think its ridicule to suggest that someone as young as 16 is stressed.
But actually, I think that younger people are just as stressed as
older people and it's unfair for parents to ignore it.
- Most people
get stressed its how they deal with it that is important. I normally
talk to friends because they are my age and they might be feeling
the same way.
- Most people
I think don't actually understand depression or self harm. When
you to any explain to people, they can't understand way you do/did
it so they get angry or upset at you but there is no way for you
way to explain to them.
- Most people
who harm sometimes don't want to talk about it.
- Most people
will do it on the spur of the moment as it seems logical, but their
mind cannot comprehend the correct answer so the person is partially
insane/ mental. So in reality, it's not themselves who are committing
the act of suicide.
- Most stress
is triggered by exam pressure and the amount of study needed. I
suffer from Asthma and have found that extra stress around exam
the causes very condition to worsen. This has a knock on effect
on my performance and this in turn leads to more stress.
- Most young
people feel seriously stressed or have problems but don't ask for
help for fear of looking vulnerable or weird. There needs to be
much more advice/help sites available.
- My dad committed
suicide when I was 14
- My friend from
school self harmed and then committed suicide, no one could have
stopped her & had deiced it in her own mind-people don't realise
how much they are missed you definitely don't see it coming neither.
[If] Only she would have talked to someone.
- My Parents
always tell us no matter what it is never be afraid to tell them.
- My self harm
was brought on by feelings from anorexia nervosa and if I was in
a normal mental state I would most certainly not harmed myself.
- Never happened
to me.
- No as I don't
know a lot about any of these situations. I can get stressed a lot
in my day due to everything going on e.g. school work, family &
- No I haven't
really had much contact with anyone who has self harmed that I know
- No I'm pretty
happy guy
- No, sorry I
don't know anything about this.
- No, stress
is natural so I get on with it and cope as usually I caused the
stress by not completing my work
- No these tend
not to affect me.
- No, became,
don't do any of that, I pretty happy person.
- No, I got a
lot of home work and don't have time for this.
- Nobody understands
how much stress we are put under at school.
- Not about me
personally but other people, if they feel that bad should really
seek help. People around them should help more as well because if
they are that depressed there would be a drastic change in their
personality and the way they do things. They should be given as
much support as possible, especially from family.
- Not got, nothing
to say except the Emos are to blame, they have made depression a
- Not particularly,
Why does many keep falling off the swing? She has no arms! What's
the best things about twenty one year olds? >> There's twenty of
them! Yeoooo!!
- Not really
- Not really
no. Just that people out there that are feeling like this need to
realise there is help for them if they feel they cant talk to close
friends or family.
- Not really
since, none of those issues have ever occurred in my life.
- Not really,
it's a thing that is happing all over and we should not sit round
moping about it, get up and get out with life, look on the bright
- Often self-harm
is a search for expression of anger at yourself as much as anything.
Not all teenagers are depressed, self harmer's etc. but like anyone
life can wear us down a bit. It's annoying that we are pointed as
tortured souls.
- Only that people
should talk about it.
- People are
good at hiding places they have self harmed on, Addictive habit
- Self harming.
- People at 16
shouldn't be depressed and self-harmers just need help.
- People can
be good at hiding problems and issues, and it's usually the people
that have loads of friends and a good social life. That are going
through depression or stress behind closed doors.
- People do
it because their hurt and don't see anyway of getting out of this
- People do it
because they have been hurt by some one they loved & know one has
helped them get over it.
- People have
a perception of 'Goths' & 'Emos' they think just because someone
is labeled a Goth or an Emo they are depressed all the time & self
harm. I have friends who are 'Goths' and 'Emos' & they are the complete
- People keep
raising the standards that they want young people to achieve, we're
only human. My school expects five hours extra study per subject
each weak on top of homework, giving me four or five hours sleep
a night this [is] effecting performance in school. My friends are
just as stressed.
- People may
think that you are fine if you are chirpy and always have a smile
on your face but really you aren't happy inside people should also
try to chat to someone privately about this matter.
