MUMVIST2: How often do you see or visit your mother?
MUMJURNY: How long does it take to get to where your mother lives?
MUMPHONE: How often do you have contact with your mother by telephone?
MUMWRITE: How often do you have contact with your mother by writing?
DADVIST2: How often do you see or visit your father?
DADJURNY: How long would it take you to get to where your father lives?
DADPHONE: How often do you have any contact with your father by telephone?
DADWRITE: How often do you have any contact with your father by writing?
SIBLINGS: How many brothers and sisters aged 18 or older do you have?
BROSIS: Do you have brothers or sisters aged 18 or older?
SIBVISIT: How often do you see or visit this brother/sister?
SIBJURNY: How long would it take you to get to where this brother/sister lives?
SIBPHONE: How often do you have any contact with this brother/sister by telephone?
SIBWRITE: How often do you have any contact with this brother/sister by writing?
CHILDREN: How many sons and daughters aged 18 or older do you have?
CHDSEX: Do you have a son or a daughter aged 18 or older?
CHDVISIT: How often do you see or visit this son/daughter?
CHDJURNY: How long would it take you to get to where your son/daughter lives?
CHDPHONE: How often do you have any contact with this son/daughter by telephone?
CHDWRITE: How often do you have any contact with this son/daughter by writing?
PALS: How many close friends do you have?
SEXPAL: Is your best friend a man or a woman?
PALVISIT: How often do you see or visit your best friend?
PALJURNY: Journey time to where your best friend lives?
PALPHONE: How often do you have contact with your best friend by phone?
PALWRITE: How often do you have contact with your best friend by writing?
HELPJOB1: Who would you turn to for help with a household or garden job?
HELPJOB2: Who would you turn to next for help with a household or garden job?
HELPBED1: Who would you turn to for help around the home if you were ill?
HELPBED2: Who would you turn to next for help around the home if you were ill?
HELPMNY1: Who would you turn to borrow a large sum of money?
HELPMNY2: Who would you turn to next to borrow a large sum of money?
HELPPRB1: Who would you turn to for help if you had a problem with your partner?
HELPPRB2: Who would you turn next for help if you had a problem with your partner?
HELPDPR1: Who would you turn to for help if you were down or depressed?
HELPDPR2: Who would you turn to next for help if you were down or depressed?
PROVCARE: Have you provided regular help or care in the past 5 years?
CAREWHO: Who have you provided regular care with most recently?
RECCARE: Have you received regular help or care in the last 5 years?
CAREFRM: Who have you received care from most recently?
LENDMONY: In the last 5 years, have you helped someone out with a gift or loan of £100 or more for an emergency?
MONEYWHO: Who did you help out with a gift or loan of £100 or more from?
BORWMONY: In the last 5 years, have you received a gift or loan of £100 or more for an emergency?
MONEYFRM: Who did you receive a gift or loan of £100 or more from?
INTOUCH1: Should people keep in touch with relatives even if they don't have much in common?
KIDSGO: Should children expect help from their parents once they have left home?
FAMHELP: Should people always turn to their family before asking the state for help?
FRIENDS1: Are your friends are more important than members of your family?
INTOUCH2: Should people keep in touch with close family members even if they don't have much in common?
BLAMEFAM: Are people too quick to blame the family for social problems?
ALLRELAT: Do you try to stay in touch with all your relatives?
FRIENDS2: Would you rather spend time with friends than family?
MISSMOST: Who would you miss most if you could not longer have any contact?