EUUNITE: Should the UK unite fully with the European Union or protect its independence?
ECPOLICY: Should the UK leave the European Union?
ECUVIEW: Opinion on single European currency.
ECGBCLSE: Should the UK's relationship with the European Union be closer?
ECLNKINF: Would closer links with the European Union give the UK more influence in the world?
ECLNKSTR: Would closer links with the European Union make the UK stronger economically?
DECFUTNI: Who should have the right to decide the long-term future of Northern Ireland?
TROOPOUT: Would you support or oppose a complete withdrawal of British troops?
NATION: Are the UK's interests better served by closer links with Western Europe or with America?
UNITEEC: Should the UK unite fully with the European Union or protect its independence?
EUKNOW: How much have you heard or read about the European Union?
UKBENEU: Does the UK benefit from being a member of the European Union?
EECBRIT1: If we stay in the EU, will Britain will lose control over decisions that affect Britain?
EECBRIT2: Is the competition from other EU countries making Britain more modern and efficient?
EECBRIT3: Will loots of good traditions have to be given up if we stay in the EU?
ECDEC1: Should decisions about taxes should mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?
ECDEC2: Should decisions about controlling pollution mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?
ECDEC3: Should decisions about defence mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?
ECDEC4: Should decisions about the rights of people at work mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?
ECDEC5: Should decisions about immigration mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?