- People need
constant reassurance and they need conference, I think self-harm
is a phase that teenagers to through, though saying this, I don't
completely know if it's a phase. I do think students should have
more time to do homework or complete a task because it causes so
much stress. Exams especially cause stress and I think exams are
too soon for 6th form students and there is a lot of stress.
- People need
to listen more, People need to understand more.
- People need
to realise people care about them and they need help realising that
they don't have to harm themselves because there is always someone
who cares about them!
- People react
in different ways to these emotions and sometimes depression and
stress can cause self-harming. Others cope better but it may catch
up on them over a period of time.
- People should
always talk about it because it can lead to even worse things
- People should
be able to talk to people if they are stressed or self harm. Sometimes
depression can't be avoided, but all these topics should[n't] be
so taboo, so people should be able to talk to people without being
- People who
do it just want attention.
- People who
do these things are not looking for attention or are in any way
mentally ill. They just feel lousy at one point this can be caused
by family, school or relationship problems. These people are not
"weak" everyone has a different way of coping with problems and
stress. e.g.I cry when I have serious problems or am stressed.
- People who
have actual depressions (not just sadness but & chemical hormone
unbalance in the brain) should seek help and get an tide presents
but a lot of young people are now trying to get attention by claiming
that they're depressed when they're not, they're just slightly sad.
A lot of people such as "Emos" are doing this and it irks me slightly,
as I once had clinical depression myself.
- People who
self harm really need to get help or talk to someone if feeling
stressed or upset I would hang out with my friends or if something
is bothering me I just say 'f**k it!' and it helps. So make sure
you are always in control otherwise it just takes over.
- People who
self-harm should talk about their problems rather than sit quietly.
I think that self-harming could possibly be a short cut for help
but on some occasions attention.
- Sad to think
it affects people.
- School causes
a lot of it there is for too much pressure especially with having
to decide your career after your GCSE in order to chose the right
a-level or course. People especially girls are very bitchy but I
highly doubt any significant changes can be made. The government
doesn't do enough, there is nothing in school nowhere to go if you
want to talk to a psychiatric or counselor. There is not enough
publicised about maintaining good mental health.
- School could
make it a more openly spoken about issue, and not make it sound
like a boring lecture when it is mentioned.
- School is the
cause of all stress. Homework should be abolished.
- School should
talk to pupils more about this subject. Self harm should be discussed
more openly. More helplines and adverts to show what direction to
take if your in trouble.
- School think
they are there to help. But a lot of the time they are the problem.
Teachers need to sort out and invest in lives. Teaching is more
than teaching a subject. It requires help to be their emotionally
also. I'd lost without my friends.
- Schools do
not give enough information and do not offer enough support. I don't
feel I could go to a teacher in a time of stress, depression or
if I had hurt myself.
- Schools or
maybe just some are not very sensitive towards people with depression
or who self harm, but that's from my own experience-they made me
feel worse as if I was not 'right in the head' or something. People
take self harm way too seriously-in my opinion.
- Schools should
have more awareness about stress, depression and self-harm.
- Self harm is
for people too weak to deal with the fact the world is an unfair
and cruel place. Depression is a load of shit; lines it is proper
Bi polar, which is a mental condition.
- Self harm is
not about being mentally ill, but a cry for help. It's not about
preventing it the first time around, but from it happening again.
Few teenagers ever actually mean to kill themselves or injure themselves
permanently. It is a communication, a sign for someone to come in
and help, it is not the worst thing a teenager could do if treated
the right way.
- Self harm is
pointless! People need to wise up! How in hell is cutting yourself
going to help when you['re] feeling down, I'm pretty sure it's a
pile a attention seeking bull shit!
- Self harm needs
to be dealt with depression can lead to serious problems.
- Self harm was
the only way I could get away from all the hurt I was feeling.
- Self harming
is a selfish act and people who do this should think about how this
must make friends and family feel.
- Self harming
students can be ignored by teachers in school due to, I'm assuming,
them not wanting to involve/pry into the situation. Stress in young
people generally is brushed away and not taken seriously.
- Self-harm is
a very selfish act.
