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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: Education

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


EDSPEND1: Which group would be your highest priority for extra government spending on education?

EDSPEND2: Which group would be your next highest priority for extra government spending on education?

PRIMIMP1: What is the most useful thing for improving the education of children in primary schools?

PRIMIMP2: What is the next most useful thing for improving the education of children in primary schools?

SECIMP1: What is the most useful thing for improving the education of children in secondary and grammar schools?

SECIMP2: What is the next most useful thing for improving the education of children in secondary and grammar schools?

ADVISE16: How would you advise a 16 year old about their future?

VOCVACAD: Which do you think gives people more opportunities and choice in life?

SEGEDBOY: What sort of school would you advise an 11 year old boy to go to?

SINGLEBO: Why would you advise an 11 year old boy to go to a single-sex school?

MIXEDBOY: Why would you advise an 11 year old boy to go to a mixed-sex school?

SEGEDGRL: What sort of school would you advise an 11 year old girl to go to?

SINGLEGR: Why would you advise an 11 year old girl to go to a single-sex school?

MIXEDGRL: Why would you advise an 11 year old girl to go to a mixed-sex school?

HEDOPP: Should opportunities for you people to go on to higher education about the right level?

HEFEES: Should students pay their own teaching fees at university?

HEGRANT: Should university students get grants to help cover their living costs?

HELOAN: Should university students be expected to take out loans to help cover living costs?

STATSEC1: How well do state secondary schools prepare young people for work?

STATSEC2: How well do state secondary schools teach young people basic skills?

STATSEC3: How well do state secondary schools bring out young people's natural abilities?

SCHLLEAV: Are school leavers from state secondary schools better qualified than they were 10 years ago?

TEACHPAY: Are teachers in state secondary schools better paid or worse paid nowadays than they were 10 years ago?

CLASSBEH: Is classroom behaviour in state secondary schools better or worse nowadays than it was 10 years ago?

TEACHBET: Is the standard of teaching in state secondary schools better or worse nowadays than it was 10 years ago?

UNIQUAL: Are students leaving university better qualified or worse qualified nowadays than they were 10 years ago?

UNITEACH: Is the standard of teaching in universities better or worse nowadays than it was 10 years ago?

UNIJOBS: Do students leaving university have better or worse job prospects nowadays than they had 10 years ago?

SKILLIMP: Do employers pay too much attention to practical skills and training, and too little to exam results?

EXAMIMP: Do universities pay too much attention to exam results, and too little to practical skills and training?

UNIVPUB1: How important is it that universities publish details of how many students complete their degree?

UNIVPUB2: How important is it that universities publish details of how many students get a first class degree?

UNIVPUB3: How important is it that universities publish details of how many students get a job when they finish?

UNISHLD1: Which is the most important quality universities should aim to develop in their students?

UNISHLD2: Which is the next most important quality universities should aim to develop?

UNIDOES1: Which one of these qualities do you think universities actually do develop most in their students?

UNIDOES2: Which one of these qualities do you think universities actually do develop next most in their students?

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