Tuesday March 18, 2025

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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Year: 1995

Module: Public_Spending
Variable: INPAT1

Now suppose you had to go into a local NHS hospital for observation and maybe an operation. From what you know or have heard, please say whether you think the hospital doctors would tell you all you feel you need to know?

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
Definitely would18
Probably would51
Probably would not22
Definitely would not8
Don't know2

Results for men and women
Definitely would 19 17
Probably would 51 51
Probably would not 20 23
Definitely would not 7 8
Don't know 3 1

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
Definitely would 10 15 14 20 23 25
Probably would 62 49 52 46 49 51
Probably would not 24 24 25 21 19 15
Definitely would not 3 11 7 12 6 5
Don't know 1 1 2 1 3 4

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Definitely would 19 17 18
Probably would 49 54 43
Probably would not 21 21 26
Definitely would not 9 6 11
Don't know 2 2 3

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