- Self-harm is
pointless it only makes matters worse not only for the person but
for the familys of them who do it.
- Self-harm is
stupid. Why put your family through stress, if you feel stressed,
go out with your mates and have a blast; your only young once, live
it to the full.
- Self-harm,
I don't know why the person must feel and how harming themselves,
could help the situation.
- Self-harming
should be treated the same as depression. In my opinion, it is either
seen as 'attention seeking' or 'suicide attempt gone wrong' but
if someone is diagnosed with depression it must be a real problem!
E.g. I have never told my parents that I cut because about 1 year
ago there was a feel of young teens cutting themselves for because
of the fashion term 'emo'. I knew if I talked about myself they
wouldn't help but blame it on my lifestyle-yet I don't listen to
'emo music' wear 'emo clothes' etc-I think it's disgusting that
they cut for 'fashion'. Also, I would consider myself quite 'gothic'
in fashion taste but I hate the foot that people immediately associate
'goths' with depression. (I loved black long before I begun cutting).
I think teens should be taught to see the difference between fashion,
& real problems. And also having the 'blues' not is look upon depression
as something to be ashamed of but just a part of someone.
- Since I turned
13 I have got more stressed over things, I get angry a lot, I shout,
I know it is not normal but I can't help it.
- Social anxiety
is not well known. But it is causing be depression.
- Some people
think you can just get over it but you really do need some help
from some where.
- Some people
threaten to do it but never do, its all for attention. I tried to
stop my ex, but his excuse was that cutting himself picked him up
when he's down. It's a confusing issue.
- Some people
who self harm do have problems but to be honest I think it is a
'fad'. Like a style skills as 'Emo's. I think because a lot of attention
is given to it, a lot of people think of it and then decide to give
it ago. Some people feel the need to do it because their friend
may do it or a person in their group. Most teenagers think they
are depressed aren't actually. Its just, that it is constantly mentioned
so people feel a little bummed & think they are depressed. Most
of these people are just feeling sorry for themselves & this isn't
fair on the few who actually have problems as it is hard to differentiate
between the two.
- Some people
who stress haven't really got problems they just turn small problems
into major ones. I think the main stress for teenagers would be
exams or family problems.
- Sometimes I
get stressed over family problem, or because of my illness which
is asthma.
- Sometimes
people don't know that what they are doing is, in fact, self harming
such as bulimics. There are lots of advertisements and campaigns
in the media to encourage people to talk about their problems, but
it is very difficult to actually do that.
- Sometimes we
just need time to sort ourselves out. I have had several friends
with bad depression and from trying to help them it seems that they
need to talk with someone who can relate to them.
- Sometimes you
feel down and feel like the world's against you but it's not. Don't
do everything major in the spur of the moment. You & the people
around you would only regret it life's precious, hold on to it as
long as you can.
- Stress can
lead to self-harm sometimes. My view on self-harm is that the person
is hurt inside and self harming can relieve that hurt.
- Stress - Mainly
caused by school. Assessments at a level standard are a lot harder
than at GCSE and so people get stressed out more easily. Depression
- Once people get into this state of mind, it can be very hard to
get out of it. A lot of people have a view of it as being something
abnormal, but it is something you can not help! Self-Harm - Young
people are doing this now because it is 'cool'.
- Stress & depression
on a minor scale is typical of any teenager growing up- its natural,
Self harm is when it's gets serious and needs sorted out.
- Stress affects
people differently, it can upset me and make me quite unhappy in
relation to work but in school work and exams I work best under
stress and pressure. 3
- Stress and
depression are awful feelings. Depression is really difficult to
get rid of because you just feel as if everything is hopeless. Depressions
can affect anyone, even those who think that they would never get
to that level of unhappiness. Sometimes when you are depressed,
you self harm, even if it is just once, because you are so frustrated.
You feel as if you have no control over a situation. The worst thing
is that you feel as if you can't talk to anyone, even if you want
to, because you feel as if they won't take you seriously or are
over reacting to stupid things. Sometimes depression gets so bad,
you can't even look in the mirror. I think depression seriously
affects 15-18 year olds.
