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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1996

Year: 1996

Module: Economic Activity
Variable: SECONACT

Economic activity of spouse

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
In fulltime education 0
On government training/employment programme eg Youth Training etc 58
In paid work (or away temporarily) for at least 10 hours in week 0
Waiting to take up paid work already accepted 5
Unemployed and registered at a benefit office 0
Unemployed, not registered, but actively looking for a job (of at least 10 hours a week) 0
Unemployed, wanting a job (or at least 10 hours per week) but not actively looking for a job 7
Permamently sick or disabled 11
Wholly retired from work 18
Looking after the home 0
(Doing something else) 1

Results for men and women
  Male Female
In fulltime education 0 1
On government training/employment programme eg Youth Training etc 51 64
In paid work (or away temporarily) for at least 10 hours in week 0 1
Waiting to take up paid work already accepted 1 8
Unemployed and registered at a benefit office 0 1
Unemployed, not registered, but actively looking for a job (of at least 10 hours a week) 0 1
Unemployed, wanting a job (or at least 10 hours per week) but not actively looking for a job 6 8
Permamently sick or disabled 8 13
Wholly retired from work 34 3
Looking after the home 0 1
(Doing something else) 0 1

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
In fulltime education * 0 0 0 0 0
On government training/employment programme eg Youth Training etc * 71 75 64 35 15
In paid work (or away temporarily) for at least 10 hours in week * 0 0 1 0 0
Waiting to take up paid work already accepted * 11 5 3 4 0
Unemployed and registered at a benefit office 0 0 1 0 0 0
Unemployed, not registered, but actively looking for a job (of at least 10 hours a week) 0 0 0 1 1 0
Unemployed, wanting a job (or at least 10 hours per week) but not actively looking for a job 0 3 2 11 15 9
Permamently sick or disabled 0 0 0 3 18 54
Wholly retired from work * 15 16 16 26 21
Looking after the home * 0 0 1 0 0
(Doing something else) 0 0 1 1 1 1
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
  Catholic Protestant No religion
In fulltime education 0 1 0
On government training/employment programme eg Youth Training etc 48 60 *
In paid work (or away temporarily) for at least 10 hours in week 1 0 0
Waiting to take up paid work already accepted 8 3 *
Unemployed and registered at a benefit office 1 0 0
Unemployed, not registered, but actively looking for a job (of at least 10 hours a week) 1 0 0
Unemployed, wanting a job (or at least 10 hours per week) but not actively looking for a job 10 6 0
Permamently sick or disabled 9 14 0
Wholly retired from work 22 16 *
Looking after the home 0 0 0
(Doing something else) 1 0 0
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.

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