Year: 2006
Module: Environment and global issues

If response to HELPDEV is 'Yes' or 'Don't know'...
How do you think you can help? Please tick the one way that you think would help most.



Giving money to charity47
Buying fair trade goods11
Taking part in campaigns like Make Poverty History7
Writing to MPs or other politicians1
Writing article for school/local newsletter1
Going on holiday to a poorer country2
Joining a charity6
More than one way or other ways22
Don't know1
Not Answered3


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women


Giving money to charity 46 47
Buying fair trade goods 13 9
Taking part in campaigns like make poverty history 5 8
Writing to mps or other politicians 1 2
Writing article for school/local newsletter 1 0
Going on holiday to a poorer country 2 2
Joining a charity 4 7
More than one way or other ways 24 21
Don't know 1 2
Not answered 4 2



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Giving money to charity 51 46 43
Buying fair trade goods 10 10 16
Taking part in campaigns like make poverty history 7 7 8
Writing to mps or other politicians 1 1 2
Writing article for school/local newsletter 0 1 0
Going on holiday to a poorer country 3 2 0
Joining a charity 7 4 7
More than one way or other ways 19 27 19
Don't know 1 1 3
Not answered 2 3 3


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