- Stress as a
teenager is difficult to clear with. Same times when you feel depressed
it is hard to as for help.
- Stress becoming
a popular thing and so are the other two as well.
- Stress can
be caused by lots of different reasons and if you are under stress
talk to someone who will listen. Depression is something that can
hurt people and it is the same with stress and it can be the course
of self-harming.
- Stress depression
and self-harm are not to me illnesses. They are just ways in which
young people, my age, cope with life.
- Stress is a
strong character[istic] in everyone's day to day life and it contributes
in many different ways in which many people respond to different
tasks in their life. [...?] it is important that others are aware
[of] the causes stress can have on an individua,l stress is powerful
and can affect a person in many different ways.
- Stress is kind
of integrated into modern society, it's pretty much impossible to
avoid. In some ways we have to get used to it, but I think it would
be helpful to be better educated how to cope with stress.
- Stress is quite
easily avoided but many have a habit of over worrying about work,
social life or personal problems which can lead to stress. Depression
is often caused by a deep emotional or mental problem that has been
left too long without getting help. Self harm is a definite cry
for help and it should be said that someone should talk to the victim
to find out the root of the problem, it should not just be left.
- Stress is related
to schoolwork, money and trying to find to do it all. Self image
can stress people. Boyfriend/girlfriend trouble can lead to depression.
- Stress: just
got heavy work load in school. In one week it will be over so I
won't be stressed.
- Stress should
not be overcome by harming yourself, you need to relax and think
through. Depression and self-harm, I believe, are caused by bullying
or the loss of a close relative but if help is given straight away
and a person is made to feel happy about going to see someone then
the problem can be solved.
- Stress, Young
people sitting their GCSEs are under an immense amount of pressure.
This leads to unnecessary stress for such a young person. Depression,
it's so easy to fall into. The sad they is that you don't realize
you a victim of depression until you either start harming yourself
or attempt to take you own life. Even then, some people choose to
ignore this or don't have the strength to stop. Personally, I don't
think enough help is provided to children. Its at times in a child
life, when fauns [?] tough exams or losing someone close to them
that support should be there for each individual to stop them falling
into Depression etc.
- Talk to close,
friends, relatives and even teachers. Do not ever bottle it up as
you are doing more to yourself than anybody else.
- Talk to your
parents if possible, never bottle anything up.
- Talks in school
etc, don't help because generally people who are worried about thing[s]
don't want to voice the problems in front of everyone else. Good
friends = Less worry.
- That if you
need help more should be offered.
- That if anyone
is in the position they must get help.
- That people
should talk about feeling depressed for it hurts more people in
the end.
- The[y] can
all be prevented if the victim will talk, sharing a problem is halfing
a problem in a way!
- The credit
crunch is depressing and I feel it is putting many people in a position
were they become depressed, stressed or even choose to self harm.
- The helplines
aren't helpful, not enough operators, too impersonal.
- The media put
many young people under stress to look good like celebrities. They
emphasis that everyone must look good and work hard to get the best
body. If people can't do this they may get depressed and turn to
self ham.
- The pressure
of society can often lead teenagers to feeling not smart, pretty
or thin enough which can lead to much bigger problems, such as depression,
anxiety or stress. I believe if there was less emphasis put on intelligence
and more on developing other qualities and life skills, young people
would not fear failure as much. Every school should also have a
counsel[l]or or frosted [?] teacher for pupils to talk to if they
need help. More awareness should be made about the dangers of self
harm and depression and how to help prevent it (and how to recognise
- The worst possible
thing to hear when stressed or depressed, is someone close to you
telling you "What have you got to be depressed about?"Or even them
thinking that you're joking and starting to laugh, I nearly went
ins[an]e because it this.
- There are areas
that need more attention, and more teenagers need help, as many
of them do not seek help.
- There are many
things that can help reduce stress such as good sleep, exercise,
healthy diet and help with the problem. Stress should not lead to
self-harm as simple things can normally fix the problem. I think
self-harm is stupid as it doesn't fix anything and can lead to more
- There are so
many factors that add to depression and I believe that as young
people grow up they feel that there is not enough support available
(be this true or not) Eating disorders are rapidly increas[ing]
and yet they are hardly ever addressed in any shape or form in school.
