PRESSDRG: Have you ever felt pressurised
to take illegal drugs?
PRESSCIG: Have you ever felt pressurised
to smoke cigarettes?
PRESSALC: Have you ever felt pressurised
to drink alcohol?
PRESSSEX: Have you ever felt pressurised
to have sexual intercourse?
PRESSWGT: Have you ever felt pressurised
to lose weight?
PRESSOTH: Have you ever felt pressurised
to do something else?
WHOPARA: Where did the pressure to
join a paramilitary organisation mainly come from?
WHODRUGS: Where did the pressure
to take illegal drugs mainly come from?
WHOSMOKE: Where did the pressure
to smoke cigarettes mainly come from?
WHODRINK: Where did the pressure
to drink alcohol mainly come from?
WHOSEX: Where did the pressure to have
sexual intercourse mainly come from?
WHOWGT: Where did the pressure to lose
weight mainly come from?
WHOOTH: Where did the pressure to do
something else mainly come from?
RISKPARA: Is there a risk of young people
being asked to join paramilitary groups?