This page lists
the questions asked within the Identity module in 2005. Clicking on
the question name printed to the left of every question will bring
you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further
information on Identity can be found on the Community
Relations Resources page.
How important is your religious identity to you?
National identity
NATIDIMP: How important is your national identity to you?
FEELCATH: How favourable do you feel about people from the Catholic
FEELPROT: How favourable do you feel about people from the Protestant
PROTCATH: Do you see yourself as part of a religious community?
COMPROUD: Are you proud to be part of the Protestant/Catholic
COMGLAD: Are you glad that you are part of the Protestant/Catholic
COMEMBAR: Are you sometimes embarrassed to be part of the Protestant/Catholic
COMNOT: Do you sometimes wish you were not part of the Protestant/Catholic
JEWREL: Do you openly wear any items of personal jewellery or
clothing that signifies your religion and/or political allegiance?
WEBREL: Do you visit websites of political or cultural organisations
associated with your religious community?
Have you ever felt sexually attracted to someone?
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