There are another means in which depression is brought about and
expressed. There is so much stress put on young people at home,
school and outside of it and it is important for young people to
know how to prioritise and understand what is most important.
- There has been
many occasions when I felt like I was on the edge. I got so worked
up I thought 'How can I get through?' It's never as bad as it seems.
Trust me! Self- harm to[o] a big issue, many do it for attention
as they see celebrities do it, but there is the other kind of attention
when they are crying out for help if they attempt it, all they need
is a shoulder to cry on a friend. With that they can get through
- There is not
enough backup in schools. There is too much stigma attached to depression
and self harm, not enough discussion. Prevention is better than
- There is not
enough getting done about it
- There is not
enough help and support groups in local areas, people that need
someone to talk to have to travel before seeing someone. A lot of
people say they [k]no[w] how you feel, which I think unless they
have been in the exact same situation [they] can not say this!
- There is not
enough, people in schools got to help with these kind of things
are be trained. The young people are just suspended from school
as they don't know how to deal with them.
- There is too
much pressure on young people to succeed academically. Leisure pursuits
or hobbies can be given little attention and non-academic people
can be made to feel unintelligent or failures. There is constant
stress of school with frequent testing. I don't feel that I am in
any position to comment on self-harm as I don't fully understand
why people do it. I don't see the attraction but I can't help feeling
that some people do it for attention. I do think that enough help
is available for depression and stress with plenty of advertising
for help lines e.g.
- There isn't
enough information given to young people of where to seek help.
- There isn't
much help for young people who are stressed, people have no consideration
for people who are depressed or who self harm.
- There need
to be more qualified nurses in school to help diagnosis teenage
depression. There should also be less exams and more project based
learning to combat teenage stress more qualified guidance counselors
that are based outside of school that is free of charge.
- There should
be more advertisements for groups such as the Samaritans because
there is not many advertisements on TV and there could prevent or
help the above problems.
- There should
be more awareness of suicide and information of where to get help.
e.g. use of the media ( TV, magazines, Internet)
- there should
be more easy access to confidential support
- There should
be more education in schools & work places so that people are able
to talk about problems and can be helped.
- There should
be more help to teenagers from school and community. School puts
too much pressure on us and teamed with home troubles, you would
need to have on cold heart for it not to get to us.
- There should
be more services available in schools/communities to help young
people who feel stressed or depressed.
- There should
be more talking about it in schools & openly with the reassurance
of just information in case it happens to them or a family member
& know how to react & act.
- These are lead
on to earth other. Its very difficult to overcome depression but
talking to friends is the main solution do not keep everything inside.
- These things
can be dealt with, don't let them get on top of you too much.
- They all need
someone close to them who they can trust and talk to who suffers
from none of these to talk to the[m] calmly and offer the best help
and advice they can and they should not run away from the problem.
- They need to
be able to talk to someone. Don't try to be hard, just ask for help.
- They should
not be left to suffer they should get help as soon as possible so
that their condition doesn't get worse.
- To get attention
- To me it seems
like there is a bit of a taboo about self-harm and I think this
only makes matters worse. If we talked about issue like this more
in schools or with our parents, I think young people would be able
to resolve their problems without having to self-harm.
- Try not to,try
to get help.
- Try to talk
to someone.
- Two acquaintances
of mine killed themselves in the past 2 years, one nobody know[s]
why exactly, but her entire appearance and dream-sense dramatically
changed in the last, weeks. She had also been spending a lot of
time on the computer, much more so than usual. It is suspected that
she became involved in a pro-suicide website, which may have influenced
her decision. I believe this is a serious problem and websites such
as these should be dismantled. The other young girl, we have no
idea why she did what she did but obviously she had serious worries
or problems bottled up inside her but felt that she had no one to
share them with. It should be made certain that every young person
has a trustworthy confidante.
