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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: National_Identity

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


CITIZEN: Are you a citizen of the UK?

CITZPAR: At the time of your birth, were both, one, or neither of your parents citizens of the UK?

CLOSNGBH: How close do you feel to your neighbourhood or village?

CLOSTOWN: How close do you feel to your town or city?

CLOSCNTY: How close do you feel to your county?

CLOSNI: How close do you feel to Northern Ireland?

CLOSEURP: How close do you feel to Europe?

MOVENGBH: If you could improve your work or living conditions, would you move to another neighbourhood (or village)?

MOVETOWN: If you could improve your work or living conditions, would you move to another town or city within this county?

MOVECNTY: If you could improve your work or living conditions, would you move to another county?

MOVENI: If you could improve your work or living conditions, would you move outside Northern Ireland?

MOVEEURP: If you could improve your work or living conditions, would you move outside Europe?

UKUNITED: Should the United Kingdom remain as one nation?

NATCITZN: Would you rather be a citizen of the UK than of any other country in the world?

NATASHMD: Are there are some things about the UK today that make you feel ashamed of the UK?

NATLIKE: Would the world be a better place if people from other countries were more like people from the UK?

NATBEST: Is the UK a better country than most other countries?

NATPRID0: How proud are you of the UK in its fair and equal treatment of all groups in society?

NATPRID2: How proud are you of the UK in its political influence in the world?

NATPRID3: How proud are you of the UK in its economic achievements.

NATPRID4: How proud are you of the UK in its social security system?

NATPRID5: How proud are you of the UK in its scientific and technological achievements?

NATPRID6: How proud are you of the UK in its achievements in sports?

NATPRID7: How proud are you of the UK in its achievements in the arts and literature?

NATPRID8: How proud are you of the UK in its armed forces?

NATPRID9: How proud are you of the UK in its history?

NATPRID1: How proud are you of the UK in the way democracy works?

FORGREL1: Should the UK limit the import of foreign products in order to protect its national economy?

FORGREL2: For certain problems, should international bodies have the right to enforce solutions?

FORGREL3: Should schools make much more effort to teach foreign languages properly?

FORGREL4: Should the UK follow its own interests, even if this leads to conflicts with other nations?

FORGREL5: Should foreigners be allowed to buy land in the UK?

FORGREL6: Should television give preference to films and programmes made in the UK?

SHARTRAD: Is it impossible for people who do not share the customs and traditions of Northern Ireland to become fully part of it?

ETHNCAID: Should ethnic minorities be given government assistance to preserve their customs and traditions?

ETHNCVW: Is it better for a country if different racial and ethnic groups maintain their distinct customs and traditions?

IMMIGRT1: Do immigrants increase crime rates?

IMMIGRT2: Are immigrants generally good for the UK's economy?

IMMIGRT3: Do immigrants take jobs away from people who were born in the UK?

IMMIGRT4: Do immigrants make the UK more open to new ideas and cultures?

IMMNUMB: Should the number of immigrants to the UK nowadays be increased?

REFSTAY: Should refugees who have suffered political repression in their own country be allowed to stay in the UK?

LIVECHLD: Where did you spend most of your childhood?

LIVEABRD: About how long altogether have you lived in other countries?

IMMEXCLU: Should the UK take stronger measures to exclude illegal immigrants?

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