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  Women and Political Participation -1991

Year: 1991

Module: Level of involvement
Variable: Q94

If involved in a group or organisation (including political parties)...
From this card, please tell me the two most important reasons for your involvement.
Code '1' beside the most important reasons and'2' beside the second most important.

The following table shows the percentage of respondents identifying each reason.

Results for men and women
  Male Female
1st choice
2nd choice
1st choice
2nd choice
In a democracy, everyone has a duty to take on civic responsibilities 1 1 1 1
One has a responsibility to future generations 4 4 4 3
People should devote part of their free time to socially useful activities 2 3 5 3
As a Christian, I have a duty/commitment to help others 1 4 2 7
The government can't be expected to take care of everything 1 0 1 <1
My involvement gives me a feeling of personal satisfactions 6 3 5 5
To embarrass the government into fulfilling its public obligations 1 <1 <1 <1
In order to influence political decisions, people must involve themselves in public life 1 <1 1 <1
Because of the women's movement/feminism 0 0 <1 <1
No one else would do it 1 1 1 1

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