- Umm, the only
people I've heard about self harming are generally attention seeking
people, but I do think there are many more real serious cases. People
today can be made to be depressed by comparing themselves to others
and obvious because of many other factors e.g. work, friends and
- Well just on
thing. That teenagers do and can suffer from depression & stress.
And more needs to be done to prevent this, example more facilities
& clubs.
- When I done
this I was feeling very low, felt no one cared, had a lot of problems
I thought I couldn't cope with. Thinking back on it now I realise
I blew it way out of proportion.
- When it comes
down to it, there no point in self harm, you will just hurt yourself
more (even end up dead) and hurt others like you family. It's better
to speak to someone. Your life is valuable.
- When self-harm
takes a step-up, it is horrible for those left behind. Makes you
feel that you could have presented it.
- When you are
stressed out take a break or it could lead to depression which will
cause you to self-harm. Life is precious and you should be happy
to have your health.
- Whenever I
feel stressed I also wish it could all just go away and all end.
But however I always know that this is only a moment in time and
it is all going to pass. I think every young person goes through
a stage of depression, I have learnt how to deal with my feelings,
just talking to someone makes a big difference.
- with the [right]
help you can get over it and deal with it
- Yes but it
is too hard to express at times. I lost my friend at the weekend
and at times it is hard to cope.
- Yes I would
like to say that there is not enough help and activities for young
people age[d] 16th [and] above. It is very common that young people
feel the same as me. Many of my friends have done this and discussed,
how they are feeling and why and it has shown me that they are feeling
what I am feeling. Also I don't want to talk to people because you
don't know how to approach them or what to say.
- Yes it's a
horrible thing and I realise now that if the people around you don't
help you then you become very lost and so it continues because you
feel like no one cares or understands what you [are] going through.
It is the worst feeling in the world when you['re] depressed but
some feel to overcome this depression they should be in control
and so they cut themselves or take an overdose to feel in control.
- Yes that it
is point less. It's just a dead end. It doesn't get you anyw[h]ere
it just makes you feel worse. I did it for years then then didn't
do it for 1 year then just out of the blue I did it.
- Yes, I feel
that these are major issues in today's society and should be addressed
more often in schools, colleges and universities so that you can
give the young people a lifeline. I also feel that the issue of
bullying is not carried out well in schools too as just today [?].
I witnessed a young boy getting chased by many other youths. With
more talks I feel this could have been prevented.
- Yes, these
issues are quite common in todays society and those who suffer usually
suffer from silence. So these people should speak up and try to
get help without having to suffer.
- You will only
hurt more and more people that are very close to you, and you will
wreck their lives as well as your own.
- Young people
are under a lot of stress with tests and such. I think the work
surrounding tests should be lessened.
- Young people
aren't given enough help. No-one really understands the extent of
these groups problems.
- Young people
don't feel as if they have someone to talk to so they keep things
in their head which builds up and eventually could cause depression.
- Young people
don't get stressed often, the biggest stress is exams and that comes
from the school itself scaring young people into doing well.
- Young people
don't seem to tackle this as an important issue. I believe they
don't recognise sign of depression in their early stages, so they
are indeed to stop the progression. I wish someone would initiate
an effort to highlight the importance of these issues. This survey
is great, however, I wish all young people were asked of their opinion
and solution to help individuals in such circumstances.
- Young people
in my experience once don't think it not big an issue [?] when they
do it they have no idea of the repercussion of their actions.
- Young people
need more help.
- Young people
should be taught about how to help friends with problems like these
and eating disorders.
- Young people
sometimes feel depressed and may self-harm to relieve their pain
and desperation. Many who are depressed and self-harm do not intend
to kill themselves, they just want to be free. They may do this
to seek attention which they feel they are deprived of. People who
are stressed, depressed or feel like self-harming need to seek help
and resolve the problem.
- Young people
who do it might be going through a ruff time, and maybe should think
about getting help, as all problems could get solved, If you open
up and let somebody help.
- Young people
who do this often feel lonely or isolated and will not feel comfortable
talking or discussing their problems with a strange[r] down the
other end of a phone line something else may make them feel more
- Your making
me depressed by asking me this survey. Lol
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