PRICES: Within the next year will prices have gone up?
UNEMP: Within the next year will unemployment have gone up?
UNEMPINF: Should the government keep down inflation or unemployment?
CONCERN: Is inflation or unemployment of most concern to you and your family?
INDUSTRY: In the next year, will the UK's general industrial performance will improve?
INCOMGAP: Is the gap between those with high incomes and those with low incomes too large?
TAXHI: How would you describe levels of taxation for those with high incomes?
TAXMID: How would you describe levels of taxation for those with middle incomes?
TAXLOW: How would you describe levels of taxation for those with low incomes?
SRINC: Among which income group would you place yourself?
HINCDIFF: How do you feel about your household's income?
HINCPAST: Over the last year, has your household's income fallen behind prices?
HINCXPCT: In the next year, will your household's income fall behind prices?