Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2007

If response to COMCCPR is 'Yes'...
Thinking about this project again, to what extent were you yourself actively involved in the organisation and running of the programme?



A great deal16
Quite a lot20
To some extent29
Not very much19
Not at all13
Don't know3


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


A great deal 14 17
Quite a lot 18 22
To some extent 26 32
Not very much 22 17
Not at all 17 11
Don't know 3 3



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
A great deal 17 13 *
Quite a lot 16 20 *
To some extent 29 32 *
Not very much 21 19 *
Not at all 13 14 *
Don't know 5 1 *

* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.


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