EDSPEND1: Which group would be your highest priority for extra government spending on education?
EDSPEND2: Which group would be your next highest priority for extra government spending on education?
PRIMIMP1: What is the most useful thing for improving the education of children in primary schools?
PRIMIMP2: What is the next most useful thing for improving the education of children in primary schools?
SECIMP1: What is the most useful thing for improving the education of children in secondary and grammar schools?
SECIMP2: What is the next most useful thing for improving the education of children in secondary and grammar schools?
ADVISE16: How would you advise a 16 year old about their future?
VOCVACAD: Which do you think gives people more opportunities and choice in life?
SEGEDBOY: What sort of school would you advise an 11 year old boy to go to?
SINGLEBO: Why would you advise an 11 year old boy to go to a single-sex school?
MIXEDBOY: Why would you advise an 11 year old boy to go to a mixed-sex school?
SEGEDGRL: What sort of school would you advise an 11 year old girl to go to?
SINGLEGR: Why would you advise an 11 year old girl to go to a single-sex school?
MIXEDGRL: Why would you advise an 11 year old girl to go to a mixed-sex school?
HEDOPP: Should opportunities for you people to go on to higher education about the right level?
HEFEES: Should students pay their own teaching fees at university?
HEGRANT: Should university students get grants to help cover their living costs?
HELOAN: Should university students be expected to take out loans to help cover living costs?
STATSEC1: How well do state secondary schools prepare young people for work?
STATSEC2: How well do state secondary schools teach young people basic skills?
STATSEC3: How well do state secondary schools bring out young people's natural abilities?
SCHLLEAV: Are school leavers from state secondary schools better qualified than they were 10 years ago?
TEACHPAY: Are teachers in state secondary schools better paid or worse paid nowadays than they were 10 years ago?
CLASSBEH: Is classroom behaviour in state secondary schools better or worse nowadays than it was 10 years ago?
TEACHBET: Is the standard of teaching in state secondary schools better or worse nowadays than it was 10 years ago?
UNIQUAL: Are students leaving university better qualified or worse qualified nowadays than they were 10 years ago?
UNITEACH: Is the standard of teaching in universities better or worse nowadays than it was 10 years ago?
UNIJOBS: Do students leaving university have better or worse job prospects nowadays than they had 10 years ago?
SKILLIMP: Do employers pay too much attention to practical skills and training, and too little to exam results?
EXAMIMP: Do universities pay too much attention to exam results, and too little to practical skills and training?
UNIVPUB1: How important is it that universities publish details of how many students complete their degree?
UNIVPUB2: How important is it that universities publish details of how many students get a first class degree?
UNIVPUB3: How important is it that universities publish details of how many students get a job when they finish?
UNISHLD1: Which is the most important quality universities should aim to develop in their students?
UNISHLD2: Which is the next most important quality universities should aim to develop?
UNIDOES1: Which one of these qualities do you think universities actually do develop most in their students?
UNIDOES2: Which one of these qualities do you think universities actually do develop next most in their students?