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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: Transport

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


SHOPMOVE: Should shops and offices be encouraged to move out of town and city centres?

CYCPEDPR: Should cyclists and pedestrians be given more priority in towns and cities even if this makes things more difficult for other road users?

MOTCHAR1: Should motorists be charged for driving in city centres in working hours?

TRPSPND1: Should government spend more improving local bus services?

TRPSPND2: Should government spend more building more roads?

TRPSPND3: Should government spend more improving local rail services?

TRPSPND4: Should government spend more improving and widening the roads we already have?

TRPSPND5: Should government spend more improving long distance rail services?

TRPSPND6: Should government spend more improving facilities for cyclists and pedestrians?

TRAFPRB6: How serious a problem is congestion on motorways?

TRAFPRB7: How serious a problem is increased traffic on country roads and lanes?

TRAFPRB8: How serious a problem is traffic congestion at popular places in the countryside?

TRFPRB9: How serious a problem is traffic congestion in towns and cities?

TRFPRB10: How serious a problem are exhaust fumes from traffic in towns and cities?

TRFPRB11: How serious a problem is noise in towns and cities?

TRANSCAR: Do you have regular use of a car or a van?

NUMBCARS: How many vehicles does your household have access to?

COMPCAR: Is this vehicle provided by an employer or run as a business expense?

MOTMEMBR: Do you belong to any motoring association?

NCARINCV: If you could no longer have the use of a car, would you find it really inconvenient ?

NEEDCAR1: Do you need a car as you live too far from a station or bus-stop?

NEEDCAR2: Do you need a car as the bus or train does not run often enough?

NEEDCAR3: Do you need a car as there is no convenient bus or train route?

NEEDCAR4: Do you need a car as the cost of bus or train travel is too high?

NCARPTR: If public transport were better or cheaper, would you use a car less?

DRIVE: Do you drive a car?

TRAVEL1: How often do you usually travel by car as a driver?

TRAVEL2: How often do you usually travel by car as a passenger?

TRAVEL3: How often do you usually travel by local bus?

TRAVEL4: How often do you usually travel by train?

TRAVEL6: How often nowadays do you usually travel by bicycle?

TRAVEL9: How often nowadays do you go somewhere on foot at least 15 minutes' walk away?

SHORTOIL: Within the next 20 years, will shortages of oil and gas be one of the most serious problems for the UK?

RISETEMP: Within the next 20 years, will a rise in temperature due to the greenhouse effect be one of the most serious problems for the UK?

TRAFNOIS: Within the next 20 years, will traffic noise be one of the most serious problems for the UK?

TRAFCONG: Within the next 20 years, will traffic congestion be one of the most serious problems for the UK?

DAMAGE: Should industry be prevented from causing damage to the countryside, even if it means higher prices?

RAILSHUT: Should local rail services that do not pay for themselves be closed down?

BUSPRIOR: should buses be given more priority in towns and cities, even if this makes things more difficult for car drivers?

CARCNTRY: Does a visitor to the countryside need a car to get around.

CAREASY: Are car drivers given too easy a time in the UK's towns and cities?

BUSSHUT: Should local bus services that do not pay for themselves be closed down?

IMPTRP: Should the UK do more to improve its public transport system even if its road system suffers?

TOLLDRIV: should drivers be charged tolls on all motorways?

VEHPERM: Should only vehicles with permits for essential business be allowed in city centres in working hours?

PARKCHAR: Should parking charges in towns and cities be much higher?

COMPCARS: Should company cars be banned except where they are essential for employees in their work?

PEDESTR: Should more streets in cities and towns be reserved for pedestrians only?

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