Monday March 17, 2025

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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Year: 1995

Module: Europe
Variable: ECDEC5

Some say that more decisions should be made by the European Union. Others say that more decisions should be made by individual governments. Do you think decisions about immigration should mostly be made by the European Union or mostly by individual governments?

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
Mostly made by the eu17
Mostly made by individual governments44
Made by both equally24
Can't choose11
Not answered4

Results for men and women
Mostly made by the eu 18 16
Mostly made by individual governments 47 42
Made by both equally 22 25
Can't choose 10 12
Not answered 3 4

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
Mostly made by the eu 22 23 17 17 12 10
Mostly made by individual governments 24 41 50 52 50 47
Made by both equally 43 24 22 17 20 19
Can't choose 10 8 10 10 14 16
Not answered 2 4 2 4 5 8

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Mostly made by the eu 25 12 *
Mostly made by individual governments 30 54 *
Made by both equally 27 22 *
Can't choose 14 9 *
Not answered 4 4 *
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.

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