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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: Social_Networks

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


MUMVIST2: How often do you see or visit your mother?

MUMJURNY: How long does it take to get to where your mother lives?

MUMPHONE: How often do you have contact with your mother by telephone?

MUMWRITE: How often do you have contact with your mother by writing?

DADVIST2: How often do you see or visit your father?

DADJURNY: How long would it take you to get to where your father lives?

DADPHONE: How often do you have any contact with your father by telephone?

DADWRITE: How often do you have any contact with your father by writing?

SIBLINGS: How many brothers and sisters aged 18 or older do you have?

BROSIS: Do you have brothers or sisters aged 18 or older?

SIBVISIT: How often do you see or visit this brother/sister?

SIBJURNY: How long would it take you to get to where this brother/sister lives?

SIBPHONE: How often do you have any contact with this brother/sister by telephone?

SIBWRITE: How often do you have any contact with this brother/sister by writing?

CHILDREN: How many sons and daughters aged 18 or older do you have?

CHDSEX: Do you have a son or a daughter aged 18 or older?

CHDVISIT: How often do you see or visit this son/daughter?

CHDJURNY: How long would it take you to get to where your son/daughter lives?

CHDPHONE: How often do you have any contact with this son/daughter by telephone?

CHDWRITE: How often do you have any contact with this son/daughter by writing?

PALS: How many close friends do you have?

SEXPAL: Is your best friend a man or a woman?

PALVISIT: How often do you see or visit your best friend?

PALJURNY: Journey time to where your best friend lives?

PALPHONE: How often do you have contact with your best friend by phone?

PALWRITE: How often do you have contact with your best friend by writing?

HELPJOB1: Who would you turn to for help with a household or garden job?

HELPJOB2: Who would you turn to next for help with a household or garden job?

HELPBED1: Who would you turn to for help around the home if you were ill?

HELPBED2: Who would you turn to next for help around the home if you were ill?

HELPMNY1: Who would you turn to borrow a large sum of money?

HELPMNY2: Who would you turn to next to borrow a large sum of money?

HELPPRB1: Who would you turn to for help if you had a problem with your partner?

HELPPRB2: Who would you turn next for help if you had a problem with your partner?

HELPDPR1: Who would you turn to for help if you were down or depressed?

HELPDPR2: Who would you turn to next for help if you were down or depressed?

PROVCARE: Have you provided regular help or care in the past 5 years?

CAREWHO: Who have you provided regular care with most recently?

RECCARE: Have you received regular help or care in the last 5 years?

CAREFRM: Who have you received care from most recently?

LENDMONY: In the last 5 years, have you helped someone out with a gift or loan of £100 or more for an emergency?

MONEYWHO: Who did you help out with a gift or loan of £100 or more from?

BORWMONY: In the last 5 years, have you received a gift or loan of £100 or more for an emergency?

MONEYFRM: Who did you receive a gift or loan of £100 or more from?

INTOUCH1: Should people keep in touch with relatives even if they don't have much in common?

KIDSGO: Should children expect help from their parents once they have left home?

FAMHELP: Should people always turn to their family before asking the state for help?

FRIENDS1: Are your friends are more important than members of your family?

INTOUCH2: Should people keep in touch with close family members even if they don't have much in common?

BLAMEFAM: Are people too quick to blame the family for social problems?

ALLRELAT: Do you try to stay in touch with all your relatives?

FRIENDS2: Would you rather spend time with friends than family?

MISSMOST: Who would you miss most if you could not longer have any contact?

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