Year: 2006
Module: Education

This page lists the questions asked within the Education module in 2006. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Education can be found on the Education Resources page.

EXPSCH10: On the whole, did you feel very happy while at school?

EXPSCH4: Did school teach you the skills and knowledge you will really need later in life?

EXPSCH11: Did most teachers not respect you as an individual?

EXPSCH12: Are you satisfied that you have achieved at school to the best of your ability?

SCHVIEW: Were students at your school allowed to express their views about the running of the school?

SCHLCNCL: Did your school have a school council?

SCNCLEFF: How effective was the school council in raising and influencing issues affecting school life?

STUDSAY1: What kinds of things do students have a say in? School uniform

STUDSAY6: What kinds of things do students have a say in? The budget

STUDSAY3: What kinds of things do students have a say in? The curriculum

STUDSAY4: What kinds of things do students have a say in? Facilities

STUDSAY7: What kinds of things do students have a say in? School policies

STUDSAYO: What kinds of things do students have a say in? Other

STUDSAY8: What kinds of things do students have a say in? School meals

STUDSAY9: What kinds of things do students have a say in? School formals and events

STUDSA10: What kinds of things do students have a say in? Charity and fundraising

COST1: Do your parents find it difficult to afford costs for school uniform?

COST2: Do your parents find it difficult to afford costs for school books and materials?

COST3: Do your parents find it difficult to afford costs for day trips/events during the school day?

COST4: Do your parents find it difficult to afford costs for day trips/events outside school hours?

COST5: Do your parents find it difficult to afford costs for school organised holiday trips?

COST6: Do your parents find it difficult to afford other costs associate with school?

HIVSCHL: Have you been in a lesson where HIV and AIDS has been discussed?

HIVSUBJ: In what subject areas were HIV and AIDS discussed?

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