Sunday March 16, 2025

Year: 2005
Module: Pressures and Influences

This page lists the questions asked within the Pressures and Influences module in 2005. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

PRESSPM: Have you ever felt pressurised to join a paramilitary organisation?

PRESSDRG: Have you ever felt pressurised to take illegal drugs?

PRESSCIG: Have you ever felt pressurised to smoke cigarettes?

PRESSALC: Have you ever felt pressurised to drink alcohol?

PRESSSEX: Have you ever felt pressurised to have sexual intercourse?

PRESSWGT: Have you ever felt pressurised to lose weight?

PRESSOTH: Have you ever felt pressurised to do something else?

WHOPARA: Where did the pressure to join a paramilitary organisation mainly come from?

WHODRUGS: Where did the pressure to take illegal drugs mainly come from?

WHOSMOKE: Where did the pressure to smoke cigarettes mainly come from?

WHODRINK: Where did the pressure to drink alcohol mainly come from?

WHOSEX: Where did the pressure to have sexual intercourse mainly come from?

WHOWGT: Where did the pressure to lose weight mainly come from?

WHOOTH: Where did the pressure to do something else mainly come from?

RISKPARA: Is there a risk of young people being asked to join paramilitary groups?

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